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Guns, Gangs and Toronto

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"Too harsh?"

- Ya think?  Yeah, for this website, I would say so. We (the royal we?) might be hard on the convicted and the perps-in-progress, but extending the Moss Park Armoury 'lebensraum' through fatal chemical injection is a tad extreme at this point.

Hey, we just need this injection thing to be administered as part of the Firearms Act.  After all, needles are dangerous, and should be registered.  All needles are made to inject, and every illegal needle started out as a legal one...


So, only registered needles are given to licensed junkies.

TCBF said:
So, only registered needles are given to licensed junkies.


Does no one realize that this is going to send petty crime (and perhaps not so petty crime) through the roof in those neighbourhoods as junkies try to finaince their next score?!

Glad I no longer live there.

Slim said:
Does no one realize that this is going to send petty crime (and perhaps not so petty crime) through the roof in those neighbourhoods as junkies try to finaince their next score?!

Glad I no longer live there.

  Either they have their heads buried in the sand (possible with some members of council), or much more likely they just plain don't care cause where ever this thing ends up, it won't be in their ward so it won't be their problem.  And when crime goes through the roof in the area, will they blame themselves for the mess they foisted upon the said community?  HxELL NO!  They will blame it on poor relationships with the police, racial profiling, the lack of basketball courts and group hugs, and for good measure Mike Harris and Ernie Eves.  Maybe the higher ups will allow a few of us Infantry types who work out of Moss Park to hone our marksmenship skills from the roof of MPA (with surpressed weapons of course ;)).
Hatchet Man said:
Maybe the higher ups will allow a few of us Infantry types who work out of Moss Park to hone our marksmenship skills from the roof of MPA (with surpressed weapons of course ;)).

$5 if you can hit the syringe!

Hell I've been arguing for OBUA livefire practice in the jane/finch and regent park areas for years now.  This city needs to learn to utilize it's resources  ;D
Having the pleasure of working at a provincial courthouse in Toronto  has afforded me the opportunity to see who's committing the crimes out there. (like I didn't know before , this just confirms it though) I get the chance to speak with a lot of court officers also, and the majority of them just keep telling me the same things.

I hear cries of racism almost everyday...and in most cases the accused is obviously guilty....anyone remember last week's mugging and assult of an 83 year old woman in the West end....three 15 year old boys.....none of them even showed any remorse... and they robbed her for the minuscule amount of $13.

I witness cases like this on a regular bases. Blaming the government and society is not the answer. It all comes down to common values  that we all share in order to make our society thrive, and it appears this has been lost on the younger generation.

I honestly think pop culture has a lot to do with  helping to facilitate a generation of kids that don't hold any of the values of those that came before them. Now you will have those people out these who will tell you that people were saying the same thing about rock music in the 60's and so on...but you cannot compare today's "music" with anything that came before it. And simply saying that it is the choice of the child or parent to monitor what is being listened to is bullsh*t.  If the "music" these kids are listening to does not have an effect on them, why do they all dress in the same thugged out fashion? Why have they forgone learning proper english for "gansta"? Why are they all so selfish, prone to violence? etc....They are all spitting images of their hero's they see on TV, or listen to on the radio.

Having a choice is a good thing if you can differentiate between fantasy and reality. However, children who are raised on this nonsense become predisposed to its message and values. I honestly believe we have to get rid of  this crap, it's rotting their brains, and unlike rock music that came before it, there is no good message in here....it is purely destructive. And if you think the kids still aren't influenced by it...then what do you think  they watch and listen to all day long while their parents are both working all day and there's no one to monitor them.
I would agree with most of that, except boil the blame down to where it belongs.  It is not so much blaming society and the Govt (although if the Liberals are any sort of example, we would all be wearing suits and jacking people for huge cash to give to our Franco friends).  Ask "why" did it end up that way.  It is a combination of fringe groups pushing for more advantage in socitety, and the people allowing it. 
When did telling someone "no" become so distasteful?  If you stop someone from doing anything ie) lobbing spit balls, robbing crippled elders, and they complain, it is how you react to the complaint that set the tone.  I regularly get the race card thrown at me, and I throw it right back.  It is the last chance cry of a weak and insecure individual.  If someone says they are going to lodge a complaint, I write down the phone number and my badge for them and encourage them to call.  I have even given out the number for the Black Coalition branch number for people using that particular card.  (No one else seems to have a ____ Coalition yet).  I know my stats will show I deal with far more white trash than anything.  In the GTA, if you are white you are the minority.  A clever individual should be able to work that into some sort of come back. 
But whose fault is it?  If you shrink and back down when anyone starts squaking about you holding them accountable, then it is, in part, your fault.  You let it happen.  If you know you have colour of right, then dont back down.  It's the same for school teachers.  They put up with so much crap from the parents, and why?  Tell the parents to pound sand up their a$$ or put their brat in a private school.
We have to stand up and take our values back ourselves.
"We have to stand up and take our values back ourselves."

