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Insomnia Cures

Celticgirl said:
I'm sure he would be "cool" with it...he'd probably want me to turn my webcam on!  >:D


All joking aside, think about your main sleep problem when deciding between the Valerian and the Melatonin.  I believe the former is better when you have problems staying asleep and the latter is better if you have problems getting to sleep.

Where the heck is Vern?  She's an insomniac, isn't she??  Oh, right, she's in Sturgis, SD not getting any sleep!!!  ;)
I just went for an hour long bike ride around the neighbourhood. We'll see how that works out.
PMedMoe said:

All joking aside, think about your main sleep problem when deciding between the Valerian and the Melatonin.  I believe the former is better when you have problems staying asleep and the latter is better if you have problems getting to sleep.

Where the heck is Vern?  She's an insomniac, isn't she??  Oh, right, she's in Sturgis, SD not getting any sleep!!!  ;)

About 20 hours of sleep for the 18 days.  ;)

The pics are awesome!!
If you go to any nutrition/bodybuilding type shop, they have a product called ZMA. This is an old school method that bodybuilders have been using for years.

The essential idea is that you get a longer, deeper sleep. The deeper sleep will increase recovery time for the body from tough workouts. Studies have also shown ZMA to increase testosterone levels to some degree, but I'm not sure that I buy that, or that it is significant enough to really notice any changes as a result.

The ingredients are a simple blend of vitamin b6, zinc, and magnesium. Mixing them in certain amounts gives the desired effect. This means everything is safe, normal, and healthy for your body to ingest. No worries that you're on some crazy over the counter drug with side effects or that will screw you when you have to pee in a cup before your next tour or professional bear fight.

I have recommended this to a friend who was having difficulties sleeping, gave him a few caps to try out, and within days he had bought a bottle and was singing it's praises. I also use it all the time if I'm not feeling tired, but know that I need to sleep (on the bus on the way to an ex is always good!). We both seem to have come to the consensus that you're knocked out within about a half hour of taking it.



I seemed to go to sleep very well last night.. around 11ish. I will be trying the same thing tonight, at a little higher tempo then using the warm shower tip from earlier in the thread.  Will keep you posted.
PMedMoe said:
All joking aside, think about your main sleep problem when deciding between the Valerian and the Melatonin.  I believe the former is better when you have problems staying asleep and the latter is better if you have problems getting to sleep.

My problem is getting to sleep. Once I am asleep, I usually stay that way, although lately I have been having some disturbing dreams as well that wake me up (unusual for me). I think my brain is just in overdrive and I need to shut it down! The melatonin may work for me. I do need to exercise more, though. I've gotten a bit slack with that lately, and need to keep up my PT as I wait for that phone call! ;)

Milk also seems to work at least as well as red wine. Go figure.  ;D

So I biked pretty far yesterday and then back home.. then kept going.. had a salad for supper..watched Olympics for most of the night while chatting with my wife on MSN and lo and behold, asleep at 4 AM!!!

GRR. Oh and this morning, my contractor for my house reno called me.. at 8:57!!!

This is frustrating!!!!  Celtic girl you are not alone..
I have suffered from insomnia for at least 40 years.  There is no single tip that will completely solve the problem but several of the tips in previous comments are useful. 

Here are some additional tips I have:

1) About 2-3 hours before you want to sleep, take a calcium supplement with D3(crunch it with your teeth) and wash it down with a large glass of water---the calcium relaxes your heart and the D3 helps your body absorb the calcium. The first time you try this be sure you do not have to get up early!

2) The tips above about Zinc, B6 and Magnesium are good too;

3) Read a book on some subject that you HATE(I use a book on algebra)----your mind will positively want to shut down;

4) If you are "over-tired", as some of you seem to be, take a very long hot shower followed by a small glass of SWEET wine or milk then grab your hated book! Sometimes I add the Calcium and D3 too.

Try some of the neuro-transmitter supplements in moderation----lethecin, acetlycholine, melatonin.

