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Government hints at boosting Canada’s military spending

I don’t think that is an accurate statement in its entirety for the CAF. To a degree those experienced pers are replaced by those immediately behind them in ranks, time in and experience.
The new recruits are replacing the Ptes and Corporals bow MCpls, and Lts now Capts.

If the intake and outflow get too far apart in terms of numbers then yes the experience based starts eroding. I would suggest we have seen that but it’s due to the imbalance not necessarily the system bringing in people only at the bottom.
Fully agree. Fresh blood is needed in all institutions or it ages itself out of business. That's especially true of organizations like the military that needs a large number of folks with the vigour that youth brings. In addition you need to cull the top in order to provide reasonable opportunities for promotion/advancement for the younger and middle group or they will lose heart. It's also necessary to cull those at all levels that are just putting in time or are otherwise ineffective. How well you manage that process will determine how healthy and vibrant your organization will be.

Fully agree. Fresh blood is needed in all institutions or it ages itself out of business. That's especially true of organizations like the military that needs a large number of folks with the vigour that youth brings. In addition you need to cull the top in order to provide reasonable opportunities for promotion/advancement for the younger and middle group or they will lose heart. It's also necessary to cull those at all levels that are just putting in time or are otherwise ineffective. How well you manage that process will determine how healthy and vibrant your organization will be.

Oddly that also works with equipment too ;)
I don’t think that is an accurate statement in its entirety for the CAF. To a degree those experienced pers are replaced by those immediately behind them in ranks, time in and experience.
The new recruits are replacing the Ptes and Corporals bow MCpls, and Lts now Capts.

If the intake and outflow get too far apart in terms of numbers then yes the experience based starts eroding. I would suggest we have seen that but it’s due to the imbalance not necessarily the system bringing in people only at the bottom.

The costs of attrition are enormous, though, when compared to the costs of retention …

Why Employees Quit​

Attrition Is a Persistent, Costly Problem​

Leaders can’t reasonably blame their human capital troubles on the economic or competitive challenges of the day. Long before the Covid-19 pandemic, which saw the highest quit rates in U.S. history, employers complained that talented people were walking out the door with their knowledge, skills, and relationships. Those departures are expensive. Studies estimate that on average, the cost of losing an employee ranges from six to nine months’ worth of that person’s compensation. For technical and executive positions it can be as high as twice the employee’s annual salary.

Shots fired....

"My intent is to offer some criticism of the status quo so that we can learn and then perhaps some sort of question period to get into some solutions. Essentially, in my opinion, ‘“Strong, Secure, Engaged”,’ the precursor to the current defence policy, delivered nothing substantive in terms of modern military equipment, which saw Canada, in fact, become weaker, more insecure, and essentially absent from the deployable stables of troops required for either United Nation missions, or, of course, NATO."

No, to review the purpose of agencies that review everything. Once the fat is cut, so is DOGE.

Hey if I know anything it’s that government agencies never outlive their initial purpose.

But getting to the root of DOGEs purpose its job is to oversee government costs right? To make sure the tax payer is getting the best possible, most efficient, most fair, bang for its buck? To make sure that no one is spending that money unwisely?

It’s the Treasury Board.
Hey if I know anything it’s that government agencies never outlive their initial purpose.
But getting to the root of DOGEs purpose its job is to oversee government costs right? To make sure the tax payer is getting the best possible, most efficient, most fair, bang for its buck? To make sure that no one is spending that money unwisely?

It’s the Treasury Board.
The only issues is the TB created a model of inefficiency.
I cannot think of a single thing Canada needs less that a government agency who’s purpose is to review yet again every acquisition we make.
It’s the Treasury Board executing PMO’s will
It isn’t anything that the Government doesn’t have the power to make happen…TB/TBS are just the messengers/instruments to control the rest of Government to PMO’s wishes.
If you seriously believe that, I have some great oceanfront property in Sask I would love to sell.

Just like the carbon tax you liberals are trying to sell, which Canadians aren’t buying? Good luck with your property..
It’s been used before, it’s being used now and it will be used I am sure under the next gvt.

It's working so well too! There is absolutely zero government bureaucratic waste when it comes to military procurement. Carry on.
It's working so well too! There is absolutely zero government bureaucratic waste when it comes to military procurement. Carry on.
I realise your understanding of how it works is lacking. Military procurement? Now you are bouncing to so thing else? And who said it’s working well? And what is your barometer for that?

Remember DRAP? How did that work out?

You still haven’t really justified the creation of another group just to do the work that one group already has the capacity to do.

Please explain as we all know you are the resident “expert” on things. This should be good.
I realise your understanding of how it works is lacking. Military procurement? Now you are bouncing to so thing else? And who said it’s working well? And what is your barometer for that?

Remember DRAP? How did that work out?

You still haven’t really justified the creation of another group just to do the work that one group already has the capacity to do.

Please explain as we all know you are the resident “expert” on things. This should be good.

Don't fix what's not broken am i rite!? :ROFLMAO:
We need our own version of DOGE in this country.
So I'm with you in concept, re minimizing government waste

In the US, they already have the GAO - the government accountability office, whose job is to review federal contracts to try and keep things more or less going according to plan

But the GAO's mandate will be to ensure fiscal prudence among the very existence and structure of entire government departments.

DOGE's suggested mandate is to take the macro view on the whole of government in terms of waste, re are there any redundant departments or unnecessary processes that can be eliminated altogether. (Re - does the US even need a Department of Education? Or an ATF?)

In Canada we have a totally different ball of wax to deal with. But I can't disagree that something similar could be helpful up here to an extent. (Bloated public service, I'm looking at you!)