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"Jimmies" What do the Signals do?

1911CoLt45 said:
What is the role of the Sig Officer?  I know its management things.  Can any one elaborate?  Any stories?

To provide advice to the CO (unless you are the CO), go to countless meetings, stay out of the weeds and listen to the Pl WO and the advice of your SMEs.  Also for some unknown reason play soccer really, really well.
Swingline1984 said:
Also for some unknown reason play soccer really, really well.

I think you found an anomaly, most of the ones I've worked with don't even know what soccer is...
PuckChaser said:
I think you found an anomaly, most of the ones I've worked with don't even know what soccer is...

Well that's a relief.  I was starting to think they majored in it at RMC.
Were you ever involved in any contacts with the Talistanis...
tsokman said:
Were you ever involved in any contacts with the Talistanis...

You make my head hurt at times..

Don't make up your own slang..  Just use Taliban, Al Qaeda, etc  you know the actual names of the groups an what everyone knows.

If you are trying to find out if Sigs get into TICs, than yes some have been, others haven't. All depends on where you end up going, your job, etc.
tsokman said:
Were you ever involved in any contacts with the Talistanis...

I lived down the street from them when I was younger.  They had no children but raised rabbits instead and never tipped well when it was time to pay for their newspaper.  I wonder what happened to them?  Perhaps they were a sleeper a cell.
I meant the LCIS Tech who served with RCHA in Afghanistan not Sigs...

GW: Maybe youre waste of all the elements not just O there pal.
tsokman said:
GW: Maybe youre waste of all the elements not just O there pal.

I will reserve my judgment on who is the oxygen theif until after you explain to me who the "Talistanis" are.......mmmm.......k ?
tsokman said:
I meant the LCIS Tech who served with RCHA in Afghanistan not Sigs...

GW: Maybe youre waste of all the elements not just O there pal.

Easy now.... more comments like this and you will find yourself on the ramp without a parachute.

And I highly suggest you read Milnet.ca Conduct Guidelines: MUST READ 


George, you should know better! 
I didnt know the word "Talistanis" would cause such an uproar....:) I thought the CF was big on innovation.
tsokman said:
I didnt know the word "Talistanis" would cause such an uproar....:) I thought the CF was big on innovation.
We may make up names for the enemy on exercises, but when we know the enemy's name, we don't usually put some "cutesy" spin on it.  ::)
OK thanks...Is it just the Taliban we're fighting or are there other factions as well like the Northern Alliance etc...And when do the Chinese enter the war..haha :)
tsokman said:
OK thanks...Is it just the Taliban we're fighting or are there other factions as well like the Northern Alliance etc...

tsokman said:
OK thanks...Is it just the Taliban we're fighting or are there other factions as well like the Northern Alliance etc...And when do the Chinese enter the war..haha :)

Google is your friend.

Milnet.Ca Staff
tsokman said:
I meant the LCIS Tech who served with RCHA in Afghanistan not Sigs...

All LCIS Techs serve in the C & E branch.  Some of them are attached to Artillery, or Armoured, or Infantry units to support those formations/units.  The artillery doesn't have its own 227 types. 

You need to read more and type less.
tsokman said:
OK thanks...Is it just the Taliban we're fighting or are there other factions as well like the Northern Alliance etc...And when do the Chinese enter the war..haha :)

Ummmmm I don't think you should include yourself in the "we're" part.  Are you even a sworn in member of the CF?  'Cause here is the deal...I am a member of the CF, been around for awhile, never been to Afghanistan and I don't consider myself in part of the "we're" that are chasing bad guys and pulling triggers over there.

So I am wondering why you do.  But I can see you didn't take anyones STFU advice and can't post, so maybe you can think about that while you're on RLS.
'cause Im Canadian and I support our(the!!) forces....You dont think thats ok...hmmmm this was an odd response I thought...
tsokman said:
'cause Im Canadian and I support our(the!!) forces....You dont think thats ok...hmmmm this was an odd response I thought...

When you say "we're fighting etc etc" it can seem like you see yourself as one of the troops over there right now, etc.

Anyways, you really need to read more, post less an think before you post.

tsokman said:
OK thanks...Is it just the Taliban we're fighting or are there other factions as well like the Northern Alliance etc...And when do the Chinese enter the war..haha :)

Just an FYI the Northern Alliance fought the Taliban...

Chinese enter the war? What the ****

If you want to know who all the factions are there, research it. There are Afghan an foriegn fighters in Afghanistan fighting ISAF/ANSF... google it for more info.