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In reply to all the liberal bashing

A lot of Liberal bashing?  I should hope so.  Anyone who supports the Liberals and who wears the uniform of the CF is going to have to reconcile one or the other someday. 
Personally, I think that after all the Liberals have done for the country and the military in particular that voting for them is akin to pissing on the Vimy memorial, but that's just me. 
"Now for that Arrow thing. Why does this still keep coming up? The thing was a long range interceptor, the Soviets had just invented their ICBM, Interceptors became obsolete. What we should have kept it? Kill it cut it up, it would have been useless and expensive by the time it was mass produced..."

- Cancelled in 1959, replaced by the CF-101 INTERCEPTOR.  Which needed the Genie and it's nuclear warhead to do it's job.

- Libs wanted nukes.  Walter Gordon, on hearing the US DOE had a NOFORN policy regarding US nukes (DOE owns them, the US military just borrows them) was so mad, he thought we should go back to Plan A, which was to build our own nukes.

- Leopard tanks were bought because the Germans bought our Challenger jets.  Buting US or rebuilding some of our 350 plus Centurians would not have convinced the Germans to buy our planes.  NATO told us to buy tanks or sit in the NATO second row.

- But hey, unification was a big hit, right?

- I liked the tan uniform.  Best uniform in the last 35 years.  We got rid of it because it made fat people look even fatter, and since DEU was dress of the day in Ottawa...

toglmonster said:
Just one comment. The Liberal party have been in power for most of the past 30 years, look at the state of our armed force.

Hmmm... in the back of my head some gears are starting to grind... I know there is some sort of point I should be realizing ;D
George Wallace said:
Well......I call it a mistake......a complete blunder on someone's part........but we did get the Leopard 1 C1 way back in 1977........I know it was a mistake, because usually the Government doesn't procure top of the line equipment for us.......and this time they did.......so it had to be a mistake.   ;D
How to handle double negatives???
Trudeau originally wanted to replace the Centurion with the Scorpion
Basically a Cougar on tracks - This in early/mid 70's along with a lot of other wind-downs
Would have given the Armour guys something to REALLY compaign about.
Got to the point that even Jimmy Carter noticed that this wasn't good and applied pressure
Trudeau, more later complained to his foreign sec, "You made me bus those damned tanks"
Even the Toronto sun, hardly a hotbed of liberalism noted that it was a bad move
since at the time Challenger Chobham, the M1 and Leopard 2 were coming online for their respective forces
with a purchase like this we could have done a lot better.

George Wallace said:
Well it was the Conservatives under Mulroney that drove me to the Reform Party.  I still haven't forgiven Mulroney for closing down Lahr and Baden.

George, just because your wife is German, and you'd have like to stay there forever, playing both sides of the fence...............a spade is a spade is a spade is a................ ;) ;D
Kalatzi said:
How to handle double negatives???
Trudeau originally wanted to replace the Centurion with the Scorpion
Basically a Cougar on tracks - This in early/mid 70's along with a lot of other wind-downs
Would have given the Armour guys something to REALLY compaign about.
Got to the point that even Jimmy Carter noticed that this wasn't good and applied pressure
Trudeau, more later complained to his foreign sec, "You made me bus those damned tanks"
Even the Toronto sun, hardly a hotbed of liberalism noted that it was a bad move
since at the time Challenger Chobham, the M1 and Leopard 2 were coming online for their respective forces
with a purchase like this we could have done a lot better.

You want to try giving us that in English??
Osotogari said:
A lot of Liberal bashing?  I should hope so.  Anyone who supports the Liberals and who wears the uniform of the CF is going to have to reconcile one or the other someday. 
Personally, I think that after all the Liberals have done for the country and the military in particular that voting for them is akin to pissing on the Vimy memorial, but that's just me. 
I respect your right to say that
It seems that the Liberals in WW2 did think a lot about WW1
especially about the effect of 66,000 dead  and the effect on the nation
Lets leave the conscription situation outside the scope of this
Canada declared War as a sovereign nation.
We decided to get away from Imperial High Command,
Commonwealth air training plan
RCN in North Atlantic
Canadians would only be commited under Canadian Command, with exceptions
(Hong Kong, Dieppe)
Thank that decision for the quantity of brass hats ;D
Before anyone accuses me of being too Liberal
Reserve/attached to RCR service in 70's
... I wanna go to Vietnam/I wanna kill some Viet cong ...
in retrospect, and that all it is ...
When I first heard that Trudeau had bought it I damned near cheered
With time - an improvement?

