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I got my official offer today. I will be heading to the May 4th BMOQ as a DEO AEC. I will be swearing in on the 30th of March. From the looks of things I am the only DEO on this board heading to the May 4th BMOQ.
That's so weird. Last email I got from Ottawa a couple days ago stated:

"Conversation with loading authority,  currently there is to many anglo for BMOQ. They have decided to ask all the student at RMC who could complete course in french. If there is enough to allow room for the few like yourself, then you should be able to get a vacancy on the 28 May course or about."

I assumed all the rest were packed with ROTP students. I'm a CT/OT not DEO though. Process ongoing since 2 Jan 08...  Don't know if I should  :brickwall:

xbowhntr said:
I got my official offer today. I will be heading to the May 4th BMOQ as a DEO AEC. I will be swearing in on the 30th of March. From the looks of things I am the only DEO on this board heading to the May 4th BMOQ.
I just missed the Jan BMOQ by a hair. I have been working on the process for just short of a year. I'm not sure if the time I've been waiting has played a factor or not. Either way I am quite excited!
It probably does. Congrats!

xbowhntr said:
I just missed the Jan BMOQ by a hair. I have been working on the process for just short of a year. I'm not sure if the time I've been waiting has played a factor or not. Either way I am quite excited!
Congrats xbowhntr.

Hopefully more DEO's to follow, not looking good right now but we'll see. I've got my fingers crossed.
xbowhntr said:
I got my official offer today. I will be heading to the May 4th BMOQ as a DEO AEC. I will be swearing in on the 30th of March. From the looks of things I am the only DEO on this board heading to the May 4th BMOQ.

Congrats!  Yes, you are definitely one of the lucky ones!  My fingers are now crossed for myself, as that shows there is a bit of hope for the May loading.
Looking at this http://www.cflrs.forces.gc.ca/menu/cfc-ecc/ap-pa/index-eng.asp it looks like they usually run BMOQ courses in June/July so maybe they'll open courses for these soon?

logairoff said:
Looking at this http://www.cflrs.forces.gc.ca/menu/cfc-ecc/ap-pa/index-eng.asp it looks like they usually run BMOQ courses in June/July so maybe they'll open courses for these soon?

Negatory, soonest BMOQ scheduled after May is August.
Reading the Jan BMOQ and this thread I have not noticed many MARS officers going to BMOQ (on these forums at least).

I applied Jan 15th, was contacted for testing Feb 1st and booked for Feb 24th. I booked my interview that day for March 9th and was contacted yesterday for a medical April 1st. Things seem to be moving fairly quickly and I hope my train keeps moving...

There seems no way to gauge how long you will wait at all. I am curious if a high demand for a job will impact how fast you get it in? What I mean is do you think it is possible they hold spots for trades in heavy need of personal?

In any event I am prepared to wait as long as it takes... More time to train.

Congrats to all going in May and those in the Jan intake. Please post your experiences.


I am unable to answer your question however thought I would share a couple a couple of experiences.

From the date I walked into the recruiting center to the date I was to complete my medical, everything went FAST ( all within a month). I had a slight hold-up on completing my medical because I had a cold. The waiting and uncertainty occurred, for me at least, after i completed my medical.

There was a somewhat lengthy wait while Ottawa approved my Aircrew medical followed by a 3-4 month wait after I was merit listed before I got an offer for BMOQ.

I have heard of several other applicants waiting months for various reasons.

In regards to you applying for the MARS trade, I spoke with a recruiter just before I received my offer for AEC and she advised me that there was quite a shortage of MARS officers and if I added MARS to my choice list I would receive an offer to attend a NOAB very quickly.

I asked her to add MARS as a third choice and about a week after I received my offer I received an invite to the February NOAB.

xbowhntr said:
There was a somewhat lengthy wait while Ottawa approved my Aircrew medical

Minor point but aircrew medicals are not approved by Ottawa. They are approved by DRDC Toronto.
Hello to All,

first posting... Got merit list yesterday March 16th for LOG officer. The recruit center (Calgary) told me that May BMOQ was indeed full  :o. I have been told to hope for August, which was not yet confirmed. I just hope I'll have the patience to wait until then...

Anybody has news ?

