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Corey Darling said:
I gather there is a message coming out soon which will mention it. It seems the west coast is the last to receive these messages, so has anyone heard yet?

East coast here, and we also haven't received a message yet stating what date we are starting course on, or any other related details.  Cheers.
Just got confirmation I'm on: "BMOQ serial L0009E 11 May to 21 Aug 09.".

This means a CT/OT I initiated 2 Jan 08 is finally coming to an end. :)
Does anyone by any crazy chance know if the BMOQ starting 18 May is near capacity?  Due to a waiting period I can enroll until approximately a week beforehand, and they want to load me but weren't sure if there would be any spots.  Any assistance/advice would be greatly appreciated.

Kind Regards,


I guess there is a later May BMOQ!
I just received an offer, BMOQ starting May 25 in Victoria.  ???
Isn't that strange?
Dariusz said:

I guess there is a later May BMOQ!
I just received an offer, BMOQ starting May 25 in Victoria.  ???
Isn't that strange?

That sounds like the NOAB (part of the application process for the navy). See: http://Forums.Army.ca/forums/threads/84137/post-821319.html#msg821319
I think it's unlikely that he'll be attending NOAB as an Armour applicant.

Victoria does seem strange for RegF BMOQ however, especially since nobody else on here has ever mentioned it as far as I know.
The Naval Reserve runs BMOQ's in the summer out in Victoria.  Ive heard of several instances where other reg force officer candidates are loaded on their courses.  This may be one such case.

  I just got The Call (!) yesterday for May 25th in Victoria too ! What a surprise, I was aiming at the August BMOQ in St-Jean since I was told that May was full. I didn't even know that they were doing BMOQ in Victoria. I thought that all basic training was in St-Jean. 

I am in regular army, and was offered Navy Log Officer, my first choice. Looking forward to meet you there ! I'll have to speed up my training.  :o
ltmaverick25 said:
The Naval Reserve runs BMOQ's in the summer out in Victoria.  Ive heard of several instances where other reg force officer candidates are loaded on their courses.  This may be one such case.

Very interesting.  I knew there were reserve BMOQs there in the summer, but had no idea that reg force people sometimes were on those courses.
ScottS said:
Very interesting.  I knew there were reserve BMOQs there in the summer, but had no idea that reg force people sometimes were on those courses.

Yes all NAVRES courses are accredited by the CF as equivalent to RegForce courses. Even had RMC grads on my MARS courses.
I just read an older thread in the equipment section on boots.

Someone mentioned that its not likely one can get a chit for wearing none issue boots until after basic.  This was a 2004 thread.

Is this still the case?  Just bought a pair of Danner Acadias knowing I may not be able to wear them on course this summer, but they are such a great boot...
Corey Darling said:
I just read an older thread in the equipment section on boots.

Someone mentioned that its not likely one can get a chit for wearing none issue boots until after basic.  This was a 2004 thread.

Is this still the case?  Just bought a pair of Danner Acadias knowing I may not be able to wear them on course this summer, but they are such a great boot...

It's a possibility getting them on course, but I wouldn't recommend it, it will be a huge hassle. Hack it out in the issue boots for BMOQ (Get some Dr. Scholls insoles or whatever) and worry about it after.

PS-Unless it will affect you medically in a significant way, then talk to your staff ASAP. But like I said, I recommend not bothering.
Recruiters told me the Navy is having some initiative this year and holding their own BMOQ at the end of may out in Victoria, which is proabbly what this is, however since i had to attend NOAB the end of may i wouldn't be elligible.
They started the RegF applicants on the NAVRES BMOQ last year.  All three elements and both components were represented. 
This will be the second summer of RegF BMOQ running out of Victoria.  Last summer they ran 2 platoons of combined RegF and NAVRES candidates.  From what I've heard around NOTC the plan for this summer is 2 platoons to start at the end of April, same date as last year, and a third platoon to start up at the end of May.  Its going to be packed around the NOTC footprint all summer.
Hello again,

Does anyone know if the 25 May BMOQ includes the IAP?

Kind Regards,

Tharris said:
Hello again,

Does anyone know if the 25 May BMOQ includes the IAP?

Kind Regards,


IAP no longer exists.  IAP and BOTP have been combined into the new BMOQ course.
And this new BMOQ took effect from April 1st, 2009?
Where can I get more info on this new BMOQ?