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Marks / Grades: School / GED or PLAR [MERGED]

  • Thread starter Thread starter SteelMag
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MagicTape said:
Thanks for the replies so far, the local recruitment centre will send a representative over on the 20th of November to my high school so I can ask even more questions. Also another question. Friend of mine just sent in his application  but he did notget his parents consent (signature) and other things filled out. Will his application be delayed and will the recruitment centre tell him so?

The standard procedure, is for the Parent or Guardian to attend the CFRC with the applicant at the time of their first visit.  Only in special circumstances, will they allow the parent or guardian to sign the form without being present and then several steps will need to be taken by the CFRC to confirm the validity of the signature/consent.
Hey guys, just got my receipt for applying for ROTP. I want to use my grade 12 1st and 2nd term marks though , can I just get back on the email later?
I applied and got my receipt for applying and now it is asking me to submit documents +  transcripts. However, I want to include my grade 12 1st term (and possibly 2nd term) marks. Did I apply too early??
Hello MagicTape

thank you for your interest in the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF).

No you did not apply too early. By reading your post, it would appear that you are applying for ROTP which closes 31 Jan 15. So your application will be based on your grade 11 marks and your grade 12 marks to this date. Do not worry about waiting for all your grade 12 marks.

If you have any further questions feel free to ask us.
Improve your grades as much as you can for not only to better your chances but also help you to live upto the high standards of RMC after you get into.
Master Seaman Robert said:
Hello MagicTape

thank you for your interest in the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF).

No you did not apply too early. By reading your post, it would appear that you are applying for ROTP which closes 31 Jan 15. So your application will be based on your grade 11 marks and your grade 12 marks to this date. Do not worry about waiting for all your grade 12 marks.

If you have any further questions feel free to ask us.

My grade 11 marks are on the low side so I'm afraid that they will not apply towards RMC, that is why I wanted to use my grade 12 marks. May I use my 1st term and part of my 2nd term grade 12 marks as the grades? Will the grade 12 marks overpower the grade 11 ones? I want to get into engineering or sciences, I had thought that 11 marks only applied if you were going into Arts. I can ask my school to get me updated transcripts to include my 1st and 2nd term marks. Thanks so much for replying
They want your official hs transcripts which will include all of your marks from grade 9 to now.  As your grade 12 marks come in they will take them into consideration, but they will not process you without a copy of your official transcripts... Hope this helps!
Hello! Just a quick question, I can delete this after (or at least I hope I can????) but I can't find an answer to this anywhere. To apply to the army you need a diploma or a GED, but I also noticed you need to bring in your school transcripts, the final grades for your last 2 years of school, I don't have good grades at all. Will this effect my chances of being accepted? I am in the last semester of grade 12 and I will have good marks for the last half, will this make any difference? thanks!
buckybarnes said:
Hello! Just a quick question, I can delete this after (or at least I hope I can????) but I can't find an answer to this anywhere. To apply to the army you need a diploma or a GED, but I also noticed you need to bring in your school transcripts, the final grades for your last 2 years of school, I don't have good grades at all. Will this effect my chances of being accepted? I am in the last semester of grade 12 and I will have good marks for the last half, will this make any difference? thanks!

What are you trying to do - Apply as an NCM? Regular officer training program? Difficult to make a comment when we have no idea what you are trying to apply for.

Bottom line - Yes, your marks will be considered when you apply.  You likely already know this.  Go talk to the recruiters and find out!
Ncm, sorry should have realised that before posting. How early is too early to talk to a recruiter? If I don't plan on signing up for another year or so should I wait? thanks for answering!
If you don't feel it's too early to ask here then it's not too early to ask a recruiter.
Your school transcript is like your resume . So yes it can play against you if they have to pick between candidate with almost the same CFAT and interview score . Keep in mind that you're fighting for a job position,  and like a company they  are just looking for the best candidate for the job.  ( sorry for my english )  :salute:
As of now i am a grade 10 student.

For my career i am going to become a CF member, and stay in for my entire life until retirement. My question is, should i still attend university?

If i do not need a post-secondary education for my desired field, should i still attend University?  Even if i leave the military, i am going to become an RCMP or an OPP (ontario provincial police), and neither of those require a post-secondary education.  My main worry is of what my parents will say, my mother attended University in Canada and the U.S and has two majors, my sister just got accepted to University for forensic science.  My mother knows i want in the CF for my entire career, but still expects me to attend University, mainly because i can get an athletic scholarship.

Any suggestions?
Do what you want to do, after considering the advice of those you know and respect.  Don't burn any family bridges, they can be hard to rebuild.

Having said that, IF the trade you want doesn't require a degree, but you still see having one as a personal and professional goal, consider joining as an NCM and after thru your initial training/when the time is right, you can still work on your degree and may have some financial assistance from the CAF.  All the time, still gaining experience and training in your NCM trade.  I  have more than one friend who worked towards a degree while serving as NCMs.  Some went on to, or are applying to, go Officer.  Others are happy as NCMs.

Good luck with whatever you decide.
Thanks a lot for the advice.

I was considering attending RMC but then decided i didn't want to become an officer without any experience.  I may look more towards what your friend did because that appeals to me much more.

Thanks again
Here's my take on it all:

1)  You MAY not need college or university to be selected for a career in the CAF but it will only help your chances if you do have it.

2)  You don't say what trade you want to go for in the CAF but there are some trades that require you to have a college diploma before you can join the CAF into that trade. 

3)  If you intend on eventually trying to join the RCMP and/or OPP with just some form of military experience....better fill out applications to Palidan Security or the Corps of Commissionaires as well because that is where you will likely get hired.  You do realize of course that the RCMP and OPP receive thousands of applications each year for a very limited number of slots and that you will be competing for those vacancies against applicants with Police Foundations diplomas, Criminology degrees and/or prior policing experience? 

Try to join the military and while you are waiting for a vacancy take some college or university courses to prepare either for your CAF career or a field you may want to go into afterwards.  Then, once (if) you get hired and start your military career just use the various education programs the military offers to work towards finishing a diploma program or degree.  That will not only make you a better NCO in the military but a more attractive hire for when you may chose to get out.
The trade I'm aspiring for is basic infantry. 

You're right, the chances are not high that I'd get a job over a more qualified individual, but those courses (Police Foundations diplomas, Criminology degrees) do not interest me, if i were to attend university i would be taking Kinesiology and health science.  Lets not forget however that I am most likely not going to leave the military. 

Thanks for good suggestions and facts.  Ill have to research more as to what the military offers along the lines of education.
Allan14 said:
Even if i leave the military, i am going to become an RCMP or an OPP (ontario provincial police), and neither of those require a post-secondary education. 

Any suggestions?

You may want to read this.

CF experience relevant to RCMP, civ policing? (merged)

There are many reasons people leave the military, often for unplanned reasons.

Should on of those unplanned reasons occur, what is your plan B?
Sadly, some of the reasons to force people out of the military would also prevent you from
being accepted to the RCMP or OPP.
Allan14 said:
The trade I'm aspiring for is basic infantry. 

You're right, the chances are not high that I'd get a job over a more qualified individual, but those courses (Police Foundations diplomas, Criminology degrees) do not interest me, if i were to attend university i would be taking Kinesiology and health science.  Lets not forget however that I am most likely not going to leave the military. 

Thanks for good suggestions and facts.  Ill have to research more as to what the military offers along the lines of education.

Ok then, IF police foundations and/or criminology don't interest you then it's obvious you would not be going for a career with the RCMP or OPP if you ever release from the CAF.  You are talking yourself in circles. 