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Joint Task Force 2 (JTF 2) - Canadian Special Forces

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There is a book called "Canada's secret Commando's, the unauthorized story of the JTF2" some good info there but like already stated, its not too important to know about them unless you plan on being a member of the unit at some point. What the general public does not know about the JTF2, they do not know for a reason. None of us can tell you any big news that you couldn't get from the library.
Again, you're posting stuff without reading the damn thread.   If you would have done that, you would have noticed that the actual author of the book you recommended is posting here in a discussion about his writing.
Maybe one of our younger posters could write a book about the JTF themselves using things they've heard from their friends as a source?

Chicken Soup for the JTF or JTF for dummies?
There's an ex-CAR guy on another board who mentioned that when the airborne was disbanded, quite a few CAR personnel went on to try out for JTF2, but many didn't make it, including himself. He said that in addition to a large emphasis on map reading, there was something where you would go for a 5 km run, and then be told it was a 10 km run. Oh yes, and something about being crammed into a tube and having water poured on you.

For what it's worth.
Sounds easier to just go work as a booringcrat for DND and take home the 165 million or so to the little woman. The Government seems to be giving it away at the moment while it reclaims lunch money to pay for the waste. :salute:

By the way...there are many tests to check for panic under duress...confined areas etc...the vulcan mind will allow you to stay calm as you consider drowning. >:D
Here's my reply to Six Pack's latest posting and the comments made by his "friend." I occasionally go on this site to defend myself when people attack my professionalism. Why not? This web site supposedly strives to promote professional discussions about the CF and military issues; why should I stand by and let some anonymous person claim my books are full of inaccuracies or that I'm a lousy journalist? In one case, several individuals attacked me for writing an article that was posted on this site about JTF2.....if they had clearly read the entire piece they would have seen that it was written by the CBC and I had nothing to do with it. My polite and measured response to these individuals was posted but eventually removed by the website, leaving only the insult for an article I never wrote. So I'm hoping the Webmaster will at least let me have my say this time and not censor me.

In short, I'm simply echoing what others are saying on this site; if you are going to make sweeping claims then back them up.

The response from Six Pack's "friend" does little to advance his case about the alleged inaccuracies in my books Canada's Secret Commandos and Shadow Wars. Despite what he/she states, I have never claimed to have "all the facts" about the unit. As I have noted in my book, the information I present is the most extensive that has been put into the public domain so far about JTF2. That is an accurate fact.

As for his statement that I should be patting people on the back for a job well done, "a job we all know you couldn't even pass the PT test for." How does he/she know how physically fit I am......and since when does being able to pass the JTF2 PT regime become a qualification for writing on the Canadian military?

As for his/her statement that I got my information from "some pencil pushing unsecured no mind downtown"..... the DND paper trail I have clearly shows the responses I receive, both from Access to Information and the JTF2 PAFFO are reviewed by the DCDS, JAG and JTF2's CO. I don't imagine these individuals fall into the "no mind" category.

As for his/her claim that I hate the military......I write about 200 stories annually on the Canadian Forces for both the Citizen/Canwest News chain and U.S. defence publications. They cover a range; from the politics of missile defence to the chronic government underfunding of the CF to the pros and cons of the MGS purchase. My latest is on the Army's decision to pre-position equipment and vehicles on the east and west coasts to improve deployability. I hate the military? Give me a break.

a journalist said:
...I write about 200 stories annually on the Canadian Forces ... My latest is on the Army's decision to pre-position equipment and vehicles on the east and west coasts to improve deployability.

For those that want to see it: http://army.ca/forums/threads/17366.0.html
I suspect most will not like the message, but it is not the messenger's fault.
I read a journalist book and it was very good. I think one should not be so critical when one has not done an investigation themself.
Vulcan mind...one of ability for calm and cool reasoning under extreme duress.
ex. This can only kill me so no need for any drama just completion of task...repeat as necessary.
ex. Drownproofing...just simply do not drown.
ex. Wife meeting the mistress by accident...panic will get you killed...vulcan minded E&E is your best bet.

Or...map upside down in the dark=vulcan mind f#$@

As for his statement that I should be patting people on the back for a job well done, "a job we all know you couldn't even pass the PT test for." How does he/she know how physically fit I am......and since when does being able to pass the JTF2 PT regime become a qualification for writing on the Canadian military?

Thats because he's an idiot.

Mr a journalist -  just remember the quality of character behind the people who attack you. ie for not being able to pass a JTF fitness test. These are the guys who speak first and if they are the smarter ones, think later.  They are in love with everything JTF and they get it in their head that your trashing the JTF or taking away from their super secrecy so they try to discredit you because they have to defend their heros. Take it for what it's worth and if send me a copy of your book i'll fire off a few "promotes" for you  ;D 
Infanteer said:
Again, you're posting stuff without reading the damn thread.   If you would have done that, you would have noticed that the actual author of the book you recommended is posting here in a discussion about his writing.

Ya Ya that was a quick post, if I reitterated what has already been said oh well. the point is the same. Once again I appologize for offending you
I just finished defending a journalist on another board, and I have to say that the ignorance of some people blows be away. In this case a guy was criticising an article within which a journalist had written about Whole Fleet Management and Op Stocks of armoured vehicles. The article was quite clearly based on an interview with Col Kampman who is the Director of Land Strategic Planning (i.e. someone who knows what they are talking about). Yet this mouthpiece was going on about how you can't put much stock in a journalist's articles because they are based on lies and rumours! I have read most of a journalist's articles in Defence News and the Ottawa Citizen over the past three years and, while I don't always agree with his choice of topics (too much about how the CF is hurting) I can say with absolute conviction that the guy does his homework. I have just finished reading Shadow Wars and it was a good read. For those of you who have access to the DIN, I invite you to check any of the facts a journalist writes and 99 times out of 100 you will find that he is right.

