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Joint Task Force 2 (JTF 2) - Canadian Special Forces

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dnuttall said:
Hey I have a question about the Joint Task Force 2. I know they only recruit from CF, but does anyone know what trade I should get into that would make me eligible for possible recruitment? (waaay, waaay in the future i know, but ya gotta start somewhere right)

thanks to all who answer.

dave :cdn:

From http://www.ops.forces.gc.ca/units/jtf2/pages/recruiting_e.asp

"JTF 2 only recruits from within the Canadian Forces, however, the unit draws on service members from all trades of the Regular and Reserve Force."

Myths regarding JTF 2. (also from http://www.ops.forces.gc.ca/units/jtf2/pages/recruiting_e.asp)


MYTH 1    JTF 2 is a para-military organization.
A1    No, JTF 2 is a military organization comprised of Canadian Forces personnel from a wide range of  occupations. The unit was created on April 1, 1993 when the Canadian Forces accepted responsibility for federal counter-terrorism operations from the RCMP.
MYTH 2    JTF 2 only selects combat arms members.
A2    JTF 2 is comprised of assaulters and supporting members, all of whom are Canadian Forces personnel from a wide range of military occupations and all elements of the Canadian Forces. All members are carefully screened for service in the various elements that comprise JTF 2.
MYTH 3    JTF 2 does not accept female applicants.
A3    Any Canadian Forces member, irrespective of gender, who completes the JTF 2 selection process and is deemed eligible for service may be given an opportunity to serve with the unit. The standards established for selection and employment with JTF 2 are scientifically designed and validated at the Canadian Forces Dwyer Hill Training Centre in order to ensure that the members selected will be capable of accomplishing all tasks assigned to the unit. These standards are not gender specific and encompass the individuals' physical abilities, professional skill sets, integrity, psychological profile, mental aptitude, discipline, and maturity. These standards are not just used for selecting new members, they are maintained throughout the unit and are ingrained in the JTF 2 ethos.
MYTH 4    As a member of JTF 2, your family will never know where you are.
A4    Many of the missions assigned to JTF 2 in support of Canadian security necessitate a stringent operational security policy. As such, many unit missions require that JTF 2 members provide little to no deployment details to their family. Despite these security precautions, every opportunity is made to ensure adequate communication between unit members and their family during deployments. Also, like any other CF unit, JTF 2 ensures that a number of support services are available to unit member's families at all times.
MYTH 5    JTF 2 members have a higher than average divorce rate.
A5    Divorce rates for JTF 2 members are comparable to those of the Canadian Forces average.
MYTH 6    You must know someone within JTF 2 to get into the unit.
A6    Any Canadian Forces member who successfully completes the JTF 2 distinctive selection process for assaulter/supporter training and is deemed eligible for service may be given an opportunity to serve with the unit. The JTF 2 selection process has been scientifically validated, and knowing someone within JTF 2 will not provide prospective candidates with an advantage over others.
MYTH 7    You must be single to serve in the unit.
A7    The marital status of a Canadian Forces member has no bearing on their eligibility for service with JTF 2.
MYTH 8    You cannot have any tattoos to be eligible for service with JTF 2.
A8    Tattoos or other physical identifiers do not have any bearing on a Canadian Forces member's eligibility for service with JTF 2. A prospective candidate who successfully completes the JTF 2 selection process and is deemed eligible for service may be given an opportunity to serve with the unit.
MYTH 9    Recruiting for JTF 2 is done outside the unit chain of command.
A9    Recruiting for JTF 2 is coordinated and conducted under the authority of the unit chain of command. Recruiting drives are conducted throughout Canada, permitting prospective candidates an opportunity to ask questions about service with the unit and counter similar myths.
MYTH 10    Once posted to JTF 2 you cannot leave the unit.
A10    Canadian Forces members who successfully complete the JTF 2 selection process and are deemed eligible for service with JTF 2 may be given an opportunity to serve with the unit. Although time served with the unit varies from member to member, regulations require members to serve a minimum amount of time with the unit prior to returning to their home units.
MYTH 11    JTF 2 conducts activities outside the law.
A11    All JTF 2 activities are conducted within the bounds of Canadian Law. While the employment of JTF 2 personnel is driven by its special roles and unique capabilities, it is governed by the same code of conduct, ethics, and discipline as any other unit in the Canadian Forces. Furthermore, the Government of Canada authorizes the overall missions and tasks undertaken by JTF 2, at all times. The unit is the responsibility of the Deputy Chief of the Defence Staff who is accountable to the Chief of the Defence Staff. The Chief of the Defence Staff is accountable to the Minister of National Defence who, as a Minister of the Crown, is responsible to the Prime Minister of Canada.

if you want to be JTF-2 then choose any trade. They are not particular in any trade they choose. But don't be disappointed when you do get excited and end up trying out for it. Its not as hard as you would think to get accepted. They take anyone with the basic qualifications. But if you still want o do it good luck, But pick a trade where you use your brain because Im sure thats what they like to see.
Its not as hard as you would think to get accepted

uhh, do you mean get accepted by your unit to TRY OUT for the JTF or do you mean get accepted BY the JTF?

