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Israel strikes Hard at Hamas In Gaza- Dec/ 27/ 2008

White Phosphorus Not Banned
Use of white phosphorus is not specifically banned by any treaty, however protocol III of the 1980 Geneva convention prohibits the use of incendiary weapons against civilian populations or by air attack against military forces that are located within concentrations of civilians."
Kilo_302 said:
What do you guys think about IDF using Willy-Pete shells on Gaza City? I was under the impression that WP is pretty indiscriminate, and using it in urban areas seems irresponsible.

WP is the most common Smoke Round used by all nations, in all calibres.
George Wallace said:
I highly doubt any uniformed or easily identified members of any foreign armed force will be found.

Iranian agents have been caught in Gaza before. Iranian Quds Force have been active helping Hizbollah in Lebanon and of course we have caught scores of Iranian Quds Force in Iraq. They are active in training and advising their proxies.
tomahawk6 said:
Iranian agents have been caught in Gaza before. Iranian Quds Force have been active helping Hizbollah in Lebanon and of course we have caught scores of Iranian Quds Force in Iraq. They are active in training and advising their proxies.

I'm not denying that they are there, only that it is highly unlikely that they will be easily identified.  Their true nature would come out in interogation, if captured/arrested.  Again a case of them blending in with the "Locals".
Hamas has a fundamental advantage. They have chosen the battlefield. If the battlefield is located in a very densly populated urban area, so be it. Advantage to Hamas. Civilians get killed, advantage to Hamas. Hardly anyone wears a uniform anyway. Drop the weapon and run. Your a civilian. Your wife and children get killed or injured, they are martyrs. Hamas guy gets killed, he gets virgins. I guess his wife was a nothing anyway, as all he wanted besides killing infidels, was some virgins.

Look at this from Liveleak. Good use of an ambulance festooned with UN markings (and probably driven by a UN employee).



Israeli armoured military vehicles move towards the border with the Gaza Strip January 4, 2009. U.S. ally Qatar said on Sunday Israel's attack on Gaza amounted to a war crime and renewed calls for an emergency summit of Arab countries.
REUTERS/Ronen Zvulun


An Israeli helicopter releases a flare during an attack inside the northern Gaza Strip. Tens of thousands of Israeli troops backed by tanks battled Hamas fighters in Gaza on Sunday as the death toll from the offensive to end militant rocket attacks passed 510.
(AFP/Jack Guez)


Israeli artillery fire shells towards the Gaza Strip. Tens of thousands of Israeli troops backed by tanks battled Hamas fighters in Gaza on Sunday as the death toll from the offensive to end militant rocket attacks passed 510.
(AFP/Shay Shmueli)


Israeli armoured personnel carriers move towards the border with the Gaza Strip January 4, 2009. (Ronen Zvulun/Reuters)


An Israeli soldier lies atop an armoured military vehicle near Kibbutz Nahal Oz, just outside the Gaza Strip, January 4, 2009. (Ronen Zvulun/Reuters)


A smoke bomb explodes over the northern Gaza Strip January 4, 2009.
(Yannis Behrakis/Reuters)


Shelling Gaza : Smoke rises into the air and an artillery shell explodes over the central Gaza Strip. (AFP/Jack Guez)


Explosions from Israeli fire are seen over the northern Gaza Strip, as seen from the Israel side of the border,Sunday, Jan. 4, 2009. Thousands of Israeli troops backed by tanks and helicopter gunships pushed deeper into Gaza Sunday, fighting militants at close range and surrounding the coastal territory's largest city in the first full day of an overwhelming ground offensive. (AP Photo/Jini,Eliyahu Ben Igal)
FastEddy said:
1. GOOD !, let die where they stand, at least you can credit them on principle and conviction.

2.Boy are we SUCKERS here in North America. We hunt and round illegal Aliens from south of the Border who toil in our Fields and Orchards to feed us and toil at jobs no Canadian or American would touch with a ten foot pole. Yet we can hand out Green Cards and Cizenships to Countless milions who couldn't care less about Canada or the U.S.A, until its convenient or their asses are on fire.