Sorry to bring this topic up out of the past, but I had a reply ready but couldn't post it cus I've been away for a week.  So here it is:

To start with your first post
a journalist said:
It's always fascinating to see guys like Six pack crap on my book

I find it offensive that you will write so freely about a secret organisation, ESPECIALLY if your information is accurate.  AND that you also freely berate people, which you probably don't have all the facts right about anyway.  Even if it's only speculation, or truth, because it was published in a bestseller, thousands of people will read it.. They might just be names to you, but there ARE actually people behind names.  Whether the information in your book is accurate or not, and whether the information had been officially released or not, I believe it's no one's place to be making a fortune off of some other people's misfortunes.

a journalist said:
Here's my reply to Six Pack's latest posting and the comments made by his "friend." I occasionally go on this site to defend myself when people attack my professionalism. Why not? This web site supposedly strives to promote professional discussions about the CF and military issues; why should I stand by and let some anonymous person claim my books are full of inaccuracies or that I'm a lousy journalist?

Professionalism eh?  Well, by coming on to a site, and defending your book, you just proved that you're UNprofessional.

First of all, I am also a member of the Commando.org message board, and I don't see you going on there to defend yourself.  I suspect it's because most of the people there are too intelligent for you, so you know you'll lose.

Second of all, you wrote a book.  Whether it's accurate or not, there will always be people who disapprove of it.  There are SO many people out there that you won't be able to please.  BUT the truth is buddy, you can't please everyone so get over it and let them have their own opinions.
I don't see any other authors defending themselves against people who don't agree with them.  They're above that.  Like my "friend" said to me, "The invitation to talk is only a silent insult he won't understand.".

a journalist said:
In one case, several individuals attacked me for writing an article that was posted on this site about JTF2.....if they had clearly read the entire piece they would have seen that it was written by the CBC and I had nothing to do with it. My polite and measured response to these individuals was posted but eventually removed by the website, leaving only the insult for an article I never wrote.

What's the relevance?

a journalist said:
The response from Six Pack's "friend" does little to advance his case about the alleged inaccuracies in my books Canada's Secret Commandos and Shadow Wars. Despite what he/she states, I have never claimed to have "all the facts" about the unit.

So why did you even start this discussion?  I never ONCE said that you claimed "ALL THE FACTS" were true.

a journalist said:
As I have noted in my book, the information I present is the most extensive that has been put into the public domain so far about JTF2. That is an accurate fact.

So?  It may be the most EXTENSIVE, but doesn't necessarily mean that it's the most accurate.  If you can HONESTLY say that ONE HUNDRED PERCENT of ALL your information presented in your book is true, then you have clearly won the debate, and you can go home with a clear conscience.  But the comment I originally stated was that "it was to be taken with a grain of salt" I.E. DON'T BELIEVE EVERYTHING YOU READ.  I never outright "trashed" your book, so I don't see why you became so defensive.  I think you just used my comment as an excuse to say something, some self promotion.

a journalist said:
As for his statement that I should be patting people on the back for a job well done, "a job we all know you couldn't even pass the PT test for." How does he/she know how physically fit I am......and since when does being able to pass the JTF2 PT regime become a qualification for writing on the Canadian military?

I think you failed to see his point.  His point was, if you can't even do the bare minimum that the job requires, then how can you criticize?

And to finish off, none of this "discussion" would have started if you had done your homework.  If you were a true journalist, you would have done something as simple and easy as looking at my profile, and discovered that I'm only a 16 year old girl.  If you had any integrity, you wouldn't have started arguing with me.  Pick a fight with someone your own size.
Six pack - I went back through the whole thread, and it appears like you were the first one to cast stones....

And to finish off, none of this "discussion" would have started if you had done your homework.   If you were a true journalist, you would have done something as simple and easy as looking at my profile, and discovered that I'm only a 16 year old girl.   If you had any integrity, you wouldn't have started arguing with me.   Pick a fight with someone your own size.

I guess all I'll say to that is "If you can't run with the big dogs, stay on the porch"
um... not really... all i said was that his book was to be taken with a grain of salt... but he totally started attacking me with no reason.  AND even if anybody did "cast stones"... i still don't think it's right for an author to come on to a public forum to try and defend his books.  It's just plain unprofessional.  because, like i said, there are always going to be people that are opposed.

"Here's my reply to Six Pack's latest posting and the comments made by his "friend." I occasionally go on this site to defend myself when people attack my professionalism. Why not? This web site supposedly strives to promote professional discussions about the CF and military issues; why should I stand by and let some anonymous person claim my books are full of inaccuracies or that I'm a lousy journalist?"

In my original postings i never said he was unproffesional, and never said he was a lousy journalist.  all i said was his book was to be taken with a grain of salt... because of course not everything in it is going to be true.

I think he just took the opportunity for some self promo.
Seeing how you are a 16 year old girl with zero experience with JTF-2, the Canadian Army, or the CF in general, how is it that you are an authoritative expert on the information regarding the validity of Mr Pugelise's claims.   If someone in the know (which there are many who are on these forums) wishes to dispute FACT with the author (most of which is probably not suitable for open means like this) then they can; you are just making a lot of noise with your irrelevant pissing match.