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Islamic Terrorism in the West ( Mega thread)

George Wallace said:
This is one solution that whittles down the chances of those who have left to fight for the cause of barbarianism.  We already have reports of cases like this coming in from Somalia, Libya and other Islamic states.

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More on LINK.
Another interesting bit of information from another account of Mohamud Mohamed Mohamud's journey ....
....  The young man's death hit his family extra hard because two months earlier, they had alerted both CSIS and the RCMP that Mohamud may have become radicalized. It was the family's frantic bid to prevent him from crossing into Syria from Turkey.

"They contacted me and said: 'We need to tell the RCMP and CSIS right away, this is not right,'" Hamdani recalled.

Both agencies met with the family, and tried to find ways to thwart Mohamud's entry into Syria.

They failed, and four days after he'd surprised his family by flying unannounced to Turkey, he texted his mother to say he was in Syria alongside his "brothers."

Two months later and CSIS officials visited his family here to tell them that while there was no official confirmation, jihadists were announcing their son's death on their websites.

"They're devastated. They know they were only one or two days late and (if) they could have caught him on the plane ... we could have a whole different story," Hamdani said ....
George Wallace said:
It will be interesting to watch the outcome of the arrest of Anjem Choudary, who has been the center of many reports on radicals in Britain.
He is like a greased pig.  Slippery and slimey and almost impossible to get a grip on.  He is one individual I would love to see renditioned to a Gitmo type of place for the ice bucket challenge.  I would be surprised if they are able to make anything stick, he has a history of knowing just how far he can get to the line before crossing it.
jollyjacktar said:
He is like a greased pig.  Slippery and slimey and almost impossible to get a grip on.  He is one individual I would love to see renditioned to a Gitmo type of place for the ice bucket challenge.  I would be surprised if they are able to make anything stick, he has a history of knowing just how far he can get to the line before crossing it.

In a Hollywood suspense/thriller spy movie, he would have been terminated clandestinely with extreme prejudice a long time ago.
jollyjacktar said:
He is like a greased pig.  Slippery and slimey and almost impossible to get a grip on.  He is one individual I would love to see renditioned to a Gitmo type of place for the ice bucket challenge.  I would be surprised if they are able to make anything stick, he has a history of knowing just how far he can get to the line before crossing it.

You're a tad bit more liberal than I. On listening silence now.

F##k with the bull and you get the horn.
Jim Seggie said:
You're a tad bit more liberal than I. On listening silence now.

F##k with the bull and you get the horn.
I was trying to walk that thin line as he does.  But, seeing as you've asked.  I am thinking more of a re-enactment of one of the final scenes from "Fargo" that involves "yard equipment".  That, makes me smile...  :nod:
We should be vigilant here in Canada as well since previous ISIS statements included an intention to target Canadians.


Iraqi PM says Islamic State plans subway attacks in U.S. and Paris
NEW YORK Thu Sep 25, 2014 5:05pm EDT

(Reuters) - Iraq has received "credible" intelligence that Islamic State militants plan to attack subway systems in Paris and the United States, Iraq's prime minister said on Thursday, but U.S. and French officials said they had no evidence to back up the claim.

Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi's comments were met with surprise and cautious skepticism by security, intelligence and transit officials in both countries.

Abadi said he had received the information Thursday morning from militants captured in Iraq and concluded it was credible after asking for further details. The attacks, he said, were plotted from inside Iraq by "networks" of the Islamic State, also known as ISIS or ISIL.

NYC officials trying to downplay the ISIS subway threat?


New York officials scramble to reassure city after security threat
NEW YORK Thu Sep 25, 2014 7:39pm EDT

(Reuters) - A warning by Iraq's prime minister that Islamist militants planned to attack New York City sent political leaders scrambling on Thursday to assure the public it was safe to ride the subways and travel the streets of the nation's largest city.

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo and New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio each had the same idea - take a subway ride to a busy transit hub to announce that everything was under control.

"I have a simple message for all New Yorkers. There is no immediate credible threat to our subway system," de Blasio said at a hastily arranged news conference at Manhattan's Union Square where he arrived by subway from City Hall.

