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How to get family on board

Not really. I keep telling my daughter that's why I put her in girl guides when she was a kid....so I wouldn't have to sew. At bmq I sewed my labels on but never did get the stitching right. I was relieved when no one really looked at it!

Is this housewife some sort of sewing machine? Am I getting warm? ;D
unfortunately I've agreed to go to college before i get involved with the military (long story) I'm not pleased with it but I didnt have much choice even my mother stopped supporting me. I also royaly f****** up my back helping some friends move so I have a 8-10 months to go before I can think about the army again. I'm hoping to join the reserves when I move but untill then I'm stuck.
thats life I guess  :-\
I'm going into the reserves with any luck...

Most of my friends think it is weird that I am interested in joining the military, but I don't care. They all work at mcdonalds and swiss chalet doing boring jobs that won't really benefit them in the long run. Honestly, most of them have no idea about the army or anything...not to mention thier moms won't let them join. I don't know if the military is my long time goal, but it will no doubt help me in a variety of careers...

The army needs people, so why not me?  ;)
Hey, I'm a Cadet Mom.  My son has been in Army Cadets for 7 yrs.  He retired from Cadets in 2004 with the title of Regimental Sargeant Major for his Corps.  He was awarded a whole bunch of awards, medals of honor, bursary for college.  I was so proud of him.  I have talked to him about joining the army.  He loved beeing a Cadet.  He is now 19 , just graduated from Police Foundations Program at the college .  He is still attending Summer Camp as a civilian drum instructor and he will do it until he can.  I was hoping he would join the army but his heart is somewhere else right now.  So for our family it's the opposite than yours.  But I let it go.  You have to do what your heart desires.  As a parents you have to let go.And let your child decides what he wants to do for him or her to be happy in life.  So I will support his choice and if someday he joins the Army which I think he will eventually do.  But for now he has other things he wants to try.  I will be there to support him. 

I wish you the best of luck and do whatever your heart desires and I am sure that in the end your family will be supportive of your choice. 

I wish you the best of luck in whatever you choose to do.  Take care :cdn:
I would say who cares what anybody says, I know a few people who had the same problem. As many other people have already said do waht you feel is right, its your choice. The best way is to say screw them do your training as best you can and come back with your head held high.
Just do what you think is right, consider what other people say but don't do it if you don't want to. Myself i will be 17 in a week and switching my  application from Reserve to Regular forces. I have some troubles at home and I can't say school is my favourite place although I do good when I try. I've always wanted to be in the army and the older I get the more I want to join, which is why I'm going in full time as soon as I can....which is now. If I get my application through before school ends then I'm going anyway, school is just not for me, Iv gotten to grade 12 without problems and I do good in my classes when I put my mind to it but the point is I wont be able to have a desk job, I wouldn't be able to stand it, I love excitement, going were nobody wants to go and doing what nobody want to do. I think that army life is perfect for me, I couldn't ask for anything more, I couldn't care less about the money, if they gave me a bed to sleep in and kept me fed and there was no pay I would still join. I'm not talking about being some aircraft technician or some techi I want to be in the field, outside and always striving to do my best and push myself to the limit regardless of what other people think I should be doing. I'm not joining to escape from something or because I think I have no other options, I'm joining because this is want I to do with my life. As long as you do this because you love it and really want it and not just to get away from troubles at home or because you've failed school and after a year you stumble upon the military and say "well..this is my last chance, Iv flushed my life down the toilet and the only thing I have hope for is the military because they are always looking for failures"...and if you think like this you are completely wrong. In some branches of the military you might not need to be a brain but physical fitness, mental Strength, honor, courage, obedience and many other qualities are needed that the average person does not have. So if your thinking that the Infantry is for the retards or stupid failures, in my opinion you couldn't be more wrong. And no matter what you do in the military or life as long as it keeps you happy and you couldn't see yourself doing anything else, you couldn't be more smart.
So, today since I didn't sign up for college my parents started asking me what I wanted to do, and I told them I want to be in the CF infantry (just to clarify, don't think I made this decision 2 days ago, it's been a while and i'm pretty serious about it). My father started saying that's pityful and I might as well go drive a cab and that I deceive him and all that crap. What should I do about this? My father thinks since his brother was in the army, that he(my father) knows everything about it. It's pretty annoying and I don't know what to do.
Depending on your age of course, it is your decision (provided you are the age of majority).  I haven't told my family yet, as I know some of them are against it.  I will wait until I get my job offer before mentioning it to them.  I kind of brought it up one day, but didn't go into specifics, or what I was applying for.  Call me a chicken****, lol.  I told them that I would be going to Quebec for part of my training, and that I am in the middle of the application process.  They don't know that it is for the CF, but my aunt was the first to guess it, but I didn't tell her she was right, because she is the biggest naysayer of it all.  Part of it is also I don't want to get my hopes up too high, or get them too worried about it until I actually have an offer.
Some opposition is from people who are new to Canada and either had relatives who served in 'old country' military, or they themselves were persecuted by 'old country' military.