3. These are the same people who danced in the street and cafes on 9/11. Yes that's right,

4. In a shooting war, either your on my side or the other, I couldn't care less who gets in the way of my fire when the bullets are zipping by my head.

5. Its a pity that we can't round up all the So called Intellectuals, PC , Milksops, Bleeding Hearts and Do Gooders and ship them over there and see how they handle it as the Hamas Rockets rain down on them daily. If you belong to any of the forementioned and wish to rag on this post, Please Do, at least you'll be identifying your selves, more than your Profiles do.

Whereas the above Post was the Cause of my "Recorded Warning" as being inflammatory. I therefore in all Justice resubmit it in a diesected and explanatory form in my Defense and it was only the result of a Selected few Forum Moderators who either find my style,humor,buntless and comparable illustrations personably objectable along with the possibility of biases or hostility towards my Military and Civilian Occupations.

Futher as a side note, it is stated that I received a "Verbale" warning on Dec 8th 2008, I have no record nor is there any evidence to that effect or what reference it was to. However, I did receive a PM from Mike Bobbit on the 18th of Dec., requesting that I contact him personally if I have a complaint against a Modorator rather than Publically taking a Jab.

Reference Nr.1; I referred to those Palestinians that elected to stay and die in a complementary manner, in that they had Conviction and True to their Principals.
(tell me is this Inflammatory)

Reference Nr.2; A comment and reference to our Immigration Dept. which many if not all the Members here can bear witness to and reference to our Migrant Workers and the injustice in their cases.
(if stating a fact or reference or truth is inflammatory, then we're in trouble)

Reference Nr.3; It was Televised  Worldwide of the Jubilation in the Muslim and Arab World on 9/11. I personally witnessed it here in Montreal.
(so this is inflammatory, maybe it was , to all the Western World who watched it)

Reference Nr.4; I recall your attention to the APC Gunner who opened fire on a overtaking Taxi, did he or would you care about who was in the Taxi.
(I rest my case, inflammatory I think not)

Reference Nr.5; I suggested that a assortment of Sympathizing groups travel
to the region and provide a solution while living under Hamas Rocket Attacks. My inclusion of Profiles was admittedly Sarcastic.
(what is inflammatory here or to who?)

In closing, if we are to be Publically Accused and Labled, then we all are entitled to Defend our selves as publically as we are Accused, or is this not the CANADIAN way, which you Men and Women are fighting and dying for.
Here, reproduced under the Fair Dealing provisions (§29) of the Copyright Act from Saturday’s Ottawa Citizen, is an editorial that I hope, but doubt, will resonate with most Canadians:

Child sacrifices

JANUARY 3, 2009
Yesterday morning a two-sentence item moved across the news wire. The first sentence reported the deaths of three Palestinian children, killed in an Israeli air raid in Gaza. The second sentence noted that Israel was targeting a Hamas rocket launcher near the children's home.

Israel is fighting an asymmetrical war against Hamas, and the asymmetries are crystal clear. Israel is a liberal democracy with western values, one of which is respect for life. This is why the Israeli government takes such extraordinary measures -- bomb shelters, security fences, you name it -- to protect its citizenry.

Hamas is a fundamentalist Islamic outfit that helped pioneer suicide terrorism and celebrates "martyrdom." This is why Hamas and other Islamist groups set up rocket launchers near where children live; why they use ambulances to transport weapons; why their gunmen shoot from hotels, mosques and other civilian infrastructure.

It's a sad paradox. Israel ends up killing more Palestinian civilians than Hamas does Israeli civilians, even though Israel's goal is to minimize civilian deaths and Hamas's is to maximize civilian deaths. How can this be?

The answer is obvious: Hamas deliberately puts its own children at risk. It may be that martyrdom is the greatest gift one generation can give another. And then there's the propaganda value that dead Palestinian children bring to the cause of demonizing "Zionists."