Well.  It is now on our doorsteps.  Is this fellow a madman who just happens to be a Muslim, or does he actually believe in a Jihad?

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Woman Beheaded By Islamist In Oklahoma - Off Duty Officer Saved 2nd Victim

After being fired from his job at an Oklahoma food processing plant, Alton Alexander Nolen went on a rampage killing and beheading one woman.

Mark Vaughn, chief operating officer of the business and also a reserve police officer, is being hailed as a hero after he shot Nolen while the suspect was actively stabbing a second woman.

Fellow employees stated that Nolen had been attempting to convert many member of the office to the Muslim faith for many months. At this time the suspect and incident have not been connected with any ISIS motives, but the FBI is investigating the possibility.

Dimsum said:

This follows after raids in Sydney and Brisbane last week, and the killing of a man who wounded two counter-terrorism officers with a knife in a Melbourne police station.

The RAN officer has now withdrawn the allegations. 


George Wallace said:
Well.  It is now on our doorsteps.  Is this fellow a madman who just happens to be a Muslim, or does he actually believe in a Jihad?

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Police: Suspect in Okla. beheading was Muslim convert
Doug Stanglin, USA TODAY 9:21 p.m. EDT September 26, 2014

A newly fired employee at a food processing plant in Moore, Okla., allegedly stabbed and beheaded a 54-year-old front office worker, police said Friday, according to local media.

Police said the FBI was asked for assistance in the case because of the "manner of death" of the victim and reports from co-workers that the suspect, 30-year-old Alton Nolen, had recently started trying to convert several employees to Islam.

Nolen had just been fired from Vaughan Foods on Thursday afternoon when he drove to the front of the building, hit another vehicle and walked inside, according to police, KFOR-TV reports.

"Nolen encountered (fellow worker Colleen) Hufford with a knife," said Sgt. Jeremy Lewis with the Moore Police Department. "During the attack, Nolen severed the victim's head."

Lewis said the knife may have been used by Nolen at the plant to cut lettuce or vegetables.

Another woman, Traci Johnson, 43, was stabbed and wounded in the attack, Lewis said, according to The Norman Transcript.

Authorities said Mark Vaughan, CFO of the company and a reserve Oklahoma County deputy, shot Nolen several times with a rifle.

"This was not going to stop if he didn't stop it. It could have gotten a lot worse," Lewis told the Associated Press. The suspect was hospitalized and is expected to survive.

"After conducting interviews with Nolen's coworkers, information was obtained that he recently started trying to convert several employees to the Muslim religion," Lewis said.

He said the FBI was asked for assistance because of the "manner of death and the initial statements of the co-workers and other initial information."

Nolen had the words "as-salaamu alaikum," Arabic for "peace be with you," tattooed on his abdomen according to Corrections Department records, NewsOk.com reports. He also had "Jesus Christ" tattooed on his chest, "Judah" on his left arm and praying hands on his right arm.

Court records show that Nolen was convicted on drug-related charges and of assaulting an officer in 2011, NewsOk.com reports. In October 2010, he led state troopers on a 12-hour, high-speed chase after he was pulled over because of outstanding warrants.

Contributing: Associated Press

Video interviews, accused photo and more on LINK.

33 Things We Learned About the Oklahoma Beheading Suspect: What His Hand Signal Means Will Chill You is posted on the IJR website that may be credible and may not.
Pending finding by the Obama Administration: Work Place Violence, just like Fort Hood. I expect 40 FBI agents and the Justice Department to descend on Moore, OK just like they did on Ferguson, MO.  :nod:
Australia conducts more counter-terrorism raids:


Australian counter-terrorism police raid Melbourne properties
Mon Sep 29, 2014 8:23pm EDT
By Lincoln Feast

SYDNEY (Reuters) - Australian police said they had raided a number of properties around the southern city of Melbourne on Tuesday, part of a security crackdown on radical Islamists authorities believe are planning attacks in the country.

Australia, which is backing the United States and its escalating action against Islamic State in Syria and Iraq, is on high alert for attacks by radicalised Muslims or by home-grown militants returning from fighting in the Middle East.