- I'd vote for you.

Ha! Thanks, Tom.  I imagine if I was ever in the public eye it wouldnt take too long for the liberal media to paint me as some sort of new age facist psycho monster.  And lets face it, with a few variations, this website is alot of preaching to the converted.  I'm happy taking care of my family, and my city for now.  Maybe a retirement job in a few years...
It appears that Toronto's plague of wannabe thugs are at it again....


As many as 15 young people were involved in a wild shooting spree that killed a teenage girl and injured six others in a packed downtown Toronto area on the busiest shopping day of the year, police said Tuesday.

Det. Sgt. Savas Kyriacou told a news conference that an intense police investigation is underway following the Boxing Day shooting.
Police cordoned off the site of the shooting, on Yonge Street in the core of Toronto's downtown shopping district. 
Kyriacou called the violence despicable and tragic.
"It was a tragic loss and a tragic day," he said.

"I say tragic because it's a day when Toronto has finally lost its innocence. "

The shooting happened just before dinnertime Monday as shoppers crowded the sidewalks of Yonge Street, just north of the tourist-heavy Eaton Centre shopping mall.

A 15-year-old girl, whose name has not yet been released, was shopping with her family when she was hit by a bullet. Earlier reports had said she was 19.

The teen was declared dead in hospital following the 5:19 p.m. shooting. Witnesses said she had been standing outside a Foot Locker store when she was shot in the head.

One man working at the sporting-goods store's cash register said people began rushing in seeking safety.

Saw girl on ground

"I just came out and I saw a girl lying (down)," he said. "She was bloody on the ground"

Six other people – described by police as four males and two females – were taken to hospital. "One person, a male, is in critical condition," Kyriacou said.

"We're treating all people who were injured as innocent bystanders," he said, adding that "a number of people have provided us with information."

Police officers said they arrested two young men and seized a gun.

Busy road closed

A section of Yonge Street – normally a busy north-south thoroughfare in the heart of downtown – remained closed Tuesday as police continued their investigation.

Police arrested two young men within an hour of the shooting at a nearby subway station, where they recovered a gun, but they weren't yet certain if they were involved in the violence.

No charges have been laid yet.

Police added that more guns could have been involved and there could be more arrests.

10-15 people may have been involved

Police said they believe the gunfire broke out between two groups, with 10 to 15 people in their late teens to early 20s involved in an exchange of gunfire on busy Yonge Street.

News of the shooting shocked the city, which has been reeling from a mounting toll of gun violence this past year.

There has already been a record number of gun-related deaths this year in Toronto – 52 – reported by Dec. 26, out of 78 slayings in total.

Mayor David Miller said in a statement he was "saddened and angered that such a brazen act of senseless violence would be perpetrated on Toronto's main street on Boxing Day."

Gun violence in Toronto has become an issue in the federal election campaign.

Political issue

In early December, Prime Minister Paul Martin chose Toronto to announce plans to introduce a law that would virtually ban handgun ownership across Canada, and double minimum prison sentences for some offences.

On Tuesday, Conservative Leader Stephen Harper addressed the shootings during a stop in Calgary.

Harper said Martin's call for a ban on handguns is not the answer, and that the government should be enforcing laws already on the books.

Anti-violence advocates have also expressed their dismay and anger over the shooting.

"What's happening here is that you have perpetrators taking control of city streets," Delores Lawrence, an anti-gun violence advocate, told CBC News on Tuesday.

"They are lawless, fearless and they don't care," she said.