With Hamas rockets terrorizing Israeli towns, the Jewish state has little choice but to seek and destroy the launching pads. Yet because those are hidden in populated centres, Palestinian children will die.

This is heartbreaking, even for Israel. One hopes that Palestinian parents recognize that their children's blood is on the hands of their leaders.

© Copyright (c) The Ottawa Citizen


One is reminded of Golda Meir’s oft quoted (but less often sourced) admonishment to Anwar Sadat. “We can,” she is reported to have said, “forgive you for killing our sons. But we will never forgive you for making us kill yours.”

There is, and will remain, a majority opinion in Canada that Israel is a cruel oppressor of the innocent Arabs. All war, all killing is cruel but sometimes, as Margaret Thatcher used to say, there is no alternative.

Shec said:
Today's complete entry from my buddy's e-diary, himself an IDF vet and the father of an IDF soldier:



Hamas moves on Fatah 'collaborators'

Jan. 4, 2009
Khaled Abu Toameh , THE JERUSALEM POST

The Hamas government has placed dozens of Fatah members under house arrest out of fear that they might exploit the current IDF operation to regain control of the Gaza Strip.

The move came amid reports that the Fatah leadership in the West Bank has instructed its followers to be ready to assume power over the Gaza Strip when and if Israel's military operation results in the removal of Hamas rule.

Fatah officials in Ramallah told The Jerusalem Post that Hamas militiamen had been assaulting many Fatah activists since the beginning of the operation last Saturday. They said at least 75 activists were shot in the legs while others had their hands broken.

You have a good point. As with many civil wars/insurgencies the unrest provides good cover for people to settle political/personal scores. From the wikipedia article on the first intifada :

"Over the course of the first intifada, an estimated 1,100 Palestinians were killed by Israeli forces and 160 Israelis were killed by Palestinians. In addition, an estimated 1,000 Palestinians were killed by Palestinians as alleged collaborators, although fewer than half had any proven contact with the Israeli authorities."

As for the second intifada : "B'Tselem [Israeli human rights NGO] reports that through April 30, 2008, there were 4,745 Palestinians killed by Israeli security forces, and 44 Palestinians killed by Israeli civilians. B'Tselem also reports 577 Palestinians killed by Palestinians through April 30, 2008." or this;

For over a decade the PA has violated Palestinian human rights and civil liberties by routinely killing civilians—including collaborators, demonstrators, journalists, and others—without charge or fair trial. Of the total number of Palestinian civilians killed during this period by both Israeli and Palestinian security forces, 16 percent were the victims of Palestinian security forces. ...According to Freedom House's annual survey of political rights and civil liberties, Freedom in the World 2001-2002, the chaotic nature of the Intifada along with strong Israeli reprisals has resulted in a deterioration of living conditions for Palestinians in Israeli-administered areas. The survey states: "Civil liberties declined due to: shooting deaths of Palestinian civilians by Palestinian security personnel; the summary trial and executions of alleged collaborators by the Palestinian Authority (PA); extra-judicial killings of suspected collaborators by militias; and the apparent official encouragement of Palestinian youth to confront Israeli soldiers, thus placing them directly in harm's way."

However, on the other hand HAMAS may have reason for rounding up Fatah supporters. From Jeffery Goldberg's website (Reproduced under the Fair Dealing provisions (§29) of the Copyright Act):

"A Fatah Friend Writes: I'm Supporting the Israeli Air Force

30 Dec 2008 10:01 am
It's a strange world, but there you have it. I've been talking to friends of mine, former Palestinian Authority intelligence officials (ejected from power by the Hamas coup), and they tell me that not only are they rooting for the Israelis to decimate Hamas, but that Fatah has actually been assisting the Israelis with targeting information. One of my friends -- if you want to know why they're my friends, read this book -- told me that one of his comrades was thrown off a high-rise building in Gaza City last year by Hamas, and so he sheds no tears for the Hamas dead. "Let the Israelis kill them," he said. "They've brought only trouble for my people."

