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is height and fat and muscel a bad thing in the infantry

DrSize said:
I have spoke to people that have gone to BMQ and they have said for food there are french fries, pizza, desserts etc....who the heck eats desserts anyways

There are always healthy options available at most bases as well as what you meantioned above and the healthy options have been there since at least 1997(probably longer). They always have fruit available, a variety of yummy wraps, and by what my hsuband told me, back when he did basic they had NO fried foods, it was baked(which is lower in fat). He also confirms that back then there were ALWAYS healthy options available.
DrSize said:
I have spoke to people that have gone to BMQ and they have said for food there are french fries, pizza, desserts etc....who the heck eats desserts anyways

Also if anyone ate a clean diet they would have a low percent bodyfat no matter what their genetics unless they had thyroid issues or soemthing like that.   I see pictures of members in the CF and a large percent have a very high % bodyfat from what I have seen
there are plenty of healthy options. Those who fail to choose them are simply exercising that lack of willpower that Devil spoke of earlier. Maybe wait until you've actually been to a Base kitchen next time, as Britney said?

Now, a caveat to my earlier post: I've seen just as many fatbodies use the "I can't run, but I can hump all day" routine and then fall out of a ruckmarch within a klick, as I have those who can actually hump a smaller dude into the ground.
The CF, the Army, the Infantry, your unit, and your sub-unit will all have certain minimum standards of physical fitness they expect you to maintain. Failure to keep up with your section on PT is failing to keep up with your section, whether it be a run, ruckmarch, or drinking contest. (For a true workout, combine all three!) Now, no matter what your body type, whether primarily endomorph, ectomorph, or mesomorph, you are going to find certain activities easier than others. That does not mean it's an excuse to not attempt to improve in the areas you have trouble with. If you (consistently) can't stay with your section on runs, you won't keep up with them on a section attack or in OBUA. If you can't stay with them on a ruck march, you won't stay with them on an advance to contact. Either way, you will let them down, and that may very well get one of them killed in an actual theatre.
I have never been the fastest guy in my section, the strongest guy, or able to hump the most weight the furthest/fastest. But, I was always there with the main body in every activity. That's what your section needs from you. They need to know that they can rely on you to NEVER QUIT and always be there.

So, once again I say: fat is still bad, height is still good, muscle is still good.
If you have too much of the first, work on losing it. If you haven't enough of the second, no biggie, it's just gonna make you harder than tall guys. If you haven't enough of the last, work on building it up.

I was going to, but I got a sudden attack of performance anxiety. You just looked so HOT!
I guess my post and the point I was trying to make wasn't clear.  I am well aware there are healthy alternatives but you give a fat kid a choice between a doughnut or a sweet potato and what do you think he is going to choose????  A little extreme but my point I was trying to make is to get rid of all the unhealthy foods and you will see a much leaner more productive workforce.

By fueling your body properly and having less bodyfat you are more alert, more confident, have more energy, and overall feel much better.....
Springroll said:
I am curious about how much fat someone can carry on themselves.

Fat (or lipid) is an important part of your body.  The many different types of fat in your body at an organic level include triglycerides, phosopholipids, steroids, vitamins, etc. and they are use for insulation, energy storage, and so on.  In a lean adult, fat should make up of 18-25% of his/her body mass.

However, at a clinical level, it is impossible to tell the exact make up of fat, protein, etc in the body at an organic level.  Therefore we use different tools to measure your nutrition status: body mass index, anthropometric measures, and blood work.  

You can find informatin about body mass index on page 8 of your Physical fitness guide:

Anthropometric measures:
If you remeber the Homer Simpson episode where Homer had a heart attack and Dr. Hibert was doing the "jiggling test"...anthropometric measures are something like that---we measure triceps' skin-fold thinckness, etc.

Blood work:
We measure many things in blood work but to determine if you are hyperlipemia (too much fat) we look at your triglycerides and cholesterol level.

All these measurements have to occur over time...and only your physician can tell you if you have the right body composition.

Hope that helps.
DrSize said:
I guess my post and the point I was trying to make wasn't clear.   I am well aware there are healthy alternatives but you give a fat kid a choice between a doughnut or a sweet potato and what do you think he is going to choose????   A little extreme but my point I was trying to make is to get rid of all the unhealthy foods and you will see a much leaner more productive workforce.

By fueling your body properly and having less bodyfat you are more alert, more confident, have more energy, and overall feel much better.....

If a fat kid doesn't have the will power to choose a healthy meal, what makes you think he's going to have the intestinal fortitude to get in great shape or for that matter overcome any other obstacles put in front of him? IMHO I don't think the CF needs to hold hands every step of the way...there's got to be a driving force from within the individual to get the job done, whatever it may be, keeping up on PT, eating more veggies instead of dessert etc etc.

DrSize said:
I am well aware there are healthy alternatives but you give a fat kid a choice between a doughnut or a sweet potato and what do you think he is going to choose????

Then the fat kid needs to learn some self-control or get the hell out of the army!    :-X
.. and you are not seeing the other posters' points. Your message will be taken better when you speak from experience, not based on what you have seen or heard. I've seen guys flying helicopters.. I'm not hanging out in the Air Force section offering my opinions...

but you give a fat kid a choice between a doughnut or a sweet potato and what do you think he is going to choose?

The entire military mindset is based on honour, accountability, and personal responsibility - all are a function of choice. I can choose to give up when I'm tired, too... If round-boy decides to shove donuts into his face, then he's letting his unit down, the same as if he wasn't keeping up  on an Advance to Contact. Pastries and mashed potatoes are there for the skinny guys  :)

*This coming from one who spent 13 years as "one of the heavy ones that managed to always keep up"  Now, admittedly, I'm just fat

DrSize said:
I have seen pictures and videos of some of the people on BMQ etc and I think the CF should take a new approach to helping these future soldiers.   Instead of offering unhealthy food for the meals they should provide healthy meals such as (chicken breasts, rice, sweet potatoes, broccoli, fish, lean beef, egg whites, oatmeal, fruit in the morning for fuel etc)   by having unhealthy food unavailable members will be forced to eat this food and as a result will see drastic drops in bodyfat.

In a way it could be somewhat of a fat camp.   Every member would come out with a lower % bodyfat then when they went in.   Especially with morning PT 3-5x a week.   However healthy food is expensive and unhealthy food is cheap so this will never happen

Every single base/camp mess I have eaten on, 99% of the meals have been chicken, rice, potatoes, broccoli, fish and yes, even fruit in the morning.
Get a clue.

Yes, there are all kinds of treats available to those that want them.Too bad though, the CF is NOT a fat camp, and soldiers may eat what they please.If they think they are too fat and should stop eating pies for lunch everyday in the gagetown mess, then stop eating pies everyday for lunch in the gagetown mess.It's not our job to babysit and regulate what everyone eats.

Common sense.We're all adults.We've all passed the aptitude test and considered semi-intelligent people.

Mod Edit - Mckenzie, chill out
Why don't you get a clue and learn how to read .   I said I KNOW there are healthy alternatives but by getting rid of the unhealthy foods people would not have the option.

jmackenzie_15 said:
Every single base/camp mess I have eaten on, 99% of the meals have been chicken, rice, potatoes, broccoli, fish and yes, even fruit in the morning.
Get a clue.

Yes, there are all kinds of treats available to those that want them.Too bad though, the CF is NOT a fat camp, and soldiers may eat what they please.If they think they are too fat and should stop eating pies for lunch everyday in the gagetown mess, then stop eating pies everyday for lunch in the gagetown mess.It's not our job to babysit and regulate what everyone eats.

Common sense.We're all adults.We've all passed the aptitude test and considered semi-intelligent people.

Mod Edit - Personal attack removed
I also said I know this will never happen, it was just some food for thought if it was the perfect world.  And if the CF got rid of the unhealthy alternatives I can guarantee the work force would be a much leaner one
lol, calm down calm down. Don't start calling people names...

This thread was very good until the last few replies, they started to make me giggle.

People should eat responsibly and take care of themselves with proper exercise. If people choose to go to BMQ and not eat right, thats there problem, and it will be there problem when they fail.

As it was said before, the CF isnt there to hold your hand. You are the one making the choices, but you have to have enough self-control to say "hey, im hungry, but i dont need to eat french fries. All i need is an apple to fill my hunger for now". Thats the way i think of it.
muskrat89 said:
.. and you are not seeing the other posters' points. Your message will be taken better when you speak from experience, not based on what you have seen or heard. I've seen guys flying helicopters.. I'm not hanging out in the Air Force section offering my opinions...