recceguy said:
You want to try giving us that in English??
Another case of buying OBOLESCENT, hope I spelled that right, equipment.
low price, high cost. say nothing more
Move your discussion to the current era. What's done is done. What they did 75 years ago is immaterial. Let's talk today and the future. The Lieberals have no plan, no national strategy, and no idea how to react on the world stage or what to do with our countries military, how to fund, equip or deploy it. They are a rudderless ship, devoid of vision, moral fortitude or national will. The lying, cheating, self gratuitous thugs are now on the outside looking in. Hopefully, the public will finally see them for what they are, and next election, send them into the oblivion they deserve.
To paraphrase an old expression - The only good Liberal, is a defeated Liberal. You could substitute another word that starts with "d."
rz350 said:
I don't know what the Lieberal party is.

When I voted, the Ballot had the Liberal party of Canada. The Conservative party, the New Democratic party and the Communist party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist) at least in my riding, there was no Lieberal party.  ;D I dont see it on elections Canada website either.

About the RCN, was it not a Conservative who ditched the idea of Nuclear Submarines? (along with not taking Chinooks) and a Liberal who at least got them Diesel Subs? (maybe not the best of subs, but still subs)

And a Conservative gov't who put in the GST. Only to be lowered by 1% by the next Conservative govt. :P

Maybe the Supreme court allowed gays to be married, but at least the Liberals did not try to introduce legislation ban it. Like someone else did.

You're only 19 mate, wait til you really understand what has gone on after you get a few elections under your belt, then critique if you must, but the best thing Liberals have done recently is loose.

What about the BILLION dollar gun registration fiasco. Thats a BILLION $$, and could have better been spent elsewhere, like cancer research for example.

recceguy said:
Move your discussion to the current era.
Hmmm, am I supposed to be a miracle worker? ::)
Oh Yeh, Tomb of the unknown soldier, Flags at hald mast, somewhat contraversial.
Keeping us out of Iraq.
With the Afghanistan mission enjoying the support that it does, that was a real good move
Yeah, their xtra-crispy now, but someone will have to form the next government
All parties go bad given time
>Prior to the adoption of the maple leaf we flew what was known as the Red Ensign which had the Union Jack on it and was a derivative of the British Red Ensign

Many flags are derivatives of other flags and national symbols.  But if our Red Ensign as we had it wasn't flown first by another country, that made it "our flag" regardless from where the designers borrowed symbols.
"All parties go bad given time"

Very true. Give the conservatives long enough in power and they'll be as corrupt as the liberals.
If having the Union Flag appear on a national banner automatically disqualifies it, better get to work on most of the Commonwealth.  Most of the Provincial flags too, for that matter.
Why even the new Newfoundland Provincial Flag is only a faded Union Jack with the Newfie Bullet going through it.  ;D
<this does not directly relate to the current little topic being discussed in this thread, but as to the thread as a whole and maybe any other future Liberal based thread in the future, I do believe>

Is this thread about Liberal bashing, or liberal bashing?

My political beliefs are more liberal than anything else, with the exceptions of Military, and Law Enforcement.  The Liberal party has screwed up big time, and I think pretty much everyone will agree with that, but not all liberals are the long haired hippies that some people associate with the title.  The term liberal, when applied to people is not just one type of cookie cutter person, like all other types of people, the mentalities range dramatically.  Bashing ALL liberals is like saying that all Conservatives are war mongering sociopaths who care only about themselves.  It is BS.  Sure, some liberals are what you say they are, but on the same token, some conservatives match the BS example I just used.  Is there any chance that we could keep the liberal bashing to a minimum (as liberals' views are as wide ranging as anyones), and keep the bashing to the Liberal party?

Koenigsegg said:
 Is there any chance that we could keep the liberal bashing to a minimum (as liberals' views are as wide ranging as anyones), and keep the bashing to the Liberal party?

For some truly interesting thoughts on Liberalism vs liberalism vs libertarianism vs Classical Liberalism vs what-have-you, look into the many threads on the subject by seniore majoor.