For your consideration, two articles below; both written by Israeli (Jewish, if it matters - but it shouldn't) writers from Haaretz.



tourza said:
For your consideration, two articles below; both written by Israeli (Jewish, if it matters - but it shouldn't) writers from Haaretz.




While I have my own views about the writers of the articles at least they are able to express their opinions in a paper of record in a democratic state.    I wonder to what extent that would be tolerated in the Gaza Daily Tribune? 
So if we know that Iran is assisting these guys, why not deal with Iran directly.  I know it's a major undertaking but when Nazi Gemany invaded Poland we declared war on Nazi Germany, when the Japanese attacked pearl harbour we declared war on Japan, Iraq invades Kuwait we attack Iraq twice.  It seems to me that we are fighting around the problem this time rather than dealing with it. If Iran is supporting terrorists openly enough as to have a formal organization to supply and train them then shouldn't we deal with the source of the problem?

Israeli soldiers advance in the northern Gaza Strip January 4, 2009.
(Baz Ratner/Reuters)


Israeli soldiers look out from atop a tank near the border with the northern Gaza Strip January 4, 2009. (Baz Ratner/Reuters)


An Israeli soldier takes position during scuffles with Palestinian stone-throwers, protesting Israel's offensive in Gaza, in the West Bank city of Hebron January 4, 2009. Israeli troops and tanks split the Gaza Strip and ringed its main city on Sunday in an offensive against Hamas militants but civilians trapped in the Palestinian enclave suffered more bloodshed. (Nayef Hashlamoun/Reuters)


An Israeli soldier advances at the border with the northern Gaza Strip January 4, 2009. (Baz Ratner/Reuters)


Israeli soldiers prepare artillery shells at their position outside the northern Gaza Strip January 4, 2009. (Yannis Behrakis/Reuters)


Israeli mobile artillery units fire shells towards Gaza from their position outside the northern Gaza Strip January 4, 2009. (Yannis Behrakis/Reuters)


Israeli soldiers look towards the border with the Gaza Strip near Kibbutz Nahal Oz January 4, 2009. (Ronen Zvulun/Reuters)


Smoke from Israeli shelling covers the town of Beit Hanun in the northern Gaza Strip. Israeli troops and Hamas fighters battled at dawn in Gaza on Monday amid tank, artillery and air strikes, as the death toll from the offensive to end rocket attacks passed 510. (AFP/Patrick Baz)


An Israeli soldier prays on top an Armored Personnel Carrier positioned near the border between southern Israel and the Gaza Strip, Monday, Jan. 5, 2009. Israeli forces pounded Gaza Strip houses, mosques and tunnels on Monday from the air, land and sea, consolidating their grip in the territory's northern half without quelching the rocket fire that provoked Israel's bruising, 10-day-old offensive.
(AP Photo/Ariel Schalit)
Interesting think tank solution - let's see how much coverage THIS gets in MSM....

Ending the War in Gaza
International Crisis Group, 5 Jan 09
News release link - Full report link (28 pg. .pdf) - Exec Summary
....To be sustainable, cessation of hostilities must be directly followed by steps addressing both sides’ core concerns:

    *  an indefinite ceasefire pursuant to which:
          o Hamas would halt all rocket launches, keep armed militants at 500 metres from Israel’s border and make other armed organisations comply;
          o Israel would halt all military attacks on, and withdraw all troops from Gaza;
    *  real efforts to end arms smuggling into Gaza, led by Egypt in coordination with regional and international actors;
    *  dispatch of a multinational monitoring presence to verify adherence to the ceasefire, serve as liaison between the two sides and defuse potential crises; countries like France, Turkey and Qatar as well as organisations such as the UN could play an important part in this;
    *  opening of Gaza’s crossings with Israel and Egypt, together with:
          o return of an EU presence at the Rafah crossing and its extension to Gaza’s crossings with Israel; and
          o coordination between Hamas authorities and the (Ramallah-based) Palestinian Authority (PA) at the crossings

“None of this can happen if the international community refuses to shift its approach on Hamas”,  says Nicolas Pelham, Crisis Group Senior Analyst....
Blue on blue.

