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Government hints at boosting Canada’s military spending

Just bring the rail head to the factory. You can't tell me with CN and CP we don't have the talent to quickly build rail logistics
So long as the customer pays. Cost = distance. Most likely it would be a private contractor anyway. I doubt the Class 1s build much industrial trackage these days.
No scotch involved. Pure caffeine this morning.

Keep swimming is good.

I am just minded that:

We walk a very narrow path.
Our domestic facilities for conventional arms are very limited.

For example - can we produce a medium calibre autocannon (20-40mm)?
Our American owned GDOTS-Canada can manufacture 20 and 25mm rounds in small quantities, as well as some 40 mm grenades. To my knowledge we have no domestic supplier of 30 and 35mm rounds, or 40mm Bofors and no suppliers of the necessary guns. And those are the calibres that appear to be best suited to the drone rich environment being encountered out there.

Here is one appreciation of the non-conventional systems that could be fielded in 3-5 years:

In my opinion the good news is that Ukraine managed to build those systems starting from a very weak position, using domestic manufacturers that did not interfere with the production of conventional weapons.

On the other hand they have had to beg, borrow and steal guns, bullets, bombs and missiles.
A facility that can make 25mm rounds can be rejigged to 30-40mm fairly quickly, or better yet, have a new line opened to provide both. The training, safety and QC portions of the business will be the same.