I've seen guys I consider PT gods/uber soldiers fail.  I myself think the JTF is a little difficult to get in...
Its Ok...Hgrant has already established on this site that he is an expert on all things !! So if he says its easy...its easy  ::)
Well....HGrant, the front end may be "easy"....I mean, after all, they do pump out a CANFORGEN and have recruiting teams travel across the country.

Don't think for a second, though, that getting through selection and through training after that is "easy".  Like every training and qualifiction process, there are many stages and the onwards pass rate is very challenging.

Hgrant said:
if you want to be JTF-2 then choose any trade. They are not particular in any trade they choose. But don't be disappointed when you do get excited and end up trying out for it. Its not as hard as you would think to get accepted. They take anyone with the basic qualifications. But if you still want o do it good luck, But pick a trade where you use your brain because Im sure thats what they like to see.

I was just re-reading this and i wanted to ask a question :

Does this make any sense ? terible sentense structure , nevermind the liberal application of BS in it.
aesop081 said:
Does this make any sense ? terrible sentense structure , nevermind the liberal application of BS in it.


Doesn't this always happen around March/April.... I guess most peoples brains are fried after reviewing PER's for the 200th time!

JTF-2 is open to all trades of the CF. Obviously, you must be in top physical and mental condition. Most people have a misconception that you must be combat arms to join.... While that would help, anyone with a good head on their shoulders could potentially go the distance and successfully become a member of the team.
As mentioned before.... This always occurs when people start the JTF tread.

Shush.....don't want to let everyonne know we've developed ati-terorist silverwear......

Is it black ?

All jokes asside, every single thread on this site that deals with JTF always turns into a freakshow full of kids who have palyed to much SOCOM or counterstrike. Its s ubject that should never even see the light of day here, there's no need for it.

Everyone remember that clown that went by the name of "specops", posted JTF kit info that was a cut and paste from a video game instruction manual......
Guys, I just took the whole statement by shwick (and subsequent responses) down because he is either:


B) Exceptionally Naive

Hgrant seems to be in one of these catagories as well.

In the future, just use the "Report Post" function so one of the staff can take the garbage out.

I do want to lock this, because it is 25 pages of fluff, but we need an outlet somewhere for the kids to play in....
Infanteer said:
I do want to lock this, because it is 25 pages of fluff, but we need an outlet somewhere for the kids to play in....

I thought they had an outlet......militaryphotos.net
please explain to me what u think trolling is and how i was doing that
the person earlier asked what trade he should shoot for before JTF which i
told him what to do.  From my experience the people in teh trades i listed
are more suited for the job as they stand with there experience and training.
JTF2 is open for all yes indeed, but pathfinders, combat divers and boarding
parties are good stepping stones for the organization to pull from
schwick said:
please explain to me what u think trolling is and how i was doing that
the person earlier asked what trade he should shoot for before JTF which i
told him what to do.   From my experience the people in teh trades i listed
are more suited for the job as they stand with there experience and training.
JTF2 is open for all yes indeed, but pathfinders, combat divers and boarding
parties are good stepping stones for the organization to pull from

Its because you chose to demonstrate that you have zero knowledge on the subject or the military for that matter.  Pathfinder is not a trade, combat diver is not a trade, boarding party is not a trade........it doesnt matter what trade you are. And exactly what is your experience, since you shose to leave your profile balnk ? Go back to SOCOM ....
KevinB said:

Haha, that picture reminds me of a Nietzsche quote:

He who fights with monsters turds might take care lest he thereby become a monster turd. And if you gaze for long into an abyss toilet, the abyss toilet gazes also into you.
i was wondering of JTF2 can use the White Phospherous or "Willie Pete" grenades while on a mission
jerrythunder said:
i was wondering of JTF2 can use the White Phospherous or "Willie Pete" grenades while on a mission

if there was a need why wouldn't they?
Considering the Regular Army can use them (isn't there a WP mortar round), I don't see why the Ski Team wouldn't....