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Jogging vs. Sprinting

St. Micheals Medical Team said:
The workout you decribe is called Tabata intervals, and you can do them with any exercise. And while I have never tried it running, I can honestly say that workout will kick your *** with whatever activity you do. A suggestion, you can cut the warmup time down by half.

+1 to that, I tired Tabata Intervals within a few of my workouts, more specificly Crunches, Situps & Pushups, certainly kicked my ass, I did not finish very well
I've been doing HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) for the last couple years when I run, so I must agree with the benefits of sprinting. 

I do 3 minutes warm up at 60% effort, then 1 minute at 100%, 1 minute 60%, repeating until I hit 15 minutes, then a 3 minute cooldown.
So I'm done in 18 minutes, and it's extremely fun.  This is almost always on a treadmill at the gym.

Occasionally I'll do a 5 minute warm up, followed by a mile at the fastest pace I can keep up, then a 5 minute cooldown. I just beat my personal best of a 6 minute mile the other day!

I also run outside 1 or 2 times per week, for 5 to 10 km depending on how much time I have, so I have a good mix of sprint intervals, prolonged runs, and longer distance.  I believe it's important to mix up your activities, so you don't become accustomed to the same thing every time.

I feel very confident as a runner for both sprints and long distance, so when I started getting back into the pool this September, to work on my swimming technique and stamina, I felt sadly inadequate when I crap out after 6 lengths of front crawl, and the person next to me is doing 20 lengths with ease.

So my further advice is... if you run all the time, add some swimming to your routine as well for a humbling experience!
The answer to all of this discussion is Crossfit.  It brings it all together with aerobic and anaerobic exercises, including days where you sprint and other days where a nice slow jog is conducted.  The more variety you do in your workout the more your fitness will develop.  and the exercises where you aren't running at all give a great aerobic/anaerobic workout.  Just a thought.
kayakguy72 said:
The answer to all of this discussion is Crossfit. 

Apparently it will also be the cure to the common cold..........

Folks, we have a Crossfit thread. Don't bring it here.
Lumber said:
Fact: Jogging burns fat, Sprinting burns MORE fat. (False, sprinting burns SUGAR first, then fat)
Fact: Jogging burns fat while you jog, while sprinting will cause your body to continue burning fat for anywhere from 24-36 after your exercise.
Fact: Sprinting will increase your VO2 max much faster and to a greater extent than jogging.
Fact: Jogging will cause your body to burn muscle tissue after anywhere from as little as 25mins of joggins to 1 hour of jogging.
Fact: You can complete a highly intense, exhausting sprinting routine in less than 15 mins, warm up and cool down included.
Fact: It will take around 30 mins for a relatively fit person to run 5km at an easy going pace. (obviously this figure can vary greatly, but you get my point)
Fact: Sprinting is fast, intense, and to the point; jogging is long, mundane and boring. (Sprinting is a fast, intense way to possibly destroy your ankles and knees if not done right)

Question: Why do people jog at all?

Point to add: I used sprinting because it is so similar to jogging (locomotion in a bi-pedal fashion), but I could as easily have substituded swimming or spinning, among others.
Matt Fury recommends hill sprints instead of jogging, as well.  www.mattfurey.com

scoutfinch said:
What about a 19 minute 5 K?

You "jog" much faster than I, Scout. I'm at 23 minutes right now and that's giving it all I've got. You must run like a deer!  :o

Run, jog, sprint, crawl...who cares? As long as we are getting and staying fit, that's what really matters, is it not?
Wow, i seriously need to get in shape.

Im only 140 pounds, 5' 9"  and can only jog all of 1500m before i need to take a 2-3 minute rest.

I'll try the sprinting interval method.
Corey Darling said:
Wow, i seriously need to get in shape.

Im only 140 pounds, 5' 9"  and can only jog all of 1500m before i need to take a 2-3 minute rest.

I'll try the sprinting interval method.

About 6-7 weeks ago, I started my get-back-to-running program. At first, I alternated walking and running (with more walking than running, to be honest). It takes a while to build up your endurance and trying to do too much too soon generally backfires - you'll either make yourself so sore and tired, you won't want to do it again, or you'll injure yourself. Anyhoo, after a few weeks of the walk/run routine, gradually doing more running than walking, I was finally able to run 3-4 K without stopping. It's only in about the last 2 weeks that I've been running the full 5 K and the past two days I've gotten my time down to 23 minutes. I'm sure it will be several more weeks before I can match Scout's time (if ever!  :P).

Do whatever you are comfortable doing. Don't push yourself too hard, but do push yourself. That's the only way you're going to get stronger and faster. For me, the push-ups have been a far bigger challenge. I can now do five, and I've been at it as long as I have at the running!  ::)
muskrat89 said:
Matt Fury recommends hill sprints instead of jogging, as well.  www.mattfurey.com
Matt Furey is EVIL!
His workouts beat the hell outta me!
However gains have been quite impressive. If you wanna quick peek-a-boo at some of his stuff it's been posted on Youtube

Celticgirl said:
Don't push yourself too hard, but do push yourself. That's the only way you're going to get stronger and faster.

Truer words have never been spoken. Expecially when starting a running program, also never underestimate the power of stretching! (P.S. Grats on your hard earned gains CG)