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Hero in and out of uniform

Cloud Cover

Army.ca Fixture
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An emotional and truly outstanding father and son story about guts, love and devotion to family. The video is as amazing as the story:



That story will never cease to amaze me. What an inspiring duo.
Not many things actually appeals to me about humanity.This however hit the spot.Amazing story.Surprised A&E or one of those channels hasn't done a huge mini series on them.

Thanks a lot,gone to get the wife to show her.

However I'm not sure if it was here but I have seen the story posted prior,just can't remember where. But thanks for the video.

Inspirational.Good to see there are still good people in the world,who actually don't just care about themselves.

That is an amazing story.  Thanks Whiskey for posting this.
favorites....add to favorites.

I guess it wasnt this site after all I must have read it iin sports illustrated.

thanks again.

That is an incredible story, an excellent reminder of what's really important in life.

Absolutely phenomenal - this gets stickied for a while.
It must be a buzzkill to be a 25-year-old stud Getting passed by an old guy towing a grown man in a dinghy, don't you Think?

Thanks, now I am a emotional mess!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Snot everywhere.............
Truly inspirational story - all I can say is WOW...

as I reach once more for the Kleenex box.

What can I say but WOW............. Makes me inspired to spend more and more time with my kids. :salute:
very inspirational, makes me want to get out and do something good!

Powerful, emotional, inspiring. The true meaning of loving and be loved .

Thank you for that post.
I can't really think of words that would truly reflect how that video made me feel, so I'll just do this! :salute: