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It seems to be taking too long..


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After sending in my recruitment information, i received and confirmation letter a few days later, telling me I will be notified with a date and time for my initial processing. It has been almost two months now. What I am asking is: Should I be nervous, and act? or patient and wait?

Thanks- J.P.
Be patient and wait. It's not weird for it to take up to a year. The army brings people in as it needs them, not as they want to join. You will be in competition against other applicants.
JP2371 said:
After sending in my recruitment information, i received and confirmation letter a few days later, telling me I will be notified with a date and time for my initial processing. It has been almost two months now. What I am asking is: Should I be nervous, and act? or patient and wait?

Thanks- J.P.

If you applied prior to 1 Nov 13, you need to contact your CFRC NOW because they are NOT going to contact you!  When you apply "online", you will receive an auto-generated email which basically acknowledges receipt of your application by the server, nothing more.

You should then receive a SECOND email within 48-72 hours which provides you with further direction.  So if you applied prior to Nov or if you applied after that and did not receive a second email, then you need to contact your local CFRC right away.
Here is what the first email looks like:

[size=10pt]"Good day. This notice is to confirm the receipt of your on-line employment application to the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) and to inform you that your file has been opened at the Canadian Forces Recruiting Group. Based on your eligibility, CAF recruiting priorities and occupation availability a decision will be made whether or not to process your application. Should it be determined that your application will be processed, you will be notified by us and your file will then be transferred to the recruiting centre closest to you. Thank you for your interest in the CAF."[/size]

And the second:

[size=10pt]"Thank you for your employment application to the Canadian Armed Forces. Your application has been selected for further processing.  Please contact the Canadian Forces Recruiting Detachment Montreal within 30 days of the receipt of this email by calling 1-800-***-**** to arrange for an appointment for your initial processing.

There are several items which you will be required to have with you on the first visit, as follows:

1.        Proof of age (birth certificate)
2.        Proof of citizenship (if required)
3.        Educational transcripts

Failure to provide these documents may preclude you from the opportunity to undertake the initial processing."

Considering this statement from the fist e-mail:

"Should it be determined that your application will be processed, you will be notified by us and your file will then be transferred to the recruiting centre closest to you."

I guess there may be a chance that your application hasn't been processed for what ever reason (maybe the trades you applied for don't need anyone?).

Either way, I would take DAA's advice, the man knows his stuff.
I received the second email from my local recruiting centre. They told me they will notify me when they have a date for initial processing. that was about two months ago though.

and I have emailed them 3 times since them, and they replied to none of my emails.
Call them until someone answers the phone. That way you will get an immediate answer.

Unfortunately that is really the best advice and your best bet at this point.
JP2371 said:
I received the second email from my local recruiting centre. They told me they will notify me when they have a date for initial processing. that was about two months ago though.

and I have emailed them 3 times since them, and they replied to none of my emails.

I have to agree with Goose15 here.  Keep calling and hounding them.

If you wait for them to get back to "you", then you could very well be waiting for something that isn't going to happen....
Im gonna go down there this weekend, i figure it's the most direct approach, thanks again guys.
DAA said:
I have to agree with Goose15 here.  Keep calling and hounding them.

If you wait for them to get back to "you", then you could very well be waiting for something that isn't going to happen....

DAA, in your opinion, after submitting all the necessary documentation to your CFRC, how long should one wait before paying them a visit (I live right next door to the one in MTL ;D) for a status update if they never get back you?
matthew1786 said:
DAA, in your opinion, after submitting all the necessary documentation to your CFRC, how long should one wait before paying them a visit (I live right next door to the one in MTL ;D) for a status update if they never get back you?

If you have already written the CFAT and qualified for your chosen occupation (DEO Pilot), they need to do the initial Medical and then get you loaded on ASC (Aircrew Selection).  Pilot is a "priority" occupation, so technically, the process should be moved along rather quickly or quicker than others.  However, as you have not yet completed your Degree, they may very well not process you as quickly as someone who already has obtained their degree.

Based on your prior posts and your Degree path, why not add Engineer Officer or even Signals Officer?  Bachelors in Electrical Engineering is  considered to be "ideal" academic credentials for both.  Something to consider, especially if you wish to pursue a career in the CF as an Officer and for whatever reason, don't qualify as a Pilot.
DAA said:
If you have already written the CFAT and qualified for your chosen occupation (DEO Pilot), they need to do the initial Medical and then get you loaded on ASC (Aircrew Selection).  Pilot is a "priority" application, so technically, the process should be moved along rather quickly or quicker than others.  However, as you have not yet completed your Degree, they may very well not process you as quickly as someone who already has obtained their degree.

Based on your prior posts and your Degree path, why not add Engineer Officer or even Signals Officer?  Bachelors in Electrical Engineering are considered to be "ideal" academic credentials for both.  Something to consider, especially if you wish to pursue a career in the CF as an Officer and for whatever reason, don't qualify as a Pilot.

Thanks DAA. I appreciate the quick reply, you are a godsend to these forums!

Back in 2012 I applied for Engineer Officer (ROTP) because there wasn't enough time to send me to CAPSS before making the merit list deadline. At that point the subsidized education was a huge motivator to just go ahead and scrap pilot. The truth is I have always dreamed of becoming a pilot and now that I have my shot, I plan on doing everything in my power to get that f*cking job. If I don't qualify... well no. I'm ending that train of thought there. Signals officer doesn't interest me at all, I specialize in power systems and power electronics.

Thanks again!
matthew1786 said:
Thanks DAA. I appreciate the quick reply, you are a godsend to these forums!
Back in 2012 I applied for Engineer Officer (ROTP) because there wasn't enough time to send me to CAPSS before making the merit list deadline. At that point the subsidized education was a huge motivator to just go ahead and scrap pilot. The truth is I have always dreamed of becoming a pilot and now that I have my shot, I plan on doing everything in my power to get that f*cking job. If I don't qualify... well no. I'm ending that train of thought there. Signals officer doesn't interest me at all, I specialize in power systems and power electronics.
Thanks again!

Well then, good luck!  Don't be disappointed if you don't get picked up for ROTP, as there is always DEO available and you can apply for that Entry Plan once you are into your "last year" of university.  On top of that, the Pilot occupation will be in demand for years to come. 

May as well start studying for ASC now (bottom right, "Candidate Guide")

----->  http://www.forces.gc.ca/en/training-establishments/cf-aircrew-selection-centre.page
DAA said:
Well then, good luck!  Don't be disappointed if you don't get picked up for ROTP, as there is always DEO available and you can apply for that Entry Plan once you are into your "last year" of university.  On top of that, the Pilot occupation will be in demand for years to come

May as well start studying for ASC now (bottom right, "Candidate Guide")

----->  http://www.forces.gc.ca/en/training-establishments/cf-aircrew-selection-centre.page

Years to come? :o The hiring freeze was really that big?
Goose15 said:
Years to come? :o The hiring freeze was really that big?

Supply and demand.  Becoming a Pilot in the CF is a long, long, long road to reaching the final goal of actually becoming "operational", which is not easy by any stretch of the imagination to achieve.

Across all Entry Plans (DEO, ROTP and CEOTP-AEAD Pilot) there were probably 190 opportunities, give or take and the requirements will most likely be similar for the coming year.

So while the CF may offer up these opportunities and enrol applicants as Pilots, some do not make it through to the end.  Hence, the need to hire so many.
DAA said:
Supply and demand.  Becoming a Pilot in the CF is a long, long, long road to reaching the final goal of actually becoming "operational", which is not easy by any stretch of the imagination to achieve.

Across all Entry Plans (DEO, ROTP and CEOTP-AEAD Pilot) there were probably 190 opportunities, give or take and the requirements will most likely be similar for the coming year.

So while the CF may offer up these opportunities and enrol applicants as Pilots, some do not make it through to the end.  Hence, the need to hire so many.

That makes good sense. Thanks for the explanation.
I can completely agree with what DAA has said earlier on this subject lads.

Take myself for example. It's almost been a year since I've applied for the Army Reserves - Infantry "officially". Still no spots are open and I just keep on waiting. That's the way it just is unfortunately. However the wait makes it all worth while.

Note: I mean "officially" as I actually received the paperwork and returned it in complete and am in the system waiting for the opportune moment to present itself.
Vanguard said:
I can completely agree with what DAA has said earlier on this subject lads.

Take myself for example. It's almost been a year since I've applied for the Army Reserves - Infantry "officially". Still no spots are open and I just keep on waiting. That's the way it just is unfortunately. However the wait makes it all worth while.

Note: I mean "officially" as I actually received the paperwork and returned it in complete and am in the system waiting for the opportune moment to present itself.

Don't wait for the system to contact you, it's up to you to contact the system.  So if you have submitted an application for the Reserves, you need to get back in touch with the Reserve Unit that you are trying to join.  Your local CFRC is not going to help you in this regard, it is all up to you to do the leg work!!!
Question for you DAA:

Does the 48-72 hour rule apply to Non-ROTP Reg Force Applicants as well? Just want to make sure I'm staying on top of my timelines and paperwork.
Goose15 said:
Question for you DAA:

Does the 48-72 hour rule apply to Non-ROTP Reg Force Applicants as well? Just want to make sure I'm staying on top of my timelines and paperwork.

It applies to "ALL" Regular Force Applicants regardless of Entry Plan.  The only exception is for those applying to the "Reserve Force" in which case, the applicant MUST contact a "local" Reserve Force Unit to have the processing started.
DAA said:
It applies to "ALL" Regular Force Applicants regardless of Entry Plan.  The only exception is for those applying to the "Reserve Force" in which case, the applicant MUST contact a "local" Reserve Force Unit to have the processing started.

Thanks, that is good to know :cheers: