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January 12, aptitude testing in ottawa

  • Thread starter Thread starter Blondesweetie72
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i had the call tonight for my aptitude, medical and interview testing on january 12, 2006, any last words from anyone would be appreciated. let me know. julie
Good luck ;)  as long as you have crossed your T's and dotted your I's all will be fine :salute:
For the CFAT (aptitude test); RELAX.

For the interview;   relax & be yourself. Know your application like the back of your hand.

Make sure you dress up but you don't have to over do it. (common sense - don't wear jeans). First impressions go a long way. I didn't have my interview on my first day. If I did, I would have dressed better but you can use your judgement on that one.

The staff at CFRC Ottawa are excellent and help make it easier. Good luck & keep us posted.

Last words: fitness: be prepared; medical: be honest and prepared; aptitude: be prepared and study; interview: be honest, but above all remember why you want to do this, what drives you to want to be in the CF, if it's a moral question (I want to serve my country) say so, if it's economic (I want funding for my future education) say so, be yourself, be your best self and be sure of yourself. Good luck!
Staff at CFRC Ottawa are awesome...been processed by them, interviewed by them, and worked with them...

As far as the testing and interview is concerned, Relax...Take it seriously, but not enough to stress you out...If you want to do this, you'll do fine. Be respectful when you get there. Dress nicely, yet comfortably, it gets pretty hot when you're in there for a while.

Follow Directions, pay attention to what the staff is saying, and you'll do fine.
I would suggest that you prepare for the CFAT by reviewing your highschool math.  This is by far the most important section of the test in that it has the greatest influence on your overall mark and the trades you will be eligible for.  You will feel much more relaxed if you have reviewed this.  Tests can be stressful enough,  without being ill-prepared for one that has such a significant impact on your future in the military.

You should know everything you can possibly know about the trades you are applying for.  Think of this as appying for a job with any other company.  You wouldn't show up for a job interview without knowing about the job you are applying for and the company you are applying to.

As a last point, make sure you are well rested.  You will perform better on the test if you are not tired and you don't want to over sleep and then have to rush to the recruiting center, adding stress, or heaven forbid, being a "no show" and then having to rebook your CFAT and starting this whole process all over again.

Best of luck.
For you CFAT brush up on your math
thouse practice questions are nothing compare to the test itself.
On the CFAT side of things, try to relax and make sure you can see the timer if you aren't using a computer (I cannot speak for the computer thing). Time will go so fast when you are doing the test and it can be over before you know it, so seeing where you are relative to the timer will allow you to pace yourself correctly (otherwise you might not finish all the questions) . As for the content, two of the three there is no real prep work for, as for the math, just make sure you know how to add, subtract, multiply and divide in your head (you do get paper and a pencil, but...). Course content on CFAT can be found all over this forum, so just do some looking.