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high school education, but no qualifications.


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hiya, I just found this forum while searching for pay grade scales of the navy.

A good friend of mine who is a year older told me joined the navy.  He was pretty much just partying after he graduated and going to bars.  Now he has been in the navy 2 years or so and he was just saying how he loves it, etc.  He has told me so many positive things... so all tonight I have just been checking out forces.ca and reading random stuff on google.

I was looking at the navy job search on forces.ca and selected high school education.  A lot of the job requirements seem to "want" or need qualifications like physics, etc.  I took none of those in school.  I took the basic courses need to graduate.  My marks were good, but I didn't take anything I didn't have too.  I was interested in programming for a while, then auto mechanics.  Neither really interest me anymore.

I live in Victoria and I am a dirt poor.  I live alone and the rent here is ridiculous.

The navy looks promising but I don't really want to just jump into something and then fail.

Was anyone else ever in this situation?  Did you not know what you wanted to do?  Really I would do anything except a Cook, but I don't know if I have the qualifications for the other stuff.

I am sorry if this is in the wrong forum.  First time here and very tired about to go to bed.  Just wanted to get a post in and see if I get replies tomorrow.
Call your recruiting center and schedule your CFAT. You can write this before filling out your paperwork and then you can sit down with a recruiter and go over your scores and what trades you could apply for. One can feel a little dumb when approaching the recruiters and saying "I don't know what I want" but it is part of their job to help you find direction. Use every resource to your advantage. And please, please, please study for the CFAT. Its not terribly hard but it will challenge you and the time constraints and the environment can cause one to be stressed and preparation is the best diversion to stress. And study more than the online practice for the CFAT! Its merely a representation of the areas of knowledge you need to know. And since you are dirt poor, go get yourself a public library card and use their study guides over dropping cash on your own guide. Good luck and enjoy the hurry up and wait process!!
Before you go in to talk to a recruiter go through forcs.ca and check out what your education qualifies you for and look at what your interested in. There are lots of occupations that require the basic education. While your going through have a pen and note pad to write down questions as they come up. If you try to remember them when you sit down in front of the recruiter you'll forget. If you show them that you've done some work and are serious you'll be a lot further ahead. Have a couple of choices and don't be afraid to ask any question no matter how "dumb" you think it is. The recruiters are trained pros and have heard just about everything.

Good luck from a former Navy Recruiter!
BZ to FDO ( retired)

Maybe Mike should sticky your last comment in the recruiting forum. Sound advice.
