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'It's time to consolidate NDHQ' & 'DND to take-over Nortel Campus' (Merged threads)

First item here, shared in a new thread for those wanting to discuss it....
.... Through the RFQ process, DCC intends to qualify potential development teams with the interest, capability and capacity to design, build, finance and maintain (DBFM) a new DEFENCE Department office and special purpose facility to be constructed in the greater Ottawa area utilizing a Public-Private-Partnership (P3) approach.  The facility will be located on a site owned by the Government of Canada. This upcoming opportunity will be of interest to developers with the capacity, either directly or through a consortium, for the design, construction, financing and management of a facility comprising a total of 72,000 rentable square metres of office, support and special purpose space, together with associated site development and infrastructure requirements ....
Another one with the same square footage as Pearkes.  Interesting.
They are going to move DND office? But really enjoyed seeing the current one across from Rideau Mall, seeing all the CF folks on taking OC transpo to places...oh and the past protest marches on MacKenzie bridge. :(


It wouldn't be replacing NDHQ (Pearkes).  The new one would be supplementing (and consolidating - one can dream, right?) the umpteen buildings that DND occupies in the NCR.
mellian said:
They are going to move DND office? But really enjoyed seeing the current one across from Rideau Mall, seeing all the CF folks on taking OC transpo to places...oh and the past protest marches on MacKenzie bridge. :(


The Department of National Defence occupies, in whole or in part, over 40 buildings within the national capital region. While it is possible that this new building could be intended as a replacement for the current occupants of 101 Colonel By Drive, I highly doubt it. More likely it would be used to consolidate personnel currently scattered throughout the region. And of course, for additional capacity, which is frankly desperately needed.

I wouldn't hold your breath on seeing 101 Col. By Drive emptying out anytime soon.
mellian said:
They are going to move DND office?
As stated, a consolidation of other workplaces seems more likely.  I’ve heard rumour of a Louis St. Laurent 2 in order to bring the Hotel de Ville crowd back to co-locate with DLR & DGLEPM, but the suggested plot of land wouldn’t fit what is described on the MERX.  In any case, consider the amount of floor space that DND already manages for NDHQ:

101 Col By74,660 m2
Louis St. Laurent 40,092 m2
Constitution22,625 m2
Startop20,769 m2
400 Cumberland15,523 m2
285 Coventry10,374 m2
4210 Labelle8,697 m2

… and that is just a selection of the buildings that DND manages.  There is another much longer list of PWGSC managed facilities that devote a significant amount of floor space to NDHQ

However, if we are going to make the investment in a new major construction, I would think we’d get the best value from one single massive building to consolidate the workspaces of all the others.  Sure, there would be a large capital cost at the front end, but I wonder what we could save down the road with:
  • simpler facilities management requirements (smaller staff because they only worry about one place)
  • no more contracted DND shuttle services
  • no more paying for taxis or parking for business related visits between buildings
  • no more lost productivity hours as pers travel between buildings (I wonder if anyone has ever determined the number of PYs lost annually to time spent waiting for or traveling on NDHQ shuttles)
  • Increased productivity from interacting staffs that would be regularly able to directly interact

There would still be a need for a limited shuttle service between the new building  (for now, let's call it MILNET Tower), 101 Col By, the relocated HCC and Clothing Stores.

DND would also no longer have to pay multiple gym memberships at almost every YMCA in town for those folks who's building is neither close to or has PT facilities. 
We should have bought the JDS campus when we had the chance... maybe the Nortel campus near Connaught will become available in the future...
Haggis said:
There would still be a need for a limited shuttle service between the new building  (for now, let's call it MILNET Tower), 101 Col By, the relocated HCC and Clothing Stores.
Not in my world  :P  There currently is not shuttle to the HCC, so that would not have to change.  Clothing Stores would move from HPB to the consolidated NDHQ super building, and so would the occupants of 101.
My nderstanding from press reports is that this will be a secure facility for the secret squirrels of CSE.  However, whether other DND offices will be consolidated into their old stomping grounds remains to be seen.

Remember, though, that like most departments in the NCR, DND is expected to have about a 75-25 split between Ottawa and Hull Gatineau; efficiency will never happen for that reason alone.
Don't forget that the former NDMC is rumoured to come down in 2013.  They may be looking at amalgamating people who are in offices in a dozen (or more) buildings all into one. 

40 buildings in the NCR?  I think there's more than that.
Frostnipped Elf said:
NDMC was "condemned" in 1999, so 2013 is the new date?

Well, CF H Svcs C (O) is just moving out now (I moved today  ;D).  I mean, they have to have somewhere to put everyone before they can actually tear it down, no?
dapaterson said:
Remember, though, that like most departments in the NCR, DND is expected to have about a 75-25 split between Ottawa and Hull Gatineau; efficiency will never happen for that reason alone.
Then, lets throw the .COMs into Gatineau (since they want to be seperate anyway) and leave QETE in the NPB (since it is more of a unit than part of the HQ).  Everything else could move into the new consolidated NDHQ (which would have enough floor space for the .COMs to eventually move in).
OTTAWA — The federal government is set to announce the purchase of the Nortel Networks campus just outside of Ottawa for the Department of National Defence.

Department officials have wanted for years to consolidate its dozens of offices in the city into several key locations.

The successful purchase of the $150-million Nortel campus will accomplish that goal, government sources say.

DND has been concerned about security, rising rents and aging buildings. The consolidation will also cut costs.

John MacLennan, national president of the Union of National Defence Employees, said his organization is concerned about transportation problems for workers commuting to suburban Ottawa.

"You're adding on extra time to get to work, from one end of the city to the other and transit services aren't the best. It's going to be a challenge for a lot of people."

The deal could be announced as early as Monday.
article link

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57Chevy said:
"You're adding on extra time to get to work, from one end of the city to the other and transit services aren't the best. It's going to be a challenge for a lot of people."
Boo-frickity-hoo!  What an asinine comment.  For some, yes, it will be further.  What of those who pass the NORTEL building on their way to the current location?  Is it any wonder why I hate unions?  :rage:
If, and it's a Big IF, DND can convince cabinet to allow everyone to move to one campus - including the Gatineau, QC contingent - then it is a major relocation of one of the National Capital Region's biggest workforces. The transportation system IS an issue and it will, almost certainly, force the City of Ottawa to rethink its light rail system which will, again almost certainly, be the only really effective way to get that many people to and from one site, in the medium and longer terms.

Technoviking said:
Boo-frickity-hoo!  What an asinine comment.  For some most, yes, it will be further.  What of those who pass the NORTEL building on their way to the current location?  Is it any wonder why I hate unions?  :rage:

Fixed that for you.

The small number of people who are travelling from points west of Kanata already faced long commutes, so the reduction in their commutes would be insignificant.

Well, it's a small number now, before the significant shift of population away from Orleans in the coming years...

E.R. Campbell said:
If, and it's a Big IF, DND can convince cabinet to allow everyone to move to one campus - including the Gatineau, QC contingent - then it is a major relocation of one of the National Capital Region's biggest workforces. The transportation system IS an issue and it will, almost certainly, force the City of Ottawa to rethink its light rail system which will, again almost certainly, be the only really effective way to get that many people to and from one site, in the medium and longer terms.

Rethink in a BIG way.  The light rail system that's been on the drawing boards only extends from Blair Station to Tunney's Pasture.  As an Orleans resident who works at Tunney's, I currently take one express bus to/from work.  If I ended up at the Nortel campus, it would go to one express bus, one light rail trip, and another bus....in each direction. 

I'm not amused, considering I already spend 80 minutes in transit per day.