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Legalized Prostitution

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"Young kid, 17 years old, overweight, glasses and a face full of acne. Smart and articulate though, and he worked at McDonald's to pay for his car. Kid comes up to PW (our slang for female officers), and initiates a conversation for the purposes of procuring sex. The kid was a virgin,.... The PW makes the signal, and the boy is promptly arrested by the stand-by team.

What other option did he have? I still feel sorry for the kid."

- Law, shmaw, the PW should have serviced him, not arrested him.  Now, you don't want to marry THAT girl, you would get more sympathy out of a NURSE.

Now, the poor kid will probably suicide, still a virgin.

I say, legalise it and tax it.  Legal gambling has a horrible effect on society. On the contrary, legal prostitution would reduce unwanted pregnancies, not to mention unwanted marriages.  Is this whole 'Blame the John" agenda pushed by ugly feminists who realize once prostitution is legalized they will never again have a boyfriend?

And what do you think all those whores would do for a living if all the Johns became celibate? Would they get snapped up by big business to become CEOs?  Riiiiight.  Those girls are round pegs in round holes right now and they know it.

TCBF said:
.  Is this whole 'Blame the John" agenda pushed by ugly feminists who realize once prostitution is legalized they will never again have a boyfriend?

And what do you think all those whores would do for a living if all the Johns became celibate? Would they get snapped up by big business to become CEOs?  Riiiiight.  Those girls are round pegs in round holes right now and they know it.

Ha ha ha ha  ;D I was under the impression that most feminists where not the type of women to be concerned about having boyfriends...but perhaps years of seeing Gloria Steinem on the news may have skewed my perspective a little.

Whore's as CEO's?  That would make my life a little more interesting at the office the next time I submit a proposal up top.  "Well Vice-President of such-and-such, I understand your fiscal concerns about the viability of this plan of action.  Perhaps if I pay you twice the going rate to have a three-way with a midget, you may reconsider this action?"  :P

Bang on, Tom.  Some people are just cut out to be whores...just like some people are cut out to be soldiers-or peace activists.  Different 'strokes' for differnet folks, right?
Think of how much time and money you could save by going to your local brothel instead of to the bar, spending lots of money, getting drunk and in the end perhaps no action at all...
some guys wouold say that using a brothel would be lots cheaper than getting married or having a girlfriend......
not that I'd subscribe to that belief :)
You hang around Montreal long enough, you'll notice just how big the sex trade is. May not be "legal", but the police sure turn a blind eye to certain obvious establishments.
mo-litia said:
Ha ha ha ha  ;D I was under the impression that most feminists where not the type of women to be concerned about having boyfriends...but perhaps years of seeing Gloria Steinem on the news may have skewed my perspective a little.

*****'s as CEO's?  That would make my life a little more interesting at the office the next time I submit a proposal up top.  "Well Vice-President of such-and-such, I understand your fiscal concerns about the viability of this plan of action.  Perhaps if I pay you twice the going rate to have a three-way with a midget, you may reconsider this action?"  :P

Bang on, Tom.  Some people are just cut out to be whores...just like some people are cut out to be soldiers-or peace activists.  Different 'strokes' for differnet folks, right?

I realize that he has been banned, but I am not sure I find the whole "Some people are just cut out to be whores" comment to be very appropriate at all. Women don't just wake up one morning and decide to "be a whore". Many of these women that are now prostitutes have been victims of abuse while growing up. This type of situation has an odd affect on one. I am not claiming to know it all, and I am sure not all prostitutes have had this hard life. Being sexually abused can cause one to have some serious mental issues and unfortunately, not all seek help and do end up in a downward spiral to a point where they sell their bodies to support whatever habit or lifestyle they have. That being said, I do know a woman who to me looks like she models for a living. I see her in the grocery store with her kids, and she lives in a very nice house. What a police friend of mine just told me though, is that she is actually a prostitute. She has quite the comfy lifestyle, and I would never have guessed her chosen job.

Also, the comment on women worrying about not having boyfriends? Come on, I don't see how that would even be thought of. The fact that a man may be able to legally pay for sex from a woman does not make me worry about not having a boyfriend. Why would I worry about the thought of "losing a man" who for whatever reason is at the point where he needs to pay for a woman's company? There are so many men out there that actually want a relationship, why would we worry about the group that doesn't?

I better add that I am actually FOR legalizing prostitution. We all know it is going to continue to happen regardless, so why not make it as safe as we can?