"Three IDF soldiers were killed and 24 others were injured, one critically and three seriously on Monday evening, in a friendly fire incident in northern Gaza.

Among the fatalities were two officers and a soldier. Colonel Avi Peled, commander of the Golani Brigade sustained minor injuries in the incident.

The injured were triaged and cared for on site before being airlifted to the Chaim Sheba Medical Center at Tel Hashomer, Soroka University Medical Center in Beersheba, Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital in Jerusalem and the Rabin Medical Center in Petah Tikva. All of the families have been notified.

According to the IDF Spokesman's Unit, the grave incident occurred when a tank, deployed as part of Operation Cast Lead, accidentally fired a live round at an abandoned building in Jabalya, in which Golani forces, who were operating in the area, took cover. "

Cleared for publication: Three IDF soldiers were killed and 24 others were injured, one critically and three seriously on Monday evening, in a friendly fire incident in northern Gaza.

Among the fatalities were two officers and a soldier. Colonel Avi Peled, commander of the Golani Brigade sustained minor injuries in the incident.

The injured were triaged and cared for on site before being airlifted to the Chaim Sheba Medical Center at Tel Hashomer, Soroka University Medical Center in Beersheba, Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital in Jerusalem and the Rabin Medical Center in Petah Tikva. All of the families have been notified.

According to the IDF Spokesman's Unit, the grave incident occurred when a tank, deployed as part of Operation Cast Lead, accidentally fired a live round at an abandoned building in Jabalya, in which Golani forces, who were operating in the area, took cover.

According to available information, shortly after 6 pm, a blast took out part of the building, causing some of its walls to collapse and injuring the entire force.

Earlier Monday, the IDF explored the possibility that the building collapsed due to the detonation of explosives in it – an option which was ruled out as the details of the incident unfolded.

The injured were extracted under the cover of heavy IDF artillery fire and with the assistance of IAF helicopters which dropped illuminating bombs in order light their way.

Colonel Peled reportedly refused to leave the scene despite his injuries, opting to see to the rescue and triage of his troops. He sought medical care only after the last of his troops were evacuated.

Peled's conduct and actions, said an IDF source, show courage and "personified the kind of behavior the IDF expects of its commanders in such times."

Peled, a former Egoz Brigade and Battalion 51 head, assumed command of Golani last summer. Prior to his Golani assignment Peled headed the Gaza Division's southern brigade. It was during that time that Gilad Shalit was kidnapped by Hamas, but a subsequent military inquiry found no fault in Peled's conduct.
Plans Collide In Gaza

January 3, 2009: The Israeli attack on Hamas forces in Gaza on December 27th, hit fifty targets within 220 seconds. The fifty Israeli aircraft assembled off the coast, and delivered a well rehearsed attack designed to take out Hamas targets before key commanders could get away. Israeli intelligence had discovered Hamas plans for such an Israeli attack, which involved key Hamas personnel  immediately dispersing to hiding places. These included hospitals, where the Hamas men would dress in staff uniforms and blend in. Other safe havens included nursery schools, and other places where the Hamas officials would be surrounded by lots of civilians at all times. Thus the tight timing for the Israeli attack, intended to catch the key Hamas personnel before they could disperse.

Hamas knew that the Israelis have an informant network in Gaza. The key to Israeli success in dealing with Palestinian terrorists has always been an informant network within the Palestinian community. Many of these Palestinian informants are doing it for the money. Israelis pay for information. They also use other inducements (help with the bureaucracy, medical care, etc). If that fails, they use blackmail and threats. Palestinian terrorist organizations have been unsuccessful in their attempts to shut down the informant networks, and many innocent Palestinians have died simply because they were falsely accused of being informants.