Last week, an 18-year-old identified as Abdul Numan Haider was shot and killed by counter-terrorism police in the Melbourne suburb of Endeavour Hills after he attacked them with a knife.

Rifleman62 said:
Pending finding by the Obama Administration: Work Place Violence, just like Fort Hood. I expect 40 FBI agents and the Justice Department to descend on Moore, OK just like they did on Ferguson, MO.  :nod:

Quite a few media outlets, and LE are describing it as an "isolated incident of workplace violence"  ::)
I don't care if she was born in the US; someone please deport this woman. She's just as bad as Zaynab Khadr, the vitriolic Taliban sympathizer and sister of Omar Khadr.

Yahoo News

Boston Marathon bombing suspect's sister appears in court for alleged bomb threat
With the Boston Marathon bombing trial looming, the Tsarnaev family is engulfed in legal problems and drama

By Holly Bailey | Yahoo News – 7 hours ago

On Aug. 25, a New York City woman caught up in a messy child custody battle with her ex-boyfriend got into a fight on the phone with her former flame’s new girlfriend. According to the police, heated words were exchanged, and the girlfriend, who also has a child with the man, was subsequently arrested and charged with harassment after she allegedly threatened the other woman’s life.

It was an altercation that likely would have been buried in the reams of other ugly domestic disputes in New York. Except the accused was Ailina Tsarnaeva, the 24-year-old sister of alleged Boston Marathon bombers Tamerlan and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev. And, according to police, she allegedly threatened the other woman by telling her, “I have people. I know people that can put a bomb where you live.”

Tsarnaeva appeared in New York Criminal Court on Tuesday. She entered a not guilty plea to two charges of aggravated harassment, a misdemeanor, for allegedly threatening her boyfriend’s 23-year-old former girlfriend, who has not been named in the dispute. (Tsarnaeva's friends have said the man is her husband, but police have referred to him as her boyfriend.)

A resident of North Bergen, N.J., Tsarnaeva turned herself in on Aug. 27 and was released on a desk appearance ticket, which allows a defendant to bypass jail and appear in court at a later date. But she was led away in handcuffs after her court appearance Tuesday after prosecutors said she violated an order of protection by driving past the other woman's home earlier this month. Her bail was set at $5,000.

Recent disturbing news that is slipping under the radar and not getting much attention here at home.

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Judge blasts 'unjust honour-based values' while sentencing immigrant mom and son to jail

Archaic and unjust honour-based values have no place in Canadian society, a judge said before sending an immigrant mother and son to the slammer.

Iqbal Bibi and Khawar Saeed had been convicted of tormenting the family’s then-22-year-old daughter, who they believed had dishonoured the family by having the temerity to date a white man who worked with her at a McDonald’s.

Judge Monique Metivier ordered Bibi, a 49-year-old Pakistani woman who speaks no English, to learn the language and Canadian values — and she handed Bibi a five-month jail sentence.

Metivier sentenced Saeed, 22, to seven months in the clink for what she said were crimes “rooted in gender discrimination.”

“The cultural norms under which Mr. Saeed was operating are antithetical to Canadian values,” the judge said during sentencing Monday.

“The facts here do not obviate the need for significant condemnation of these crimes.”

Bibi, convicted of intimidation, shrieked threats at her own daughter outside the boyfriend’s house, where the young woman had fled to escape her family.

Saeed, convicted of criminal harassment, sent menacing text messages while the campaign of intimidation raged in the summer of 2011.

“If dad doesn’t kill you, I will,” one text read.

Crown prosecutor Kerry McVey had asked for nine-month jail sentences.

“Honour violence can’t be allowed to gain traction in this country,” she told the court.

But defence lawyers Peter Beach and Jeffrey Langevin argued against jail for Bibi and Saeed, portraying them as victims of a dictatorial father, Mohammed Saeed, who had pleaded guilty to assaulting the daughter and got a 10-month jail sentence in a separate proceeding.

Though the family had immigrated to Canada in 2005, Langevin argued Saeed remained in the thrall of his father’s rigid beliefs.

And the lawyer noted Saeed had actually intervened to stop his father from beating up the daughter.

