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If you think you cant get in, read this...


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Hey everyone, my name is Alain, im from Quebec City and id like share my application process so far because it is, indeed, quite unique. Im starting BMQ August 16th ( its a french platoon) so im obviously very happy. But for those who are impatient and becoming increasingly hopeless my journey might help put things in perspective.

I first applied in May of 2009, for the infantry, when the trade was still open. By the time they got to my file the trade had closed and already rumors were floating around saying it might be another year and a half before it opens again. CFAT and interview wasnt a problem, but the medical procedures were absolutely insane. The reason being is that I had brain surgery a couple of years ago, so obviously that was gonna be a problem for getting into a combat trade. Furthermore, I have a nice little titanium plate screwed into my skull, and when they checked my previous medical records, I had many asthma problems due to the fact that I started smoking weed like at 11 and spent years smoking blunts on a daily basis. ( btw i stopped the second i handed in my application lol) Moreover, I struggled with deppresion in my teenage years which is another nay-nay in the forces.

The medical process for my application took a total of 7 months, lots of pre-cautionary tests were required. In Quebec, if you wanna see a doctor you often have to wait nearly 2 months which made things painfully long. So heres what I got to say to people who are rather pessimistic concerning their chances of getting in. The top 3 reasons the forces reject people are for asthma, anti-deppresant medication, drugs. The brain surgery thing, honestly, i cant believe i got in haha. But if you prove to the doctors in the army that everything is fine, then they cant really reject you. See it like you were going to court and you have to prove your case.

So anyway,  hope this can help you guys in any way possible. This is getting long enough so im gonna end it here. Im very anxious getting to BMQ and starting my dream career. Being from Quebec City id love to become a Van Doo, ( I live like 20 minutes away from Valcartier), but if Im posted to the RCR or PPCLI I wont mind either, the whole application process was so stressful Im just glad to be in. So anyway, keep your head up and dont give up you never know whats in store for you. PEACE!!
Congratulations mate. Your story is a bloody inspiration to all the applicants who are finding hope scarce.