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I heard from DEO boards!


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CFRC in Edmonton told me results were back... got placed at #3 on waitlist for Sig O...  I am reasonably optimistic.

Results are coming down the pipe, though..

good luck to all y'all
Tyrnagog, what exactly is waiting list for DEO: it is when they start taking people they go by  this order, or, they have already issued a number of offers and, if someone refuses, then  they call the first guy on the list?
Your second assumption is correct.  If you are waitlisted for an officer position that means they already have chosen the candidates for the available positions, but as those candidates do not accept (it happens) or do not meet the offer requirements (it happens too) then the newly available slot will be offered to the #1 slot on the waitlist, and so forth.
Exactly.  Since I am #3 on the list... 3 people have to say no or otherwise decline their offer and that would bring it to me.
Congrats on your offer Casing, and good luck on the waitlist Tyrnagog. 

After you posted here, I decided to head down to the CFRC.  After waiting several minutes to speak with the Lt. (N), the clerk came out and told me she had permission to tell me the news (the Lt. was on the phone).  I'm #1 on the waiting list, and from what she and the Captain who came out with her said, there is a very good chance that at least one of the 15 or 16 people who were selected won't accept.  So its good news, but not as good as I would have liked.  I guess I'm reasonably optimistic as well.

Congrats..  the Captain I spoke with for Sigs says there were 20 positions this go-around... things'll go well!

I just know it...
Yeah, I'm sure things will go well for both of us.  Were you waitlisted last year as well when you declined the offer?

Also, I'm curious about CELE.  I assume that some of the people who applied for that also applied for SIGS, and now that the SIGS selections have been made, is it possible that some of the strong candidates will be offered both?  I'm hoping thats the case, and the CELE candidates choose the CELE position over the SIGS position opening up spots for us.  Useless speculation, I'm sure, but its about all I've got to go on right now.
Yeah.. I was waitlisted last year, and actually given an offer... which I turned down (duh)..  I don't remember where on the waitlist I was, though
Received a call today from the recruiter. I am accepted! I will receive an formal offer soon. Navy Logistic.
Congratulations Casing and LaRo! ;D
Good luck Tyrnagog and Hoser!

My today's visit to CFRC did not bring any meaningful news though.    :(
LdSeaman told me that AERE results have come down, and "he saw my name somewhere", but cannot neither tell me them,   nor confirm anything, since his supervisor is not there to give him permission.
He also told me that results from naval boards are not in yet. Strange, considering LaRo's offer.

Will keep waiting   ???
Tigger said:
Congratulations Casing and LaRo! ;D
Good luck Tyrnagog and Hoser!

My today's visit to CFRC did not bring any meaningful news though.    :(
LdSeaman told me that AERE results have come down, and "he saw my name somewhere", but cannot neither tell me them,   nor confirm anything, since his supervisor is not there to give him permission.
He also told me that results from naval boards are not in yet. Strange, considering LaRo's offer.

Will keep waiting   ???

Recruiter told me I was accepted but I don't know more. I applied in Navy Logistic but there is a slight chance my offer could be in another element and/or trade. I didn't see that offer but I will accept the offer no matter what it is.

Maybe naval and logistic boards are not the same. We should know the answers to all our questions soon!
I think this waiting list for different occupations is from all over Canada, not province wise ?
Received a call from CRFC. I'm in for AERE (41)  :evil:
Now there is a wait for official papers  :-\
I was not really expecting to get into this trade  and prepaired myself for Navy (my childhood dream, he he  :crybaby:). Now gotta roll it back  ;)

Good luck to all of you guys, and hope to see you ALL this September in St-Jean! :salute:
Tigger said:
Received a call from CRFC. I'm in for AERE (41)   :evil:

Congrats!  What was your first choice again?  Great stuff either way!

Now there is a wait for official papers   :-\

Did the CFRC happen to mention how long you have to wait for these, and how they would be arriving?

Casing said:
Did the CFRC happen to mention how long you have to wait for these, and how they would be arriving?

They said it will take several weeks and nothing more than that.  :-\
And this trade was my first choice.  ;)
Several weeks!?  Yikes!  The officer that notified me mentioned a "few days".  Since it's already been a few days, I'm thinking that the one who notified you is probably correct.  Maybe I'll phone to clarify...
Tigger said:
Received a call from CRFC. I'm in for AERE (41)  :evil:
Now there is a wait for official papers  :-\
I was not really expecting to get into this trade  and prepaired myself for Navy (my childhood dream, he he  :crybaby:). Now gotta roll it back  ;)

Good luck to all of you guys, and hope to see you ALL this September in St-Jean! :salute:

Hey, awesome.  Congratulations, AERE is supposed to be one of the hardest to get into.  You must've had a far better application (grades, interview score) than I did. 

Now, a question to both you and Casing.  You guys wouldn't mind making a quick post when you finally do get your formal offers would you?  Just so I know when to start worrying about not getting an offer.  I was under the same impression from my discussions with the recruiter (a few days before offers are sent out).

Also, anybody else heard anything about CELE yet?
hoser said:
... making a quick post when you finally do get your formal offers...


IRT CELE: I haven't heard anything about CELE.   It was my second choice, so there must be offers out there somewhere (since Sigs O was my third choice and I'm being offered that one--oh yes, my logic processes are so refined... haha).   Probably not many though, I think.   I don't know if I was waitlisted for it or not so I couldn't even really estimate on how many CELE positions were available.
Yeah, I'm not expecting anything for it, I'm just more curious than anything.  The recruiters told me of my performance for my other two choices, but nothing about CELE.  Perhaps there weren't any positions, or so few so as to not even bother mentioning it. 
Well, interesting developments! I just got a phone call from my interviewing officer and he straightened a lot of things out for me. First off, it turns out that I am being offered both Sigs O and AERE (of which I can only accept one, of course -- so hoser and Tyrnagog... I'm open to bribes! haha)!   I didn't hear (and I didn't think to ask) about CELE offers.   I have 14 days to accept one of the offers.   I also need to do my PT test ASAP, which would give me a bit of extra time for retest in the unhappy instance that I were to fail it.   Here is some other info:

  • 11 offers for AERE were made
  • 13 or 14 offers for Sigs O were made(he wasn't certain of the number, but it was a few more than AERE)
  • Swearing in would happen just a few days before I need to report to St. Jean
  • I would report to St. Jean on September 13
  • IAP is Sept 15 til Nov 12
  • BOTC is Nov 15 to Dec 17
  • SLT would start early in January
  • Official paperwork is not given until an offer is actually accepted

Oh, just thought of one more thing of which no mention was made and I didn't think to ask. I don't know if the $40K signing bonus is still being given.

I'm stoked!

Edit:  Just talked to my recruiting officer about the $40K bonus.  They are still in effect and I qualify for it.  So, double stoked now!