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How many waiting for AEC?

Rodahn said:

Another one into that lifestyle...

Are there any more of you coming out of the closet today?
Putting this back on the rails for a moment...

Gazoo, at what time of year do the courses at CFSACO generally start? I'm also curious how the split goes for air traffic and air weapons (percentage-wise).
Celticgirl said:
Putting this back on the rails for a moment...
Gazoo, at what time of year do the courses at CFSACO generally start? I'm also curious how the split goes for air traffic and air weapons (percentage-wise).
We just started a Weapons course, The IFR started a few weeks ago, and the VFR is just graduating in a few days.  Since the courses are of varying lengths they start at different times of the year.  With Weapons we are set with a schedule of Jan-Apr, Apr-Jul, and Sep-Dec for the foreseeable future.
The split depends on the demands from the field as to how many IFR, VFR and Weapons Controllers are needed.
Celticgirl said:
Gazoo, at what time of year do the courses at CFSACO generally start?

Since you will be going to BOTC(IAP, BMOQ, or whatever the name is now) in Jan 09 the following is my guess at the earliest possible dates you could be here(depends on how many other students still waiting for a seat on course):
VFR 0903 - starts 29 Jul 09, DL starts 20 May(whatever OJT base you are posted to).
IFR 0902 - starts 11 Aug 09, DL starts 3 Jun 09.

Aerospace Controller
Gazoo said:
Since you will be going to BOTC(IAP, BMOQ, or whatever the name is now) in Jan 09 the following is my guess at the earliest possible dates you could be here(depends on how many other students still waiting for a seat on course):
VFR 0903 - starts 29 Jul 09, DL starts 20 May(whatever OJT base you are posted to).
IFR 0902 - starts 11 Aug 09, DL starts 3 Jun 09.

Awesome. Thank you for the info!

Aerospace Controller

I like this one better than Loachman's! It's got a certain je ne sais quoi. >:D
thanks for the info gazoo - how many ifr/vfr/weapons controllers are there currently?
Grando said:
...weapons controllers are there currently?

Too many! Must be, since all they seem to do is stand around.  ;)

For celticgirl, just remember...

aerospace control OPERATORS   8)
I'm AEC; still in university... done IAP/BOTP, but I have a couple years left of school.  :-[
Grando said:
thanks for the info gazoo - how many ifr/vfr/weapons controllers are there currently?

Just out of curiosity, Grando: what is your preference?
I'd prefer vfr over ifr - however, I'm still unsure as to what specifically weapons AECs do
Grando said:
I'd prefer vfr over ifr - however, I'm still unsure as to what specifically weapons AECs do

Ditto that...I'm putting VFR first, IFR second. As for what Air Weapons Controllers do, I think Gazoo could help us out there as he instructs the Air Weapons classes at CFSACO. :)  My impression of AW is that it's similar to IFR except they deal mainly with aircraft that have weapons (cargo, patrol, fighters).
IFR keeps two dots away from each other.  Weapons brings two dots together.
Neilio said:
IFR keeps two dots away from each other.  Weapons brings two dots together.

Are you VFR, IFR, or Weapons? I don't yet know which types go to which bases, so excuse the ignorance of the query. 12 Wing is one of my top choices for a posting, though. ;)
Stirling Dyer said:
The low number of people waiting on AEC doesn't surprise me too much.  The CFAT score to get into the trade is brutal; highest CFAT requirement in the Forces.

Oh, please. The CFAT is way easy.
12 Wg only has VFR, and 95% chance you're not going there.  They want people in Moose Jaw and Cold Lake.  Doesn't mean you won't go elsewhere though.  IFR can only go to Comox, Cold Lake, Moose Jaw, Trenton, Baggotville and Greenwood.
Neilio said:
12 Wg only has VFR, and 95% chance you're not going there.  They want people in Moose Jaw and Cold Lake.  Doesn't mean you won't go elsewhere though.  IFR can only go to Comox, Cold Lake, Moose Jaw, Trenton, Baggotville and Greenwood.

Does Greenwood have both IFR and VFR? What are the other VFR bases?

I really hope I don't end up in Moose Jaw or Cold Lake.  :-\ If I can't get an Eastern posting (maritimes), then Ontario or even Quebec would be preferable to "out west".
Celticgirl said:
... then Ontario...would be preferable to "out west".

Even North Bay?!?!  ;) hehe...and yes, I will keep bugging you about YYB.  I might even feel bad if you end up getting posted there. 