In addition, the Israelis gain a lot of information via electronic intelligence work and UAVs that are constantly in the air over Gaza. Israel seeks to make the terrorists think that it's the gadgets, not informants, gathering the information. To the Israelis, inducing paranoia among the Palestinians is seen as a successful weapon. All this has helped keep the terrorists out of Israel for nearly five years now, something no one thought was possible.

The Israelis also have hundreds of police and military operatives who can pass as Arabs (their families came from Arab countries shortly after Israel was founded in 1947). These Israelis speak fluent Arabic (with a Palestinian accent), in addition to their Arab appearance. These agents dress as Palestinians and enter Palestinian areas to recruit and run Palestinian informants. At least in the West Bank. In Gaza, the Israelis use pro-Fatah Palestinians. At least a third of the Gaza population is still pro-Fatah, and continued Hamas pressure has not changed that.

The Israelis also make use of the phone system to avoid civilian casualties. For example, the bombing campaign after the initial attack was directed mostly at the thousands of rockets Hamas had stockpiled. Most of these were stored in civilian housing. This was a technique pioneered by Hezbollah in Lebanon. There, some homes would have a basement excavated, to provide more space for rockets. Israeli intelligence is still identifying these storage locations. When one is found, the Israelis will phone the home just before the attack and tell the civilians they have a few minutes to get out before the place blows up. In at least one case, the civilians were defiant, and went to the roof, believing that the Israelis would not bomb with women and children in plain sight. In response, the Israeli fighter came in low and fired some 20mm cannon shells right next to the building. The panicked civilians fled the building and the place blew up shortly thereafter.

Not related to the military campaign itself, however...



I didn't realise every university in Ontario was as backwards, ignorant and utterly stupid as York University (oops did I just say that). Apparently we (students, university employees et al) unconditionally support Hamas, Palestinians and every other ignorant twit who supports them. I didn't even realise that CUPE had this kind of pull on our campuses. Apparently, free speech...ain't.

Almost makes me want to get those custom tees made with my personal version of the 'Free-Free-Pal-es-tine' chant....
Here, reproduced under the Fair Dealing provisions (§29) of the Copyright Act from today’s Globe and Mail, is a proposal, by MGen (ret’d) Lew MacKenzie for UNEF III:

What is the UN waiting for? Deploy a strong force to Gaza


From Tuesday's Globe and Mail
January 6, 2009 at 12:00 AM EST

I first served in the Gaza Strip in 1963, seven years after Lester Pearson's diplomatic stick-handling led to the creation of the United Nations Emergency Force, the UN's first peacekeeping force. I served there for two years, living with more than 1,000 other Canadian soldiers in Camp Rafah, just inside Gaza. I returned to the region eight years later, this time to Cairo and Ismailia as part of Canadian support for UN ceasefire protocols after the 1973 Yom Kippur War. I have returned to the region many times during the past decade.

In my opinion, the Israeli-Hamas conflict is the only one in the world where there is no hope whatsoever of the participants resolving the key issues on their own, by any means. Hamas makes no secret that, aided and abetted by Iran, it is dedicated to the destruction of Israel. Any idea of a ceasefire in the current fighting leading to a change in Hamas's dedication to Israel's elimination is naive to the extreme. Any cessation of hostilities, no matter how temporary, will be used by Hamas to enhance its weapons arsenal in preparation for the next round of terrorist attacks against its neighbour.

On their own, Israel and Hamas are doomed to a perpetual state of war no matter how much international diplomatic horsepower is applied to resolving the conflict. But there is a solution that the world has been adroitly avoiding for 40 years.

Israel deserves security. Its population is prepared to live in peace with its neighbours providing they aren't dedicated to its extermination. If Israel deals with the threat from Hamas on its own, the situation will not improve over the long term - Hamas will simply resuscitate itself and carry on with its terrorist actions against Israel. The Security Council needs to show some rare backbone and authorize a strong UN force under the UN Charter's Chapter 7, which authorizes the use of deadly force as necessary, and deploy it within the Gaza Strip, taking on the responsibility to provide the security to which Israel is entitled.

