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Hopefully at end of process?

InLine052 said:
I was merit listed 5 weeks after I sent my final doctors note in and had everything totally finished.  I was then given the offer about a week or so after the merit listing. Just be patient and work out hard to kill the time.  Good luck to you!

I am wondering who tells you that you have been merit listed? Is it the Officer who does your interview or is it the career counselor?

I am super anxious and trying my best to be patient also. Perhaps one of you more knowledgable folks could help ease my anxiety by helping me understand where I sit atm.

I have finished everything, CFAT went well, Background check cleared, references cleared. I called the CFRC in Calgary the other day and they told me there has been an update on my medical, which I was told was approved by the Officer who did my medical check and told Ottawa usually takes her advice and she is suggesting I am pfysically fit for duty. So... when I called a few days ago, I was told that a Career Counselor will be calling me within a week. Is the counselor calling to give me good news or bad news? At this point, I just want to know, either way.
chrome1967 said:
Well, I didn't receive a letter, my file had been sent back to the RC in Toronto. However, I did receive a phone call . The Doctor that gave me my medical told me the problem was that Ottawa thought that the Tech that did my hearing exam had signed the CF papers. When in fact they were signed and confirmed by the ENT Doc. She apoligized and told me everything was in fact in order and sent it all right back to Ottawa. Ah well, it could have been worse. We'll see how long this takes now,but I believe I can see the light.

Update, found out my medical cleared today! It looks like everything will start moving again. My MCC is off until Aug 10th, I was told to give him a call on Monday because they had a couple of things they wanted to confirm. Then that's it! I was told I would probably be heading to St. Jean some time in October, as all the September BMQ dates are filled. I'm super pumped that this process is almost over! It's only been four months and that's with a couple of medical glitches, so I consider myself pretty lucky to be this close.
Just found out I was merit listed this week! I can't believe how exited I am. I was told they found a spot for training in Nav Comm for me, and that I should be getting the call within the next couple of weeks for my enrollment date and BMQ course. Can't wait! I'll post as soon as I find out.

chrome1967 said:
Just found out I was merit listed this week! I can't believe how exited I am. I was told they found a spot for training in Nav Comm for me, and that I should be getting the call within the next couple of weeks for my enrollment date and BMQ course. Can't wait! I'll post as soon as I find out.


Hey Mark,

Congratulations, I'm very proud of you for sticking it out ... BZ (which is Military talk for 'good job')

However, I would like to take this EXCELLENT opportunity to let everyone know (using your case, if you don't mind) that Merit listing is NOT the last step! You still have to be selected.

Here's how it works:

You complete the application process, jump through all the hoops and the CF decides you will be a good candidate. THEN you get merit listed.

Merit listing is simply that, you are placed on a list of names (the order is determined currently by first in first out, rather than overall scores in aptitude and suitability in a given trade).

Once you are SELECTED from that list, you will be given a job offer.

EXAMPLE: The CF decides it needs 50 NavComms this year (that's the SIP ... strategic Intake Plan) ... but the NavComm training system can only handle 10 at a time. The Basic Training however can handle 100 people at a time.

SO ... the first 10 Nav Comms get selected to get hired and go on the next BMQ ... along with a bunch of other trades (100 Personnel total) ... If you're #11 ... you go to the top of the list for the next selection.

While merit listing is a VERY important and significant step in the process (it means you're done, and eventually going to get a job) it isn't the last step and doesn't mean that you will necessarily get a job very soon. (Not to mention the fact that we can enrol you and then out you on Leave Without Pay for up to 30 days without employing you!)

Not trying to burst you bubble Mark, just wanted to keep you enthusiasm and anticipation in check for just a bit longer!

Congrats again though!

Thanks mariomike, and thanks for the info Otis ! It is pretty close to the end though  :nod:

One more hurdle successfully surpassed!  Congrats Mark and good luck.  Keep us posted.

Got the call today! Swearing in September 30th, CFRC Toronto. BMQ October 5th, St. Jean. The process has finally ended, and a new chapter begins!