Just thought I would add a woman's perspective on the topic.
Thanks, now get back in the kitchen...... ;D :warstory:
You would need that helmet if you said that to some of the women I know.
Kat Stevens said:
Thanks, now get back in the kitchen...... ;D :warstory:

Thank you for your intelligent addition to this thread. The helmet icon seems very fitting after a comment like that. I'd head to the kitchen if I wasn't too busy working my way up to CEO...
Kat Stevens said:
Thanks, now get back in the kitchen...... ;D :warstory:

From Earlier :
"Marriage IS prostitution, just camouflaged.  "Mow the lawn or no nookie for you, Herb",  "h, what a beautiful ring, someone's getting lucky tonight".  Just variations on a theme..."

Did someone do you wrong, love? Who's in your kitchen?

OK, back on track please.

Card_11, mo-litia was very fond of antagonizing people here, he's gone now, partly for doing just that, and we need not fall victim to his special brand of attention seeking any longer. What he said was wrong but he can't say it anymore so please try to move past it.

I have also seen some attempts at humour here folks, let's keep it friendly and remember that you can't tell someone's tone of voice by their typing.
Scott said:
I have also seen some attempts at humour here folks, let's keep it friendly and remember that you can't tell someone's tone of voice by their typing.

Roger 9er - my apologies :)
yes, I suppose it's very difficult to see that gigundonormous smiley head guy right next to the gigundonormous helmet head guy, and instantly assume that I'm a woman hater.  Nothing farther from the truth, I love women, but probably couldn't digest a whole one......
> ;D :D 8) ::) :warstory:<  see them this time?
Scott said:
OK, back on track please.

Card_11, mo-litia was very fond of antagonizing people here, he's gone now, partly for doing just that, and we need not fall victim to his special brand of attention seeking any longer. What he said was wrong but he can't say it anymore so please try to move past it.

I have also seen some attempts at humour here folks, let's keep it friendly and remember that you can't tell someone's tone of voice by their typing.

Ok, you're right, he was antagonizing and I shouldn't have let it get to me. I just want to point out that I wasn't trying to start anything by saying I thought what he said was offensive. The thread continued on after his comments were made, so I figured that meant it was still open for discussion. I also responded to a comment made about "ugly women not having boyfriends". I was in no way looking for an argument, just wanting to voice another opinion on the subject.

And you're right, humour does not always pass from the fingers on this end to the other persons screen. I apologize.
I wasn't trying to jump on you at all, just pointing out that a sh*t distruber is now skipping through bannedland and needs no response to his drivel. I don't mind someone pointing out (ONCE) that what he had to say was a crock. But when we turn it into a thread of bashing that person, who can't even respond now, it makes us no better than them.

The topic is still very much open for discussion and I want to keep it so. One way to accomplish this is to ignore the comments made by our exiled member and move on with the discussion.

Thanks all.
muffin said:
From Earlier :
"Marriage IS prostitution, just camouflaged.  "Mow the lawn or no nookie for you, Herb",  "h, what a beautiful ring, someone's getting lucky tonight".  Just variations on a theme..."

Did someone do you wrong, love? Who's in your kitchen?


You have absolutely no idea just how wrong, but that's my cross.  Tell me though, out of curiosity only, not a call to arms:  Can you honestly tell me that you've never used sex as some kind of Pavlovian reward system? Ever? You've got it, we want it, and are willing to do stupid things for it.  It would be unnatural NOT to use a biological imperative as a God given advantage.  Let's just admit it, I'm not saying it's right or wrong, it just is.....
Kat Stevens said:
Can you honestly tell me that you've never used sex as some kind of Pavlovian reward system? Ever? You've got it, we want it, and are willing to do stupid things for it. 

I just showed this to my husband and quite seriously  :P said I have never done this have I (sounding all appauled ).... he walked away and said I am NOT commenting on THAT.... now what do you suppose that means (teehee).

Of course he knows that he can hold it against me just as easily as I can hold it against him.  :blotto:
Legal prostitution discussion on one side and marital status discussion on the other......

I have to beat back my wife's advances (or at least play hard to get :))....
such is the life of the dirty old sapper :warstory:
Not absolutely true.  Been to "The Wall" in Nurnberg?  A good 80% of the girls there are university students, and find it an easy way to pay for their education. No, I am not making this up.... look in the windows, you see text books everywhere....
you haven't been to Amsterdam either I would presume
Closer to home, think of all the young ladies who dance for a living - a lot of them are college students who make a respectable living while they study such things as Law, Accountantcy, Physics, Chemistry, etc......

Not necessarily the type of employment I would want for my daughter but, some are doing it by choice
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