The force would need to be strong enough to interdict weapons smuggling by sea, land (including by tunnel) and air from outside sources, to eliminate rocket attacks on Israel, to stop suicide bombers through use of border controls and, most important, to be strong enough militarily to take on Hamas if need be. The oft-expressed idea of putting international monitors into the Gaza Strip to control smuggling and the firing of rockets is ludicrous: Hamas would run rings around any unarmed outsiders whose only mandate was to "observe and report." Such monitors wouldn't even qualify as yet another Band-Aid solution.

Israel would not like this solution. It is extremely suspicious of the UN, which has all too often demonstrated anti-Semitic policies and statements thanks to the fact that most member states sympathize with such attitudes. Israel did not recognize the UNEF from 1956 to its withdrawal in 1967. In fact, when we had to drive through Israel to get some of our supplies in Lebanon, we were not allowed to get out of our vehicles while inside Israel.

The UN Relief and Works Agency, which provides aid to Palestinian refugees in the Gaza Strip, has been accused by Israel - with some justification - of anti-Israel bias. Nevertheless, with a UN force deployed across the border from Israel and capable of providing the security desired by its citizens, the Israelis would soon see the benefits.

The UN has maintained a peacekeeping force in Cyprus since 1964. There has been no fighting between the Greek and Turk Cypriots for the past 34 years. The peacekeepers are now popular tourist attractions. When you arrive on the south coast of Cyprus, you can sign up for a bus tour of Nicosia, where you can observe the peacekeepers executing their boring duty in sentry boxes first manned by Canadian soldiers some 38 years ago. If you are polite, they will let you have your picture taken with them.

The UN Security Council and member states should be ashamed. While UN resources are providing peacekeepers in a country safer than most of our major cities, just across the Mediterranean, scores of innocent Palestinians are being killed because a terrorist organization with the stated aim of ridding the world of Jews is permitted to sacrifice its own people without protest or intervention by the international community.

Retired major-general Lewis MacKenzie was the first commander of UN peacekeeping forces in Sarajevo.


I’m not a big fan of UN, baby-blue beret type peacekeeping missions anywhere but the UN may be the only source of a trusted mandate – anything but a UN mandated, indeed UN flagged  force might be unacceptable to the key players in Gaza.

Anything sent will have to be more than just militarily capable (which cuts the number of potential force contributing nations from 175+ to 30±), it will have to have a sophisticated intelligence gathering capability – or, better, be able to rely upon Israel for ‘steerage.’

And here, reproduced under the Fair Dealing provisions (§29) of the Copyright Act from today’s Globe and Mail, is a report on the status of 39ish Canadians – mostly, apparently, dual-national – in Gaza:

Canada lagged in getting citizens out of Gaza


From Tuesday's Globe and Mail
January 5, 2009 at 10:09 PM EST

OTTAWA/EREZ CROSSING, ISRAEL — Canada only asked Israel for help in getting its stranded citizens out of Gaza after hundreds of other foreign nationals were able to depart, and as a ground assault was preparing to roll in.

More than 200 foreigners, including 39 Canadians, were to leave war-ravaged Gaza Monday, but the Israelis said security risks forced them to shut down access to the Erez Crossing into Israel. They said they would try again to get them out Tuesday.

It's unclear why Canada's officials did not ask sooner for Israeli assistance to get Canadians out – before the start of the ground war on Saturday that made travelling in Gaza far more dangerous.

Several countries clamoured last week for Israel to help their citizens leave Gaza, before an expected ground assault, prompting the Israelis to allow about 300, including Americans, Russians, Ukrainians and Moldovans, to leave on Friday.

A spokesman for the Foreign Affairs Department in Ottawa, Rodney Moore, said that's the day that Canada sent a list of 36 Canadians who wanted to leave Gaza, and asked for Israeli assistance.

