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Has anyone from DEO heard back from Borden yet?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Tigger
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Yeah, thats what the Lt. told me.  She said I'm on the waiting list, but she wanted to be honest and tell me I'm pretty far down on the list.  She also mentioned that they had recieved the message in the last couple of days.  I didn't expect to be in contention for AERE anyways, I mostly applied as a "what if". 

I suppose it is entirely possible that there would be communication between the different boards, and that they'd put me low on that list and high on another list intentionally, but I'm not sure.  I have no idea how it works.

Either way, I'm expecting SIGS to be the job I'm offered, and the more I think about it, the better I feel about the trade.  I actually think I'd be equally happy with any nearly any engineering occupation, so whatever they pick is fine with me. 
Hi Tigger and Hoser,

If you do not mind, can you tell me when did you apply for CF.  Hoser, you have Aerospace degree why they are saying you are down in waiting list ?  one the other hand they are saying we have shortage of engineers !!!

Garbageman, RNW and Ringrinrat have 15 months to 2 1/2 year wait period  !!!! 

Thats too much  :threat:  :crybaby:
I applied in January of this year. 

I originally planned on applying for ROTP at a civilian university in 2002 (to finish off the last year of my degree), but then they announced the $40,000 recruitment allowance, so I figured I'd pay for the last year myself.  I graduated just over a year ago, had some stuff come up, and then finally was able to take my application in, in December.  But they closed the CFRC here early for Christmas (mid-December), and I took it in in January.

Also, I said I don't have an Aerospace degree, I have an electrical engineering degree. I'm probably down on the waiting list because of that, and because its very competitive for AERE. 
Bobby147: I applied in last November. Bu I guess, what really matters, is when you pass you finall interview and they send your file out for boards. For me it was the beginning of April. :salute:
I just spoke with an LT down at the CFRC.  She was just letting me know that offer packages are now being put together and that I am down for Sigs O.  In case you missed that, I have been offered Sigs O.  Details on the offer are expected in the next few days.

Sweet!  ;D
Hi Hoser and Tigger,

Thanks for your reply. There is a shortage of Engineers in CF, so you will get a position (in second preference, if not the first preference). Good thing is your process is relatively faster than other guys like RNW, Ringginghat etc.

Good luck....  :salute:
Hi Casing,  Congratulations for getting the offer.

On June 7, 2004 you mentioned that your PT is not complete yet

"I have yet to complete the PT, but my file was sent to the selection boards anyway. "

I means that you passed your PT yesterday....    Today you got offer......  Your case is FAST man....  ;)

Just to clarify, I said packages are being put together.  As it stands right now, I have been verbally given the offer but I haven't actually technically been given the offer yet.   Just that they informed me that I will definitely be receiving an offer package in a few days.   That offer package will most certainly carry some stipulations with it that must be met--one of them being that I still need to pass the PT.   Since I have not yet been told to take the PT I therefore will still need to pass it.   So, if I fail it, hoser becomes the beneficiary.
Hey Hey.  Since I've done the PT, I'll just give you some tips.  Its a good idea to eat at least 3 quarter pounders with cheese the morning of the PT.  Also, abstain from drinking any water or fluids whatsoever for at least 3 days prior to the test.  They don't tell you these things going in, but they REALLY help.  Also, you get bonus points for taking a break in between pushups.  At first they'll pretend like its a bad thing, but just keep doing it if they give you a warning. 

In all seriousness though, good luck with the PT.  Being a former Gunner, you obviously know what its all about.  Hopefully we'll both be at St. Jean in September (or wheneve)r. 

Hi Hoser,

You wrote " Also, abstain from drinking any water or fluids whatsoever for at least 3 days prior to the test."

Not drinking alcohol makes sense but not water.  In my case if I eat too much my sit-ups are affected. So I would not recommend anybody to eat lots of cheese. Light breakfast is OK.

Thanks for your advice though.

hoser said:
Hey Hey.   Since I've done the PT, I'll just give you some tips.   Its a good idea to eat at least 3 quarter pounders with cheese the morning of the PT.   Also, abstain from drinking any water or fluids whatsoever for at least 3 days prior to the test.   They don't tell you these things going in, but they REALLY help.   Also, you get bonus points for taking a break in between pushups.   At first they'll pretend like its a bad thing, but just keep doing it if they give you a warning.  

LOL! Made me laugh hard!  ;D
Bobby147 said:
Hi Hoser,

You wrote " Also, abstain from drinking any water or fluids whatsoever for at least 3 days prior to the test."

Not drinking alcohol makes sense but not water.  In my case if I eat too much my sit-ups are affected. So I would not recommend anybody to eat lots of cheese. Light breakfast is OK.

Thanks for your advice though.

I was just kidding.  Casing was selected for Signal Officer, and I'm first on the waiting list.  So I gave terrible advice in a joking manner, because if he were to fail, I'd get an offer for sure.  In reality,  I'd rather have someone decline their offer, rather than fail PT, but I thought I'd make a joke about it.
Hoser...  I just hafta say... for the record... Casing suggested I track you down and lay the smack down Tonya Harding style...  but I am too much of a gentleman to do that..

Or am I...  >:D


Even if such an email address existed, you shouldn't use it.  It wouldn't be appropriate to contact Borden directly.  Contact your Recruiting Centre - they'll be able to update you.  If you aren't happy with what they're telling you, well, there's not a whole lot you can do about it except hurry up and wait.  There's a lot of that in the CF.
Garbageman said:
Even if such an email address existed, you shouldn't use it.  It wouldn't be appropriate to contact Borden directly.  Contact your Recruiting Centre - they'll be able to update you.  If you aren't happy with what they're telling you, well, there's not a whole lot you can do about it except hurry up and wait.  There's a lot of that in the CF.
My friend, an army officer, just walked in there, while in Borden, and asked them for info about my file. They just told her exactly the same thing they tell me at the CFRC:" being studied  for selection".  :crybaby:
This question is for all those guys who applied for DEO and their Security Clearance is complete.

If your Security Clearance is complete ....  Did they called the references?  In my case they did not called my references yet even though I applied six months back. My Security Clearance is not complete yet.