Thanks a lot. Btw, the infos posted on this forum helped me a lot during the recruitment process.
It is unfoutunate that there is such a large wait between BMOQ couses. If only they would schedule them more frequently. I was under the impression that the goal was to increase the number of new members this upcoming fiscal year from 9000 to 12000 new overall members. I may be wrong but this is the case it will require a greater frequency of courses would seem to be esential. Oh well patience I guess.

Good luck to all.
Jayson Wonder said:
I may be wrong but this is the case it will require a greater frequency of courses would seem to be esential.

There is a very large shortage of qualified and available instructors. There is a shortage of available space and resources with which to train new people. Simply increasing the number of courses wont solve anything at all. You have very little knowledge of the system and the reality we face so be careful over-simplifying the problem.
Jayson Wonder said:
It is unfoutunate that there is such a large wait between BMOQ couses. If only they would schedule them more frequently. I was under the impression that the goal was to increase the number of new members this upcoming fiscal year from 9000 to 12000 new overall members. I may be wrong but this is the case it will require a greater frequency of courses would seem to be esential. Oh well patience I guess.

Good luck to all.

Thanks for your drive by posting.


CDN Aviator said:
There is a very large shortage of qualified and available instructors. There is a shortage of available space and resources with which to train new people. Simply increasing the number of courses wont solve anything at all. You have very little knowledge of the system and the reality we face so be careful over-simplifying the problem.

You are correct and lets not forget about instructor burn out.
Drive by posting? What a joke, grow up man. Why so sensitive. Perhaps if you were Stephen Harper or Peter MacKay, I could see you talking offence. I do not recall making an attack on any member of the CF.

No I do not claim to know all the internal facts or challenges. I was making a comment for discussion and a humble observation as an outsider.

When I made the comment about additional training and challenges in increasing CF new members, that would obviously include all of the realted challenges that would come with that such as instructors, facilities and resources, etc. Obviously there is a deeper concern and that is the overall point of the post. As a Canadian citizens / non members we have a right to desire and expect more from the system as well. Considering our tax dollars help to fund the CF we have a right to comment on the state of affiars.

I thought this was a discussion forum where is was ok to make comments for further dialouge and ask questions to gain a greater insight. Seems like if you do post what certain people want you get jumped on. A bit small minded and un welcoming don't you think.

Not all posters here are members or have the inside info. Perhaps the forum should only be for existing members with a certain level of internal / CF knowledge.

Clearly someone was offended by my statement and this was not my intent. I respect all who serve.

I do hope people are a bit more calm, level headed and actually willing to help as opposed to shoot down persons lacking knowledge in the actually CF. One reason I wanted to join was for the team spirit and hope new members don't get smacked down each time they display mild ignorance.

Have a great day.
Jayson Wonder said:
Considering our tax dollars help to fund the CF we have a right to comment on the state of affiars.

You indeed have the right to comment. Educated comments work much better. Instead of telling us what the problem was, you could have asked why more courses are not run. It would have seemed the better approach since you have no knowledge of the system.

I thought this was a discussion forum where is was ok to make comments for further dialouge
Not all posters here are members or have the inside info.

You presented your comments as fact and it was a wild over-simplification. Again, how you worded your comment could have been better.

Clearly someone was offended by my statement and this was not my intent. I respect all who serve.

I was not offended.

I do hope people are a bit more calm, level headed and actually willing to help as opposed to shoot down persons lacking knowledge in the actually CF.

I am quite calm. Its easier to help when people ask question than when they present a solution to a problem they dont understand. As a taxpayer, if you want more from the system, be prepared to pay more.

Boudreas said:
Reading the Jan BMOQ and this thread I have not noticed many MARS officers going to BMOQ (on these forums at least).

Actually, there's quite a number of MARS, MSE and CSE here right now.  On my course we started with probably a dozen or so Navy pers. with a couple of those being LOG. In my section alone we have 2 MARS candidates. There's one course here now that started mid-Jan that has a very high percentage of Navy pers. 
Anyone know if its easy to rent a car on the weekend at St.Jean?
koopa said:
Anyone know if its easy to rent a car on the weekend at St.Jean?


Probably easier, especially if ordered in advance, than getting off for the weekend. 
