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Joint Task Force 2 (JTF 2) - Canadian Special Forces

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 Nothing Ive said OPSEC.
 The article you high light is very informative but not the full account.
 My post was not about JCOs although they played a vital roll in what went down they as you said operated as personal recce (eyes and ears) for the UN Commander and were better known as UKLOs or SLOs. They on some occasions assited special ops teams but they were not special ops, they remained very open and very blue.
  FAC does not mean special forces I fully agree and it was never stated in my posts.
 The war ended in 95 during ROTO 5 JCOs in ROTO 7 was token position and not required since no combat activity occured after the last battle in late Oct 95.
3rd Horseman said:
JCOs in ROTO 7 was token position

Oh, and you were there, were you?  I was...  I'm dropping out of this thread now...the static level is a tad too high for me....
I heard something about the JTF2 not getting benefits. Your the Canadian Special Ops team, best of the best. ......but you dont get benefits.
is this true?

Warthor said:
I heard something about the JTF2 not getting benefits. Your the Canadian Special Ops team, best of the best. ......but you dont get benefits.
is this true?


I'm sure they're entitled to the same bennies as every other member of the CF.

This thread is lockerd now because as usual the moment that the JTF is mentioned, the comments start to degenerate almost immediately.

If you have a challenge with this please pm be by all means...

On 1 Feb 06, CANSOFCOM HQ will stand-up and JTF 2 will be transferred from DCDS to CANSOFCOM.
Nice Picture KevinB...  In A-Stan?  where is your "Infidel" shirt?  I like that one better...  Mark C.... is that you Bartok5?

If so, how is Edmonton?

After reading a dozen or so "guest" posts, I can see that most people don't know Jack about JT2. The bitterness some display is simply put..jealousy. If you train your bag off and show you have above average skillsets and you are mentally stable, Have proven yourself as a soldier  , and that hard work pays off with a posting to the "Men in Black". IMHO is pretty prestigious. Wheter you work on the "green Ops" or "Black ops" side, is determined by the person's strenghts.

They do not take green horns straight out of basic, and many "wash out" (yes some tough veteran soldiers too) in the various phases of the training. So what if they look macho and cool, they've earned it through personal sacrifice and hard work.

Has anyone heard if the trhee J men injured in that firefight alongside the US Special Forces in A-stan, have recovered from their injuries?

Gnplummer :cdn:

Teddy Ruxpin said:
Oh, let's breach "OPSEC", shall we?  He's talking about the JCOs (Joint Commission Observers) - SF attached by the British to the personal command of Sir Michael Rose (not the UN).  They did indeed act as FACs and the "eyes and ears" of the UNPROFOR commander.  AFAIK, there were no Canadian JCOs until PALLADIUM Roto 7.  Hardly a secret anymore...

Lesson for all:  FACs do not equal "special forces"...

See here:

The article has some very interesting insights as to the activities of SF in Bosnia, including some Canadian connections.

Ref the link: Excellent summary of the Dutch activitiies and sheds unclassified light on activities of related units.

Ref the argument: Have to back up Teddy on this one - never heard of any Canadian JCOs in that theater, nor read any reports written by Canadian JCO's while I was there. 
However, I dont know whether this guy (3rd horseman) was ultra-deep-super-recce conducting black ops or what, but I do know that there were several Canadians conducting far-ranging recce of hotspots during the 1993-1995 period, who were part of the Canadian units deployed there, but before the development of organized collection teams. 
Dont back teddy up too quick. I worked closely with the SLO teams and and at their HQ and never once came across anyone who was doing FAC tasks.

"I do know that there were several Canadians conducting far-ranging recce of hotspots during the 1993-1995 period,"

  That would be my team in 95 and we did not just recce.
Just a general interest question (and no, I'm not using the shot gun questions technique I have repeatedly search functioned this).  If you become part of JTF-2, do you stay in the same element and respective uniform as you previous trade or do you become part of the army?

As I said, just a general interest question, I think that I'll spend a few years as a professional poker player/secret agent in Las Vegas before I commit myself to the pursuit of a career as an underwaterjumpmasterninjasniper.  :P
tumbling_dice said:
Just a general interest question (and no, I'm not using the shot gun questions technique I have repeatedly search functioned this).  If you become part of JTF-2, do you stay in the same element and respective uniform as you previous trade or do you become part of the army?