I'm feelin' alright!  ;D

That is awesome news Mark! Congrats!!  I am going down tomorrow morning to the RC to see if they have received my med docs yet. Still hoping to get on NOAB for Sept 28.

Keep us posted from St Jean.

Congrats Mark
Maybe I will see you in St. Jean at the same time. I am going Navy as well and as of last Thursday I was just waiting for my meds to come back from Ottawa.

Good Luck
Rauka said:
I've read a LOT of information on here, and found this forum to be a great resource so far in my recruitment experience. I've aced the CFAT and interview, selected the trade(s) I would really like to get into, and did the medical. I waited a week and called the Career Councillor and he stated that my file was on 'medical hold' as it was being sent to Ontario for approval.

I inquired and he stated that I was medically fit, but is this just a formality? I didn't have any issues except for a mild color deficiency and flatfoot (going Navy...the person doing the medical said that wasn't a concern nowadays). I am very excited to be doing this now and looking forward to my future with the forces. So is this the final stage before merit listing / selection?

I just don't want my trade to close or anything, and how often is appropriate to call and follow-up? I want to make sure they know I am interested, but at the same time..don't want to drive them insane :) Thank you very much for any insight.
Don't worry about that. There's nothing you can do if your trade closes, anyway.
Just to clear up a couple of things; the Officer that did your interview is a Military Career Counselor. Medical files go to the RMO (Recruiting Medical Officer) Right now they, like every other section of the military is in the middle of posting season. People with the experience are being posted to bigger and better things (sometimes) and the new guys are leaning the ropes. Right now they are doing their best to clear up the piles of medicals. Don't forget we have 10 centres across the country. Add to that we have to look at the priority. If a certain occupation has the trade course starting soon they will get looked at first. Everyone will be looked at. The RMO could find you unfit even if the CFRC says your good. Usually doesn't happen. You can be enrolled without RMO's blessing (rare) but you have to sign a form saying you understand that if the RMO finds you unfit your out.

All I can say is hang in and don't get weedy at the RC, it's not our fault. If it was up to us everyone would get in. (almost)
well I guess it didn't really take 12 weeks anyway, a lot of worrying for nothing. One week later I got my call, I swear in in mississauga on Sept 30th and off to BMQ for Oct 5 so I guess theres hope out there for everyone else who's waiting.
soldier/in/heels said:
well I guess it didn't really take 12 weeks anyway, a lot of worrying for nothing. One week later I got my call, I swear in in mississauga on Sept 30th and off to BMQ for Oct 5 so I guess theres hope out there for everyone else who's waiting.

Good luck, Soldier in heels!

I just wanted to post saying thanks a million for this post. I called the recruiting centre today and was informed that I have my medical had come back from Ottawa and was found 'fit'. They said I am just waiting to be Merit Listed currently. Hopefully I get a job offer in the next little while. I know my application had listed HMCS York ... hopefully the call arrives soon!

Again thanks, and to all those waiting out there .. good luck ..

CSickness said:

I just wanted to post saying thanks a million for this post. I called the recruiting centre today and was informed that I have my medical had come back from Ottawa and was found 'fit'. They said I am just waiting to be Merit Listed currently. Hopefully I get a job offer in the next little while. I know my application had listed HMCS York ... hopefully the call arrives soon!

Again thanks, and to all those waiting out there .. good luck ..


I hope that means my medical will come back soon!
I just wanted swing in and say congratulations to you all, and best of luck in your new careers!  :cdn: Now time to practice my patience since I just started the whole process.
Does anyone know what the time frames are for hearing back from the CF's after being found 'fit' on your medical?

I am very much looking forward to this experience however don't want to phone the recruiting centre and waste valuable time and effort of their personnel.

Thanks for your time,

CSickness said:
Does anyone know what the time frames are for hearing back from the CF's after being found 'fit' on your medical?

I am very much looking forward to this experience however don't want to phone the recruiting centre and waste valuable time and effort of their personnel.

Thanks for your time,


Actually that has been asked thousands of times on this site, and dozens of times in the last month alone.  The answer is still "No".