Methinks that when these idiots are caught, they will be portrayed as misguided youth, failed by our social and school systems, and really not responsible for their actions. They (and their lawyers) will place the responsibility for their actions at societies' feet.

The death penalty is too good for these ones....
Notice the total absence of surprise by the law-enforcement community?

The "day when Toronto has finally lost its innocence"?  The only ones surprised by this are the goddamn politicians, and I'm sure they're thrilled to have yet another chance to play at partisan politics.  Personaly I've been expecting something like this for years, and any cop or gaurd who's worked in that area will tell you the same.

"What's happening here is that you have perpetrators taking control of city streets," Delores Lawrence, an anti-gun violence advocate, told CBC News on Tuesday.

"They are lawless, fearless and they don't care," she said.

It seems that even "ant-gun violence" advocates understand the problem.  These individuals have no respect for the law, they "don't care".  Yet what's their proposed solution?  Make yet another law.  Take away the guns of law-abiding citizens.

Really makes one proud to be a Canadian doesn't it?
Try replacing putting the word "gangs" where it belongs in the article.  Funny it was never mentioned.

Police added that gangs could have been involved and there could be more arrests.

10-15 people may have been involved

Police said they believe the gunfire broke out between two gangs, with 10 to 15 people in their late teens to early 20s involved in an exchange of gunfire on busy Yonge Street.

News of the shooting shocked the city, which has been reeling from a mounting toll of gang violence this past year.

There has already been a record number of gang-related deaths this year in Toronto – 52 – reported by Dec. 26, out of 78 slayings in total.

Mayor David Miller said in a statement he was "saddened and angered that such a brazen act of senseless violence would be perpetrated on Toronto's main street on Boxing Day."

Gang violence in Toronto has become an issue in the federal election campaign.

Political issue

In early December, Prime Minister Paul Martin chose Toronto to announce plans to introduce a law that would virtually ban gang membership across Canada, and double minimum prison sentences for some offences.


Anti-violence advocates have also expressed their dismay and anger over the shooting.

"What's happening here is that you have perpetrators taking control of city streets," Delores Lawrence, an anti-gang violence advocate, told CBC News on Tuesday.

"They are lawless, fearless and they don't care," she said.
Probabbly... Pity a 19 year old woman had to get shot and killed just cause she wanted some boxing day bargans....

I swear.... Id love to get the charter of rights revoked for just 3 days...... on those same three days call in Aide to Civil Power and moblize reserve units accross canada....  Lets kick down some doors and see what we can find?

a little too drastic and a bit too facist? yeah i know... but i bet it would probabbly take a few weapons off the street and shut down a couple gangs for a little while....

realistically though? maybe the Govt and Courts should be makeing and enforcing stiffer penalties for violent crimes and weapon offences instead of focusing on Gay Marriage and Swinger Parties..... Sheesh... real great sense of priorities...  ::)
This is going to sound racist.. hell maybe it IS racist..

Toronto will never solve it's gang problem untill it, and certain communities.. own up and face some hard, uncomfortable truths.

What truths? Well. Well over 90% of "street gangs" are "non-white" That statement makes people uncomfortable.. but it is true.

There are no "White Malvern Boys".. or White "Bloods" or "Crips" Ask anyone in Regent park, Jane/Finch areas.

There are"White Gangs" Bikers.. Italian and Russian Mafia ect. but they don't deal drugs on the corner.. they don't do drive by crowd shootings ect.. they do it.. a different way, a quiet way.. out of the public eye.

The police know exactly WHO the Thugz are.. who has the drugs.. the guns.. but they can't do anything about it.. like stop a car.. do a random id check ect. 'cause that would "upset the community" (Damm racist police)

Look back at ANY of the public shootings.. now show me how many were done by people of "other than white" origin.

Did a gang of Irish guys shoot that bus up?

Was it a crowd of Italians who shot up boxing day?

Did a Polish guy shoot up that funeral???

Everyone knows who does this stuff.. no one has any balls to spit it out.

Call me a racist..but you can't say I'm lying.
Take the gang members, from all gangs and ship em up to the great white north. drop em off at some old mine or logging site and tell em that they must depend on each other to survive the full term of their sentences... and visit the site once every 12 months...
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