I am basing my message on my (admittedly very limited) experience: people who lack self-control are not an asset - or has this changed?  Oh, I see it hasn't as you've gone on to re-iterate the point you just flamed me for making!
The entire military mindset is based on honour, accountability, and personal responsibility - all are a function of choice. I can choose to give up when I'm tired, too... If round-boy decides to shove donuts into his face, then he's letting his unit down, the same as if he wasn't keeping up  on an Advance to Contact.
Galt - relax. You posted as I was replying. My response was directed at Drsize
OK - Now that the dust has settled. Let's stay on topic, and keep the barbs, digs, and slams down. This isn't usually such an emotional topic  ???

Let's keep it professional. Debate hard, but debate politely  :-*

Thanks in advance
muskrat89 said:
Galt - relax. You posted as I was replying. My response was directed at Drsize

[emilylitellavoice]Oh, well that's a little differant ...  Ne-ver-mind.[/emilylitellavoice]

My apologies: "I'm holding on too tight ... I'm over the edge ..."
First off, it doesn't matter what you put in the mess - if you fill it with broccoli and tofu, the troops that want the fat pills will head to the CANEX and get a bag of smarties and a pop (BTDT   :-X).

Fry, don't worry about your height to weight ratio - everybody's body is a bit different.   Just work on being the fittest mofo you can be and you'll do fine.

Finally, WRT Devil and Paracowboy's comments, I feel that they are both right (from personal experience).   Will, determination, and sheer guts are often what makes the difference (the essence of being "hard).   A little jelly-belly isn't going to hold a guy back if he is Jules Winnfield incarnate.   However, like Para says, you do yourself no harm if you "soup yourself up" by hardening up and shedding some of that excess baggage.   It is 90% mental and 10% physical, but it is much easier if you don't have to dedicate some of that mental to thinking about the 10%.

Fry said:
I'm 6'0, 190lbs. Think I should lose /gain?

I think you should lay off the booze fat ass  ;D Long time no see Fry old buddy! Ok so you need fat in your diet, and you need a little fat on your frame. Excess fat is murderous on a frame, I used to be in really good shape, I got hurt, laid up for about 2 years and put on alot of fat, I'm paying for that now, like an sob. When I run, it's messy, but you know what, at 5'10" at least I run. The human body is the most amazing machine/technology in the world. We can actually adapt to anything, I was in good shape, then in round shape and now I'm leaning towards good shape again.  Below is a chart of recommended body fat percentages for age in males. Also some of you guys are insinuating that the military and particularly the combat arms (Esp Infantry) is a bastion of healthy people, being able to run, does not make you healthy. The infantry guys on here should know, f*ck alot of us/them live on chicken wings, beer and smokes. Drive the mind, the body will follow. It's all about having the jam to never give up.

Males age range Too Little  Healthy range  Overweight  Obese
20-30yrs           Below  8%     8 - 19%       19 - 25%   over 25%
31-40yrs           Below  8%     8 - 19%       19 - 25%   over 25%
41-50yrs           Below  11%   11 - 22%      22 - 27% over 27%
51-60yrs           Below  11%   11 - 22%      22 - 27% over 27%
DrSize said:
I also said I know this will never happen, it was just some food for thought if it was the perfect world.  And if the CF got rid of the unhealthy alternatives I can guarantee the work force would be a much leaner one

Only if you also added a method to force them to remain on base and consume only the healthy food.
devil39 said:
NavComm.... Don't get too excited.   The general CF and Army standard are so far removed from reality as to be completely useless.

In the Infantry, we train so far above the requirement of the 13 km march as to make it almost completely irrelevant.   It is a very poor standard.

After I conducted a 13km ruck march, for three consecutive weeks, we began to understand   the reality of our requirements.

Oh I know. And I'm sure infantry trains differently than naval reserve. The requirements of the infantry job would demand that.

I just spent a weekend at an army unit working with infantry men and believe me, I knew if the chips were down, those guys could outrun, out pack and out shoot me anyday and I was glad to be with them. They were soldiers and they were in top physical condition. I was tasked to do the same work they did. However, those lads were fighting fit and it would take me a bit of time to get anywhere near their level of fitness (if I ever could attain it).

I'm only saying that different jobs require different skills and not everyone is going to be a super runner with biceps as big as my thigh. Those small wirey individuals may have a lot to offer the CF too. Those fighting fit men are what keep the rest of us safe to do the other jobs that need doing.