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Joint Task Force 2 (JTF 2) - Canadian Special Forces

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You need to learn to sort out the bovine excrement from the unknowing loudmouths, whether they be in the CF or in the US Army.  I don't know who you heard this sort of garbage from but I suspect that you would hear a different tale from US Army SF types who served with Canadian SF guys in Afghanistan or from other US soldiers who served with the PPLCI. 

Rest assured that the average US soldier/sailor/marine/airman/whoever has a good opinion of the CF -- to the extent they've been exposed to CF personnel during operational activities.

I didn't know what JTF2 was until I came to this forum and I'm 57 years old and a VN vet.  Cut the knotheads some slack.  They'll learn better.

Well as for the PUC to the guys in JTF-2.....Congratulations Gents......The JTF is 'young' when it comes to the Special Operations community, comparing it to the US SF and various SAS, GSG-9 etc. units out there. The JTF has shown themselves capable of operating on the world stage and done very well.

I am priveleged enough to know a couple of JTF guys, and a couple of US SF guys.....I have never heard a bad thing from the US guys about the JTF. In fact, it's been quite the opposite. The US SF guys I know, in fact think that their reputation as movers and shakers in the SF community is overrated. I've seen videos of the US SF guys in Afghanistan, winning the 'hearts and minds' of the locals there.....Gimme a break.......In one clip, through a translator, these US SF guys are promising a village blankets, jackets and other things of use.......They invite the villagers to the back of their truck, open the boxes and then proceed to provide backpacks and lunch pails....Not a combat example, but hey, having never fired a shot in anger, who am I to talk about combat anyway?

So those of you who shi* talk the JTF, be careful. These guys earned their decorations, as did the Patricias, many of whom were shafted by higher ups, for various reasons. I could speculate that it's because there are some people who don't have lots of gongs, don't want 'the men' to have more than them.....I could be way off there ( I hope I am, but I am not so sure)........

There is a specific purpose to decorating a soldier or a unit. If you think of it, the hours worked often don't reflect the pay recieved. The jobs done are often unpleasant and we're often put in harms way. This comes with little or no knowledge or thanks from the general public, the politicians or even our families. Medals, especially those for valour or bravery, or even distinguished service of some kind are one of the only recognitions a soldier will get in his or her career. Medals are less for the public than for the soldier. Soldiers are the only ones who truly recognize the significance of what getting awarded a medal or a citation means.

Talk to the guys who were in the Medak Pocket......Is there anyone who would dare to argue that the Canadian Government, and the military failed those soldiers by not recognizing them sooner? Noone truly understands except those who were there (I was not), but the recognition is more important than the average person knows.

JTF-2.......Congratulations on bringing our SF capabilites onto the world stage and 'maturing' our presence in the SF community.... :salute: :cdn:
bdcasey916 said:
... Because I have done training ex's with american's before, wether they were in Gagetown, or it was an ex where we went to the states, I have personally heard them say, ...

In my personal opinion, you've had the misfortune of meeting the wrong people, or perhaps my acquaintances from CAPOC, SOCOM, USAJKFSWC and JSOU are either more polite ... or in the know ...
Im looking for some information on JTF 2 such as what weapons they use, where they have been used and what type of training they do. i need some good information for the research project i am doing on canadas counter-terrorism plans.
                                                        Spears :salute: :cdn:

Look at that..simple search on the dnd website.  Read to your hearts content and watch the videos.
If you want information on JTF-2, there is an "unofficial" book on them called Canada's Secret Commandos: The unauthorized story of Joint Task Force Two by a journalist, in there you'll find weapons, tactics, past and preasent missions, as well as photos, and brief information on allied special forces. I bought my copy at Chapters but I'm sure they'll have it elsewhere too. It retails for $21.99, it says it on the back too so don't pay more for it.
There's a really good book out called Canada's secret commandos. It is all about them where they have seen action, what they did, and there are some good pictures in there to.
Here's a thread to cross link for additional info:

Usman_Syed said:
oh yah ive seen those pretty cool just not when that old guys talkin....yah some day  i hope to join but then again its tuff. Cool videos

The â Å“Old Guyâ ?? You mean Vice-Admiral Greg Maddison, Deputy Chief of Defence Staff ? [Translation: Second highest ranking officer in the Canadian Forces]

Are you interested in the videos for the content of their information?

Or, are you interested in the videos for their entertainment value?

Yes, a Jerry Bruckheimer movie may look cool, but it isn't real.

The information conveyed by Vice-Admiral Maddison, regarding Joint Task Force Two, is real.

Are you interested in the Canadian Forces solely for the sake of aesthetics?
Freddy Chef said:
The â Å“Old Guyâ ?? You mean Vice-Admiral Greg Maddison, Deputy Chief of Defence Staff ? [Translation: Second highest ranking officer in the Canadian Forces]

Sorry to be pedantic, but the DCDS is third in the CF CoC. The VCDS, VAdm Buck is second.

The JTF2 or joint task force 2 is better left unknown , there best interests are for your country and protecting national security , let me put it to you this way if i was a jtf member my best words of advice are to leave it at that , you dont know much about them because that's the whole point   ;) but then again who am i to say anything ? "deeds, not words"
OK, I stand corrected. When I hear â Å“Deputyâ ? I associate â Å“2I/Câ ?, similar to Bn level. Thanks, Sam.

[So, that's why NDHQ didn't hire me?  ;)]

Also, regarding JTF-2 as a recruiting tool: I think recruits should be aware of JTF-2, but it should not be the sole reason for joining the CF. ie: know that the Stanley Cup exists, but worry about learning how to skate first.
Sorry Freddy, I was not trying to take anything away from your post but... it's just the pedant in me. I think I need to get out more.  ;D

I've read all the information on JTF2 that our government will allow the public to see, but they say nothing about the actual trades that are needed to support a unit. Like all units in the military, there must be a need for clerks,cooks,supply guys,mechanics etc...What sort of training do they go through in addition to their MOC? Being so secret they must be screened and put through additional training.
I've read all the information on JTF2 that our government will allow the public to see,

...so why would you think anyone here would add more.......and allow the public to see?
TomHynes said:
I've read all the information on JTF2 that our government will allow the public to see, but they say nothing about the actual trades that are needed to support a unit. Like all units in the military, there must be a need for clerks,cooks,supply guys,mechanics etc...What sort of training do they go through in addition to their MOC? Being so secret they must be screened and put through additional training.

JTF in essence, are like a light infantry battalion as far as support trades go. All the trades you mentioned above, plus MP's, Weapons techs, Engineers, etc. The support are selected and tested to a different standard then assaulter's. The common denominator is they must have a high level of fitness, be superior on their trade, and recommended by their chain of command to be selected to the team as support.

As for medics, they do get additional training because of the differing nature of the work regular force medics do. JTF medics get training from green field types ops to SWAT type ops. Training is more directed to tactics then actual medicine. And due to that fact, that is all I know.
They do have a support trade called "Mobility Operator." Other than the obvious i have no idea whats involved or what they do...

I think everyone is getting JTF's secrecy confused with James Bond. If you want to join then join. i haven't done it but i guarantee its not an impossible course.....people have completed it. Hats off to all those that chose this path
They do have a support trade called "Mobility Operator." Other than the obvious i have no idea whats involved or what they do...

I take it back...

There is no such thing as the JTF 2. They are a figment of my imagination. :-\

The secrecy only adds to the illusion of a world class Sf unit the government wants you think