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Marks / Grades: School / GED or PLAR [MERGED]

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I probably should have mentioned how i havn't done research on what an RCMP/OPP does, i wouldn't have come off as naive.

Knowing that i havnt done much research ill saying this, I'm sure everyone has wanted to become a police officer at one point, so in my best words, I'm interested in doing what you see a local police officer doing in town, like pulling people over, patrolling, that sort of stuff, not really as to what goes on behind the scenes that we don't see.  Like i said, i haven't done research, so when i have ill find that you're most likely right and what police really do isn't what i want,
Well based on my 25 years of policing, if you want to do what police do like drive around and hand out tickets (which is about 3% of what they do but, ok, think what you want), then you had better have some interest in police foundations and/or criminology type courses. 

As you have said, you have a lot more self education to do. 
Allan14 said:
Thanks a lot for the advice.

I was considering attending RMC but then decided i didn't want to become an officer without any experience.  I may look more towards what your friend did because that appeals to me much more.

Thanks again

Many, many Officers in the CAF start off in the Officer trg system 'with no experience'.  I'll suggest that a LARGE percentage of them don't start off NCMs, and that is what the training system is there for.  They also routinely work very close with Junior NCOs (Corporal and Master Corporals) Senior NCOs (Sergeants), Warrant Officers (Warrant Officers, Master Warrant Officers and Chief Warrant Officers) and also have their entire superior officer change of command to help them.

Just something to keep in mind. 
I said I have miniman knowledge in policeing, I said I'm interested in what I've seen, like arrests and tickets.  I didn't say I think that's all they do, so there's no need for remarks like "which is about 3% what they do, but Ok, think what you want".  I never said I think that's all they do, I'm just saying it's what I've seen. 
And all I'm saying is if you are going to declare something as a possible career choice after the military you should know what they do otherwise pick a job that you understand.  Your outlook is like saying "I want to be a dentist because I like handing out toothbrushes and dental floss the little kids".
Schindler's Lift said:
Well based on my 25 years of policing, if you want to do what police do like drive around and hand out tickets (which is about 3% of what they do but, ok, think what you want), then you had better have some interest in police foundations and/or criminology type courses. 
As you have said, you have a lot more self education to do.

This may be pertinent to become an MP, or other services in Canada, or ancillary LE, but in Ontario there is zero requirement for it. In fact the overwhelming majority of successful applicants in Ontario, neither have a Police Foundations/Law and Security nor do they have a background in security. Personally of the 7 people I know from my regiment who became police officers, only 2 had taken PF, and of those 2 only one worked security.

I took Police Foundations and it was a waste of time and money.  From my college cohort from what I have gathered over the last decade since we first started of the about 50-60 people, 2 became police officers, 2 work in corrections, 1 is a Special Constable and the rest including myself, are not working in law enforcement.
Well thank you for the feedback Shindler, but I did say I'm in grade 10, its more of something that looked cool, but not as much of a serious idea

have a good one
Allan14 said:
Well thank you for the feedback Shindler, but I did say I'm in grade 10, its more of something that looked cool, but not as much of a serious idea

have a good one

Regardless of what grade you are and what your future aspirations are, on this site (and in most professions including policing) proper grammar, sentence structure and spelling is required. This is not a request, your posts are painful to read.
My marks were absolutely garbage in high school, My CFAT results were the highest my recruiter has ever seen "he said" so that limit me on what I can and cannot do, due to prerequisite's for each career. All that matters is your CFAT, Medical, Interview for your merit list rank. If your Scores placed you to a complete tie with one applicant than they may look at your high school marks, or they may go on life experience. First step is to do your aptitude test to see if your score even qualifies you for those trades. Don't give a list of excuses with them just do your best, a lot of people didn't care in high school (myself included) it will hinder you but not completely shut you out of a promising career with the Canadian Forces.

Hope this gives a bit of hope to you.
James17 said:
My marks were absolutely garbage in high school, My CFAT results were the highest my recruiter has ever seen "he said" so that limit me on what I can and cannot do, due to prerequisite's for each career. All that matters is your CFAT, Medical, Interview for your merit list rank.

And you are familiar enough with the recruiting system to make these claims?  I would suggest staying a little closer to your lanes in terms of personal experience.  In particular, your summary of what CFAT scores and "limits" is wrong.  A high score (in all tested areas) will make you eligible for a wider variety of professions, not exclude you from them. 

While the CFAT, Medical, and Interview matter in terms of your merit listing - I find it highly unlikely that assessments, like your school marks, are not considered by your interviewer, as they determine your suitability for the professions you've chosen (you know, the main purpose of an interview).  But I'd confirm that with a recruiter first.
In terms of school marks limiting you I am saying that some career paths such as Medic require you to have a biology 12 course, if you have not taken this course you can not even apply even if your CFAT results do qualify you for this, unfortunately I know from first hand experience. I am not saying they do not look at your marks but your high school grades are not entered into the rank system to have a DIRECT effect on your merit rank. I have been told this directly from my recruiter, I'm not guaranteeing it is correct but I can see it being this way.
James17 said:
I'm not guaranteeing it is correct but I can see it being this way.

Then, rather than stating something as a fact and being jumped on for doing so, try saying "a recruiter told me".
Yes I should have been more thorough stating where I was getting my information. Best of luck either way.
Hi everyone,

I am applying for NCM trades that only require high school and maybe some high school math. However, I was working on a university degree and failed a few classes recently. Not just one, but a few. Will this be used against me during selection or do they only look at my high school grades? I included my university experience in my application so as not to leave any gaps in time, but will they need my university transcripts or just my high school transcript?

Thanks for your help in advance.
manna15 said:
Hi everyone,

I am applying for NCM trades that only require high school and maybe some high school math. However, I was working on a university degree and failed a few classes recently. Not just one, but a few. Will this be used against me during selection or do they only look at my high school grades? I included my university experience in my application so as not to leave any gaps in time, but will they need my university transcripts or just my high school transcript?

You will be required to provide "all" official transcripts as part of the processing.  For NCM occupations, I would not be overly concerned with the grades that you have received, the CF is looking for "successful" completion of the required academic courses specific to the occupation(s) which you are applying for.

DAA said:
You will be required to provide "all" official transcripts as part of the processing.  For NCM occupations, I would not be overly concerned with the grades that you have received, the CF is looking for "successful" completion of the required academic courses specific to the occupation(s) which you are applying for.
Excellent. Thank you for the clarification.
So I am currently in grade 11 and I would like to apply to RMC in grade 12. At the time that I chose my courses for grade 11 I wanted to be a fighter pilot but now I wanna be either a military police officer or a armour officer. The problem lies where I took physics thinking it be good for a fighter pilot however as I have come to realize is that I suck at physics and have been failing pretty much every test and I know I'm on my way to failure. I am looking to take either military psychology and leadership or military and strategic studies which don't require physics. Will this course at all hold me back from RMC even though the rest of my courses meet the requirements and are in the 70's and 80's? 
I strongly doubt you're going to be a competitive candidate with marks in the 70s. There are people here who are worried they aren't competitive enough with 85% averages over all their school years.
True but however I am just starting grade 11 and its just one course plus I have all of grade 12 and I haven't mentioned my extracurriculars
Instead of asking "Can I still get in with failing?" ask yourself "Do I really care enough about RMC to sort myself out and not fail physics?"

Look at the threads of applicants here. RMC is a free university education. Its highly competitive and any black mark can ruin your chances. Pick up your socks, get extra help and pass that course. Its September, you have a lot of time to fix that mark.