I am actually amazed that some can get over that and realize the Canada's military secures them from such a situation now. Many of them will join us, and many more will encourage and nurture their children to do so.

As for the Canadian born, we must understand that our workers paradise actually encourages an insulated ignorance among the masses, and critical thinking among Canadians is a rarity (think 'gun control').

Sheeple, not people.

Thus, we have maybe fifty years left as an independant country - 100, tops.

Mdrinka said:
So, today since I didn't sign up for college my parents started asking me what I wanted to do, and I told them I want to be in the CF infantry (just to clarify, don't think I made this decision 2 days ago, it's been a while and i'm pretty serious about it). My father started saying that's pityful and I might as well go drive a cab and that I deceive him and all that crap. What should I do about this? My father thinks since his brother was in the army, that he(my father) knows everything about it. It's pretty annoying and I don't know what to do.

"Mdrinka" As mentioned, its your choice to make. If you have a passion follow it. You will never be satisfied or forfilled if you don't. Yes you must respect your parents and their guidance. But there are limits to these.

Having seen the mean streets of today and some of the youth that frequent them, I applaud the young Men & Women that choose to serve in the Service of their County. IMO there is no more a Higher and Noble Calling.

The resistance that you are experiencing from your Parents is normal and is only out of Love and concern for your safety. But the odds are more likely that you stand a better chance in getting killed or injured in a Traffic or Road Accident.

Keep us up to-date,

FastEddy said:

"Mdrinka" As mentioned, its your choice to make. If you have a passion follow it. You will never be satisfied or forfilled if you don't. Yes you must respect your parents and their guidance. But there are limits to these.

Having seen the mean streets of today and some of the youth that frequent them, I applaud the young Men & Women that choose to serve in the Service of their County. IMO there is no more a Higher and Noble Calling.

The resistance that you are experiencing from your Parents is normal and is only out of Love and concern for your safety. But the odds are more likely that you stand a better chance in getting killed or injured in a Traffic or Road Accident.

Keep us up to-date,


Thanks for the reply FastEddy, altough my parents are maybe less worried about the danger and my safety, my father thinks it's just deplorable to join infantry and that I should pump some gas if I'm not ambitious
There will always be people putting your career choice in the dirt, no matter what it is, but that should never discourage you. If you want to serve our country, I am sure that you parents, even if they don't like the idea of Infantry. Good luck  :salute:  :cdn:
I have been a  011 Crewman for thirty years.  Many of the most professional, enlightened and intelligent soldiers that I have met have been 031 Infantrymen.  

Must be a well kept secret, I guess.

Anyway, you may not be able to tell your father any different, but you can eventually SHOW him different.


Dude...my parents thought that there was something wrong with my friends and I for like 4 years because we wanted to go overseas to kill for a cause (civilian protection ect.). They are just starting to realize why we do this, 4-5 years later. Also, your parents love you and are naturally trying to protect you now and forever.

Just try to humour them and stick with it if thats what you want, good luck. :salute:
Mdrinka: Perhaps you and your parents can come to a compromise over your career choice by indicating to them that the CF is generous in offering education allowances for all members to utilize.  Offer your parents the midway that once enrolled and trained by the CF as an Infanteer, that you will seriously consider doing some post secondary courses to earn a degree.  

Show your parents that the CF as an employer, values education as much as your father apparently does.  That might help ease the situation and bring them around to giving your their full support.  
Dude, never call your parents ignorant because they don't agree with your career choice.

Every parent has high aspirations for their children, unfortunately the military is not considered a preferable career choose.

Educate your parents about the CF and sit down and discuss why you want to join. Word of advice" don't mention combat at that time".

Assuming you are of age, the choice is your to make.