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Hottest New Gear

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Scoobie Newbie

Army.ca Legend
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Oh man, that's good. I know guys just like that.  :rofl:
LOL.....I don't know where to begin....


Related to the fobbit....freakin' hilarious.

:rofl:...how do you know what to buy and what not?
Why do they have all of this and where do you find out whether you would benefit from having it or not... ??? ;D


Hey, how come buddy isn't wearing a TV?  ;D
Because he was smart and bought a high speed molle chest rig  ;D
Duey said:
Hey, how come buddy isn't wearing a TV? 
'cause it's a yank. It's been on a number of American army-related websites. Applies here, too, though.

one the best examples I've seen: young troop buys a Cold Steel khukhuri. His WO won't allow him to wear it on his TV (obviously. Where the heck would you put it?) so the kid puts it on his belt, and tucks the extra 10" of sheathe into his cargo pocket.

I have a lot of stuff I've purchased 'after-market' as it were, but I try to put thought into it. Lots of people mocked my tomahawk stuffed into my rucksack. Until they needed to chop a tree down and the machetes kept breaking, or they smashed their fingers again, trying to pound with a big rock. Heck, we even used the thing to repair our AVGP once. And it's funny to run around with. People look at you like you're insane. (Well, they used to. Now, nobody is shocked at anything I do anymore.)
reminds me of a dude from my old unit, he bought a $800 TV with  a whole bunch of pockets and whatnot hanging off of it and then when he wore it to a parade night, e was promptly told never to wear it to work ever again, this guy also owns a patrol pack that is bigger then his ruck haha, some peple have more money then brains
Classic.  Had a guy on our SQ like that.  Had all kinds of after market kit, and wore it like he was some sort of ninjacommandoJTF2stealthsniper.  Course staff asked him if he had enough kit for the whole course.  He said no.  He never wore it again.  ;)
The opposite is the soldier wearing issued kit that is held together with paracord and gun tape.  :-*
Farmboy said:
The opposite is the soldier wearing issued kit that is held together with paracord and gun tape. 
I like it that way. It's got that 'Canadian Army' feel.
Hahahahahahahaaa, laughed hard at "gear queer"...

Why do people spend money on kit they don't need assuming they already have the issued stuff that does the same job?
But I wouldn't know, I'm not in yet. I guess the "common sense" thing doesn't apply.  ::)
(Am I out of my lane? If so just honk :P)
Could be they are kit sluts, or they have proven the issued kit doesn' t measure up...

I used to buy lots of extra kit.  Whats left?  A mini-mag flashlight, my Russell belt knife, my Mil-Spec FMP cover, and a old Ranger blanket...oh and a pair of Matterhorn's.

The rest was....errrr....kit-slut junk.    :)
We got rid of lots and lots of junk didn't we Mud  ::)


I want everything... ;D...must be a FNG thing...like a kid in a candy store...it will pass I'm sure of it  ::)

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