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George Wallace said:
Seems to me that I have read somewhere on this site a topic or two on writting autobiographies.  I wonder where exactly those were?

If you have trouble getting through that, he's telling you to do a SEARCH  ;)
Just a side note here-

I am more then happy to write colourful autobiographies for a nominal fee.  8)
popnfresh said:
Just a side note here-

I am more then happy to write colourful autobiographies for a nominal fee.  8)

No way, last time we arranged that the instructor called me out on indeed not being able to melt steel with my eyes.  Not to mention, my small animal saving skills were hugely over-exaggerated.  >:(
Sorry i know to use the search function, but the package that was sent to me had much misinformation, such as BMQ is 11 weeks, SQ is 10 weeks, autobiography is 800 words (yes i have read the autobiography topics before and everyone agrees its 400).  I talked to my recruiter and he said it must have been an older information sheet (why they would still keep the old ones on hand to give out is beyond me).  But it did not say anywhere will I be writing it in BMQ or at home, and i just though maybe someone could have given me a straight answer
Dont stress over it...you can write one now but tehy'll want to see one written in BMQ also. Im pretty sure that tehy put that in the info packet to keep you busy and your mind off of other things ;)

So is anyone else swearing in in Halifax tomorrow, July 19th?

If so see you there. Check my name and you'll know who I am ;)
thanks thats all i needed to know, yeah anyone swearing in in winnipeg?
Got the job offer for Communications Research Operator and will be sworn in Kingston on July 3. I will be heading off to BMQ for July 21. Is anyone catching the train?
Im being sworn in, in 9 hours. I probably should get some sleep.
I just got my training dates and swear in! Im leaving for St.jean july 20th! training starts on the 21st!  :salute:

any one else going then pm me.
smoke said:
I just got my training dates and swear in! Im leaving for St.jean july 20th! training starts on the 21st!  :salute:

any one else going then pm me.

You just got that today eh?  From what CFRC if ya don't mind me askin'?
I'm starting my BMQ on july 7th flying out of gander

whoever is going should msg on this or add me to msn

I just got merit listed at the Toronto RC and I am going for armoured, the RC said my file will not have to go to borden so it won't take as long to get a job offer. Can anyone give me a estimation on how long until they call me because i really want to make the july 21st BMQ.
88rustang07 said:
I just got merit listed at the Toronto RC and I am going for armoured, the RC said my file will not have to go to borden so it won't take as long to get a job offer. Can anyone give me a estimation on how long until they call me because i really want to make the july 21st BMQ.

Ya well keep reaching for that rainbow.  I would really like to get on that one too and I've been merit listed since May 21st, and I also got told my file would "just fly."  See what I'm getting at?  Every application is different and no one here and can really give you an answer.  It's impossible to tell really but hey, since your going in for a trade that is in high demand right now I would not be surprised if your file flies right past mine and you do land that July 21st spot.

Good Luck!
Im going to keep harrassing the RC, knowing my luck something will get delayed... but thanks for the info and good luck to you too.

I hope they call soon, I can't handle my job anymore... I think im loosing my hair...
88rustang07 said:
Im going to keep harrassing the RC, knowing my luck something will get delayed... but thanks for the info and good luck to you too.

I hope they call soon, I can't handle my job anymore... I think im loosing my hair...

You want to give yourself a little bit of an edge over other applicants?  If you can, tell them you can be marked as Short Notice To Move.  Meaning if some guy/gal drops off his/her BMQ 3 days before it starts, you can fill in their spot but only with about three days notice.


Cheers, Kyle
What job are you doing?, If i dont get a job offer before the 21st I might be with you on the 28th, going armoured.
HanrattSea said:
Woo hoooooo!!!

I received my call today, finally :). Good things truly come to those who wait!

Sworn in on July 15th at CFRC Halifax, flying out on the 27th and starting BMQ on the 28th.

So happy and excited right now! See everyone there.

-Chris H

Best of luck to you - and, welcome to the CF!!