But Peter Lerner, a spokesman for the Israel government civil administration in the occupied territories, said Canadian officials only approached them for help the day after, on Saturday.

“Canadian diplomats approached us on the third 3rd of January,” he said. “On Saturday, they said 36 people. Later, they raised it to 39.”

He said that Monday's departure of foreigners was cancelled because of security concerns that made access to the Erez Crossing, the only point where civilians in Gaza can cross into Israel, too dangerous.

Canadian diplomats arrived at the Israeli side of the crossing into northern Gaza Monday, but left without the Palestinian-Canadians – believed to be mostly dual citizens – they were meant to receive. The diplomats refused to speak with journalists.

Diplomats of many other countries also left the crossing empty handed, and Mr. Lerner said that the 200 people scheduled to leave included citizens of the Philippines, Austria, France, Germany, Greece, Holland, Malta, Norway, Romania and Spain.

A spokesman for Israel's embassy in Ottawa, Orit Kremer, said that high-level Israeli and Canadian officials are in contact, and another effort to get the Canadians out will be made Tuesday.

“Everything was organized in order to get them [out] Tuesday. Unfortunately, it wasn't successful Tuesday, but we'll do our best to get them tomorrow,” she said.

During the 2006 Lebanon war, Canadian officials were criticized for the slow pace of their efforts to evacuate about 13,000 citizens from Beirut, as they struggled to arrange safe passage for ships for days after the United States and several European countries began ferrying out their nationals.

In this case, it's not clear why Canada did not ask for help sooner, before the situation on the ground in Gaza became dramatically more dangerous.

“We are deeply concerned about the security of Canadians in Gaza and are working with Israeli authorities to confirm the soonest available window of opportunity to assist Canadians in leaving Gaza,” Mr. Moore said.

The evacuation of the 200 foreign citizens was to be organized by the Red Cross, which had asked them to assemble at a meeting point in Gaza City.

They were to board buses that would take them north, where they were to be allowed into Israel to be bused directly to Jordan, because Israel would not give permission for them to remain inside Israel.

Mr. Moore said that there are currently 58 registered Canadians in Gaza, but several have not asked for assistance to leave.

He said that since 2000, Canada has warned Canadians not to travel to Gaza, and that it has helped 155 Canadians leave the territory, now under Hamas rule, in six operations in 2007 and 2008.


The primary reason it (making a request for help) took so long, I’m guessing, is that the predominantly Arabist professional foreign service hates to deal with Israel.  Most of the striped pants set in Festung Pearson are convinced that the Arabs and Palestinians have right, even a god or two, on their side and that the Israeli are slobbering brutes stamping about the otherwise quiet, peaceful, culturally advanced region in hobnailed jack boots and coal-scuttle helmets. Asking Israel for anything - other than explanations for their latest outrages - goes against the 'cultural' grain in DFAIT.

The article, of course – being written by Canadians, for Canadians - blames the government for having “lagged” and only in passing notes that the 39 or so Canadians put themselves in the soup by ignoring the government’s warnings. 

I'm curious why Lew-Mac used this example in his piece discussing Gaza:
....The UN has maintained a peacekeeping force in Cyprus since 1964. There has been no fighting between the Greek and Turk Cypriots for the past 34 years. The peacekeepers are now popular tourist attractions. When you arrive on the south coast of Cyprus, you can sign up for a bus tour of Nicosia, where you can observe the peacekeepers executing their boring duty in sentry boxes first manned by Canadian soldiers some 38 years ago. If you are polite, they will let you have your picture taken with them....
Isn't this apples & oranges?  The way Turkey & Greece get along is a far cry from how Hamas & Israel get along.  What kind of UN force, mandated by countries who share some of Hamas' views on Israel/Jews, would have the teeth to get in there and keep Hamas accountable?  Or does he mean it'll take a generation to calm things down here too?