“He’s a young man whose father is king of the household,” Langevin said. “He’s horribly caught in the middle of this cultural clash.”

Beach said Bibi — a first-time offender with a very limited education — is a “fragile person” for whom jail would be especially harsh.

“She was a very isolated wife,” he said.

While Metivier conceded that Bibi may have acted under cultural and family pressure, the judge said mother and son “shared a dangerous belief system that has and can lead to violence against women.”

“These require significant denunciation.”

As for Saeed, a bad pre-sentence report sealed his fate; the author believed Saeed continues to harbour resentment towards his sister.

Metivier said Saeed exploited what had been a close relationship with his sister “to manipulate her.”

“I cannot find that a sentence of time served in the community would sufficiently denounce and deter this particular offender and others similarly inclined,” Metivier said.

Saeed told the judge the past three years had changed him “a lot.”

“I promise nothing like this will ever happen again,” he said.

Bibi said nothing when given the chance to speak, but she wept after the judge sentenced her to jail.

With credit for pre-sentence custody and time spent on strict release conditions, Bibi got 33 days in jail.

Saeed will serve 74 days.

The pair also got probation under the terms of which Bibi will have to take English as a Second Language classes or cultural integration programs.

Twitter: @ottawasuntonys

More on LINK.

And if that is not disturbing enough for you; this from Toronto:

More on LINK.

George Wallace said:
Recent disturbing news that is slipping under the radar and not getting much attention here at home.

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More on LINK.

And if that is not disturbing enough for you; this from Toronto:
More on LINK.

I hope readers took the time to watch the explanation. The "morality play" the children saw, and in which other children participated, commemorates the slaughter of the Prophet Mohammed's family by the caliphate of the day. It is disturbing, especially in light of what IS** is doing, but it hardly rises to the headline of "Mosque teaches 4-5 beheading" ... unless we can say that the Passion Play" teaches Christians how to crucify Jews.

A good reminder that fanatics (of whatever religion), not the religion itself, is the enemy here.

The Muslim and Christian religions have much in common.  Radical fanatics do bad things and we all need to stand together against them. Islam holds no monopoly on the production of radical fanatics. Hitler is a good example.

Muslim troops fought with the Allies in World War II, and Muslims in many capacities heroically stepped in and saved the lives of thousands of Jewish people. Michael Wolfe has researched this topic and turned up some fascinating stories.

The religion can be when it explicitly states what to do to unbelievers and the majority of believers follow that. Like it or not, some religions will be incompatibly with our society. Islam is more than the Koran, it is the Hadith's and jurisprudence that has accumulated over the last 1400 years. Islam is also not just one religion but 2 significantly different branches each with many sub branches. Salafi is the branch that is causing the world much of the problem and excluding practitioners of that branch from the country would be a wise move. 
Colin P said:
The religion can be when it explicitly states what to do to unbelievers and the majority of believers follow that. Like it or not, some religions will be incompatible (sp) with our society. Islam is more than the Koran, it is the Hadith's and jurisprudence that has accumulated over the last 1400 years. Islam is also not just one religion but 2 significantly different branches each with many sub branches. Salafi is the branch that is causing the world much of the problem and excluding practitioners of that branch from the country would be a wise move.

I agree with you in this regard. This key point sets Islam apart from Christianity or Judaism. There is no "live and let live" with in the greater devout Muslim community.
edited to add. In my opinion the greater majority of devout Muslims will not accept anything less than the eventual conversion and / or elimination of all points of view that their version of God is the one true God. I do not believe this the case for the vast majority of devout Christians or Jews or Agnostics (near Atheists) for that matter.
Colin P said:
The religion can be when it explicitly states what to do to unbelievers and the majority of believers follow that. Like it or not, some religions will be incompatibly with our society. Islam is more than the Koran, it is the Hadith's and jurisprudence that has accumulated over the last 1400 years. Islam is also not just one religion but 2 significantly different branches each with many sub branches. Salafi is the branch that is causing the world much of the problem and excluding practitioners of that branch from the country would be a wise move.

Reference the bolded part, you mean just like Christianity and Judaism which both have different branch and sub-branches, and which don't always play nice with each other.