As I said, just a general interest question, I think that I'll spend a few years as a professional poker player/secret agent in Las Vegas before I commit myself to the pursuit of a career as an underwaterjumpmasterninjasniper.  :P

For those who enter as Support/Specialists

Successful applicants for SP and Spec positions are generally posted with JTF 2 for a period of four to six years, depending upon rank and experience. All eligible Reg and Res Force personnel are welcome to apply, and applications are considered valid for a period of one year. However, only those individuals who are invited for formal processing will be informed of their file status. While employed at JTF 2, SP and Spec receive the same financial benefits as other CF members, in addition to a monthly productivity award

For those who become assualters

Successful JTF 2 applicants will attend a SOAC that is approximately seven months long. Following successful completion of the SOAC, members can expect to serve with the unit for an indeterminate period. A recently implemented “Managed Specialty” now allows for assaulters to sign on in that capacity after a three-year journeymen period (SOAC plus two years), have their career managed by the JTF 2 Career Manager and follow a specific assaulter career progression model. Special Operations Assaulters receive a monthly productivity award in addition to the same financial benefits as other CF members.

For those who become Coxswains

Successful SO Cox’n applicants will attend a SOCC that is approximately three (3) months in duration. Following successful completion of training, members can expect that their initial tour length to be a fixed four (4) year posting. SO Cox’ns receive a monthly productivity award in addition to the same financial benefits as other CF members.

So basically to sum it up, Sp/Spec go and come out without changing trades/elements, Assualters you "become" an assualter (the old site mentioned the career progression analagous to the infantry model, although I would be speculating about whether a former assualter goes back to their original trade).  Coxswains seem to be similar to Sp/Spec.  If you want to know for sure, why don't you call/email them?  Thats why they have a phone number/email, to answer these sorts of questions (and yes they will get back to you, usually the same day/next day if you email from a DIN accout).
Thanks a lot. I'm kind of hesitant to e-mail them and be played off as another ninja sniper, but I might give it a try.
tumbling_dice said:
Thanks a lot. I'm kind of hesitant to e-mail them and be played off as another ninja sniper, but I might give it a try.

Should probably be in the Forces a few years before you start pondering JTF2. No one starts their career as a ninja sniper as you put it.
PuckChaser said:
Should probably be in the Forces a few years before you start pondering JTF2. No one starts their career as a ninja sniper as you put it.

Sorry, I didn't mean that I was looking at a career in JTF-2, I just meant that with video games the way they are, if JTF-2 receives an email from a teenager I think they would probably just assume that I am a ninjasniper wannabe.
tumbling_dice said:
Sorry, I didn't mean that I was looking at a career in JTF-2, I just meant that with video games the way they are, if JTF-2 receives an email from a teenager I think they would probably just assume that I am a ninjasniper wannabe.

Don't assume what they are going to presume.  Wanting to know if you remain in your trade/element etc., to me sounds like an intelligent and valid question to ask them.  The worst thing they would do is not reply.
tumbling_dice all you have to do is contact them, tell them your a cadet that has aspirations to join the CF and if you make the cut JTF2 and that you have some questions. Bear in mind if you ask them questions that could violate OPSEC and PERSEC you have a greater chance to not get a response. If you ask them if you retain your elements uniform then who knows....
I was wondering if you are already in the unit as a supporter or specialist, after a couple of years could you apply for  and conduct the assaulter course?

Thank you
Yes you can.

However you must finish a minimum time in the supporter position before they will let you apply for selection which everyone no matter who or where you come from must complete and pass before doing the SOAC.
Thank you for your response. If someone from the army completes the SOAC, would he/she also learn how to conduct maritime counter terrorist operations, or does the individual stay in the previous  institution (army, navy) they are a part of.  Would someone from the army need to learn how to dive and perform marine assaults etc. Hopefully this is not OPSEC.

BulletMagnet said:
Yes you can.

However you must finish a minimum time in the supporter position before they will let you apply for selection which everyone no matter who or where you come from must complete and pass before doing the SOAC.
Doesn't matter where you came from....just like to be a SO Coxswain you can be Army or Air Force and try out for that position..  if you are going into SOF especially as an Assualter you will be trained in a variety of things regardless of where you came from.  You complete SOAC you are an Assualter, you aren't a Infantryman, Clerk, or whatever anymore.  Would be kind of dumb to limit Assualters as to what they can do because of the colour DEU they wear...  I'm not part of that community so, I'm just guessing at this right.  Not a lot of info, well none really is public source.  Can always try contacting the unit through their website/email and ask them any questions you have.

Anways, why are you even asking about this? You aren't in the CF yet.. focus on getting in and doing your basic training, etc