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"Jimmies" What do the Signals do?

Recon Pl No. RECCE Sqn Yes. As for SF it all depends on requirements that i will not get into.
Are they issued the same small arms as the infantry the c-7, c-8 variants and the minimi...I notice in some rotos theyre not part of NSE  but with Btl group...Would they take part in helo insertions as part of infantry batallions...
tsokman said:
Are they issued the same small arms as the infantry the c-7, c-8 variants and the minimi...I notice in some rotos theyre not part of NSE  but with Btl group...Would they take part in helo insertions as part of infantry batallions...

All members of the Land Forces are trained on the same weapons.
What about the individial soldier radio system-i dont know what its called- do they maintain those...and any possible CF version of  the land warrior system...would they maintain that...
The PRR (Personal Role Radio) is a sealed unit, so testing is all we do on it. Just the way the government did the contract. As for the US Land Warrior System, until the CF decides if they are going that way speculation is useless on who will maintain it. But if things go as to the norm, the initial warantee period will be spent on the shelf during limited trials, then introduced with no parts,manual ( a short story about a mexican kid) or support.
What do they do with sealed units that dont work properly anymore..do they just scrap them as junk...Doesnt the CF have a Land Warrior type system in trial phase right...I wonder if LCIS Techs would be the main techs on such a system....Can you be an instrument specialist as an LCIS Tech...
My God, Gavin.  You surely understand how incredibly patient people are being, right?  Yes, you can be the technical whiz kid that fixes all the ninjasniperscubacommando gadgets on an elite strike team that operates out of a flying black stealth Winnebago.  And sometimes when the mission is really technical, you can go with them and get into wacky hijinks, which initially jeopardizes the mission but your tech savvy ends up saving the day.  Then all the bad-ass warriors will tousle your hair and you will really feel part of the team. 

Go to a recruiter.  See if the BASIC job profile is what you want.  After that, you can work your way up to working on the man portable-rail guns and teleporters. 
tsokman said:
I notice they are embedded into EME maintenance units...Do they ever work with small units like special forces or recon platoons...

You think your going to be some kinda Ninja SOF LCIS Tech or something? You aren't even in the Military yet an already thinking about the high speed stuff..

An you also want to work on Air Force kit, etc..  you can't have it all kid.

Anyways, like what was said there are no LCIS Techs in Recce Pl.  As for SOF well there are positions in CANSOFCOM units for LCIS techs, how they are employed I have no idea an you won't find any info unless you are in the unit as it is OPSEC.

tsokman said:
Are they issued the same small arms as the infantry the c-7, c-8 variants and the minimi

The FN Minimi is designated as the C9 LMG in the CF.  But yes of course LCIS techs are issued a weapon just like everyone else.. you will most likely have a C7A2.. perhaps a C8 on tour who knows. But I've never seen any LCIS Techs be a C9 gunner anywhere. You will still train on the weapon though on your BMQ-L/SQ an during work up training.

tsokman said:
I notice in some rotos theyre not part of NSE  but with Btl group...Would they take part in helo insertions as part of infantry batallions...

Depending on the TO&E of the Infantry BN in the BG they could have LCIS Techs in their Sigs Pl, if not than they would be with NSE or another organization that employs techs.  As for taking part in an Air Assualt.. really?  No.. there are no Techs in the Rifle Coys or Recce Pl ie the pers who are out on Operations, etc. If you are a LCIS Tech in the Infantry Battalion you would be back in KAF working in a Tech Shop or maybe out at a FOB working in a Tech Shop. As for other parts of the BG ie the tankers, etc I don't know how/if Techs are employed in that sub-org in the BG as I only have experiance working in an Infantry BN here in Canada and overseas.

Anyways, tsokman read this next line carefully..    POST LESS READ MORE
Search the LCIS Tech threads here an read the job info on the CF Recruiting website..  and remember you aren't even in the Military yet.. it's great to look into oppertunities that you MAY have in the future if you make it through the training but you should really be focusing on learning about what the basic job of what you will be doing as an LCIS Tech is an getting ready for the recruiting procress an Basic Training an such.
I already have a box of broken tools as does every other shop in NATO. And I certainly don't need any more administrative nightmares than I already have. Tsokman keep focused on 1st- Passing Basic Trg. 2nd- Passing Basic Trg. 3rd- Passing Basic Trg. Don't even worry about what is after that until you get to it. You have at least 2 more years until your first posting to a unit, and by then alot can change.
What is the usual field kit issue for an LCIS Tech...do they get body armour, etc all that kit...Im wondering if maintenance techs would receive different kit...
tsokman said:
What is the usual field kit issue for an LCIS Tech...do they get body armour, etc all that kit...Im wondering if maintenance techs would receive different kit...

Depending on unit, etc... Mbr's of the army normally have the same intitlement, regardless of trade. Either way, you will be issued what your intitled to (assuming that its in stock at supply).

All I can suggest is that you POST LESS READ MORE, most if not all of your questions have been answered many times before.
tsokman said:
What is the usual field kit issue for an LCIS Tech...do they get body armour, etc all that kit...Im wondering if maintenance techs would receive different kit...

You get a pink tutu to prance around in an a magic wand to fix things with.

1.) There is no such thing as a maint tech

2.) Why do you think Techs are special an get different gear than anyone else?

You are not special. You are not a beautiful or unique snowflake. You're the same decaying organic matter as everything else. - Fight Club

-Skeletor- said:
You get a pink tutu to prance around in an a magic wand to fix things with.

1.) There is no such thing as a maint tech

2.) Why do you think Techs are special an get different gear than anyone else?

I love it when you talk like that    ::)
No I thought maybe they got worse gear as opposed to combat arms.
tsokman said:
No I thought maybe they got worse gear as opposed to combat arms.
If we're all wandering around "outside the wire" so to speak, we're all issued the same stuff, pretty much.

"Jimmies" are worth their weight in gold, well sometimes.
Some of your questions about LCIS Techs and other subjects have bordered on trolling....

Tsokman as has been stated before I think you should post less and read more......

Lest you find yourself introduced to the warning system.... just a friendly reminder.....
