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Light Battalions to be completely Mechanized?

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I read recently that the PPCLI would lose their para capability, is this true or have i been mislead??

- JH,

thanks in advance
from what I hear.........and I stress.........this is only a rumor.................the pearly palace in Ottawa is considering another jump unit. It costs way too much to have individual jump coys with the infantry battalions. They did that before the Airborne regiment was formed and figured out it was too expensive then............kinda makes you wonder who the genius was who thought it would be different this time around :blotto:

I can only hope that is true, that would be great.


JH :blotto:
That is exactly the move that the army needs to make. It should reform an airmobile battle group complete with all arms support.

:cool: Yard Ape
I recently read a letter that was forwarded to me by someone. It stated that the Army is trying to totally take away the light infantry role. First of all is this possible? dont we need light infantry? I also heard ( I hope it is not true) that they are taking away all parachute taskings.Can NDHQ do this? to take away so many roles do they not need a new White Paper drafted? What would happen for instance if there was no possible way to get APC‘s in an area? I just want to figure out if I am about to join an army that is about to swept to its knee‘s by bad politics.

To be brutally honest the Light Infantry concept only works if you have the kit to back it up.In short helicopters...we (Canada) do not have the required lift to effectivley employ light forces and definatly not enough to sustain them.A Light Infantryman can only carry about 3 days rations,1 day water,and enough ammo to get through one good fight after that they are all but useless.The Airborne units are in the same boat,and a Company of jumpers will not influence the results of a battle anyway so why bother.Any Army that is serious about using light forces employs them at the Div level or Brigade level so enough logistical supply is present to sustain them.Airborne forces are pretty much outdated and are better employed as Airmobile provided there are enough helis availible in the heavy lift capacity.Canada does not have any Heavy Lift capability helis AT ALL!!!!!!!
The Light Infantry came about as a means of retaining numbers with minimal cost that‘s it.Nobody marches to battle anymore,if you arrive on foot then you are already too late. The mechanized units are mobile ,hit harder and can do the dismounted stuff if required.In short why did we even bother Light Infantry in the first place????
As for Airborne,we now do not have enough troops to bother,even if all the Jump Coys were joined back into another Regiment there still would not be enough to matterand if it did there are not enough aircraft to move them.With the current Air Defense equipment deployed what are the chances of us getting the required Air Superiority in the first place and how many aircraft could we stand to lose??The answer is none!!!!!
The light batalions should be upgraded to machanized. The CMBGs should not loose a battalion.

:cool: Yard Ape
Yes they should be turned back into Mech Infantry,the question is is there the funds available and if so is there the will to use them?????
The funds have always been there. Ironically, the defence budget was a lot bigger ten years ago when the government ran a defecit. Peek-a-boo!! There is no longer a defecit!!! I‘m sure that the dollars could be coughed up to ensure that the troops are provided with the proper kit.

-the patriot- :cdn:
A teammate of mine who Is a instructor at Petawawa told me that RCR is going all mechanized. Is this true? What effects would this have on a Infantry Soldier? That‘s going to be my trade, and I was just wondering what that would mean for me...
Their already mech, its just 3 Bn that is light(foot borne). Whos your buddy with?
Right check your source always and never believe things so blindly, Rumours are rumours There was talk about a heavy brigade group (tanks) a medium (LAVs) and a light BG ,
Also talk of the all the 3rd batallions going mech but that was a couple weeks before 9/11
"don‘t worry about things that are out of your control"

I still jump a ruck and you may still look forward to it to!
I wasn‘t "believing blindly" that‘s why I was cross-referencing with you guys, who I assume to be more reputable sources.

His comment about this whole thing was sort of vague, so I‘m not even sure I understood correctly what he was saying.
Well the new strategy is out and this is what the CLS envisions for us to be now whether or not the system will allow all the changes he envisions only time will tell. But things they will be a changin‘ pretty soon
You can find it on the web

The new Org in a nutshell:
One Heavy BG, Two Medium BGs, and a light Bn in every BG.

There will be a renewed emphasis placed on the light battalions.
Awhile ago there was talk on expanding the role of the light battalions in each regiment even a rumour of forming a light infantry regiment. My question is has there been any more done on this or is it as usual and gathering dust on the MNDs desk?
There was a great deal of talk and presentations on projected TO&E of the light BNs during The Canadian Infantry associations annual general meeting and the new doctorine/SOPs/organization are been written right now.

What they will look like is a good guess at best right now.....but expect them to gain more integral firepower to beef them up. ie: Javelin

Well I hope and pray for you guys in 3 that you never go mech and I'm sure you're all doing the same.