If these fail to help, seek professional medical help.

AVOID trying L-tryptophan(not available in Canada)---it has a positive correlation with a fatal blood disorder.  I used this before it was banned in Canada---it gives you the most vivid dreams---better than a ticket to the movies!

AVOID food or vitamins or medication just before lying down in bed----you do not need acid reflux to add to your problems!

Best wishes for all!

Sex is not a cure, it tends to keep people up all night.  >:D But atleast it's time better spent while awake  ;D

Whenever I have spells where I can't fall asleep.. I take one night where I force myself to stay awake all night, and the following day until about 9 or 10 pm. Then it's a long sleep, because the body forces it, and it has a tendency to round things off and put an quick fix on insomnia. That works for me, anyhow.

uncle-midget-boyd said:
Whenever I have spells where I can't fall asleep.. I take one night where I force myself to stay awake all night, and the following day until about 9 or 10 pm. Then it's a long sleep, because the body forces it, and it has a tendency to round things off and put an quick fix on insomnia. That works for me, anyhow.


I'm gonna have to draw the line at sleep deprivation. Had enough of that when my daughter was an infant. Do us all a favour, though, and don't get behind the wheel of a car after you have gone 24+ hours without sleeping, k?  :blotto:
Celticgirl said:
I'm gonna have to draw the line at sleep deprivation. Had enough of that when my daughter was an infant. Do us all a favour, though, and don't get behind the wheel of a car after you have gone 24+ hours without sleeping, k?  :blotto:

Sounds like a deal.  :boring:  ;)

Drugs...Use Drugs.....Doctors have Drugs.....I went to the Doctor.....I now have Drugs....I sleep.....
Sturgis ... is NOT an insomnia cure - trust me on that.

But, I do highly recommend it as a place of last resort for all you who can't sleep!! (At least it gve me something entertaining/constructive(??) to do with all my awake hours!!) >:D
You could also look at the cause of the insomnia. You noted stress and worry were wrecking havoc on your sleep - sometimes you can't change the things that cause stress, but you might be able to change how you deal with it. (not always... but sometimes)

I used to have trouble sleeping when I was stressed out, until I found a way to manage my stress and anxiety  -  now (in general) I sleep like a baby.
**side note: why do they say that - sleep like a baby? When my kids were babies they were up off and on all night! ... I digress **

There are still times when things happen in my life that I have a harder time dealing with/managing - and I have to find a new way to deal. Often these situations affect more than my sleep too - and my overall health goes down the tubes. One time I lost 90lbs in 2 mos... another time I developed stomach issues... It took a while to figure out that these things were stress related.

Sometimes you have to rule out anything that could be affecting you; my sister in law can't drink anything caffeinated after noon, or she won't be able to sleep at night. I used to be able to fall asleep on my couch no matter what - and would wander down to the livingroom if I couldn't sleep. My son can't sleep for a week if he takes an antihistamine like Claritin. My daughter can't sleep if it's really hot and humid... etc  I had a terrible time sleeping when my hubby was in Afghanistan and I had the laptop next to the bed. The screen light seemed to keep me from getting a good sleep...

As someone already said, there are a number of medical conditions that can affect sleep; apnea as already mentioned, restless leg syndrome, hyperthyroidism...etc. It isn't a bad idea to have these checked out -

I personally found Valerian made me too sleepy in the morning (same with St John's Wart), but have had some success with melatonin. Melatonin comes as a liquid, a pill, and a dissolving tongue strip that I've found so far. I have heard Passionflower tea, and Hops (not in beer I don't think haha) can help... but you may want to talk to a naturopath if you want to experiment with natural remedies. They can do more harm than good sometimes. Melatonin comes as a liquid, a pill, and a dissolving tongue strip that I've found so far.

I don't know how legit these are but I found them online when my sister-in-law was having a bout of insomnia, couldn't hurt to give it a read I suppose...

Good luck!!!  I hope you get it sorted out soon :)
