Occam said:I'm not sure you'd want to, and if you could, it probably wouldn't be admissible since once it's on your PC, it's able to be edited. If you want the text messages to be of any use, check with the police and/or Rogers to see the best way to preserve the messages in a manner in which you can't be accused of tampering with them.
Talk with the police if he is using threatening language in the texts. They have the ability to remove texts from a cellphone for use in court.
Hope this helps,
Mse Op 935
ToRN said:Problem is, that she tells me that she can't move out here with me (to AB from ON) because (a) she does not yet have full custody, and (b) even when she gets full custody (he's not going to fight for dual custody) she will have to stay in Ontario in order to allow access for him to see her daughter.
ToRN said:thanks a lot for your replies. My concerns stem from the fact that the father has made no effort to even so much as call his daughter in 8 months, when he left; took the minivan that was in both their names, forcing her to get a 18 year old compact car in which to drive the kids around, the television, etc. etc. which shows me that he has nobodys interests in mind but his own.
Since he will not be filing for, or even if he did request it, not receiving, joint custody, because of the children's aid reports, I don't think an agreement like that would be possible.
He will still be filing for visitation, she tells me that he will be granted at least supervised access, for which she can't move, because she would be acting to deny access to him (even though he probably wouldn't even notice if she moved across the city, across the country, or across the universe).
ArmyVern said:Celtic Girl ... and many a custody hearing where one tried to take away custody from the other parent due to them being military has failed. They might try it, but they sure as heck don't succeed very often.
Using the local CF Coord to obtain clarifications from, or through, IRP is available and sometimes the best recourse.Number of dependants When a posting message does not include all dependants, CF members must provide their Military Personal Records Resume (MPRR) to the service provider to show the number of dependants.
NOTE 1. In cases of joint/shared custody, when the dependant is residing with the CF member at the time of the relocation, expenses as outlined in the CF IRP Policy may be reimbursed. As per art 3.4.03 the DAE portion of the posting allowance is payable to CF members whose dependants are relocated at public expense.
Conflict between the DCBA Aide-Memoire and CBIs
The Board has recently reviewed several compensation and benefits cases where the grievance has arisen as a result of the application of certain provisions found in the DCBA Aide-Memoire. Through the review of these grievances, the Board has identified significant conflicts between the provisions of the applicable CBI, still in effect at this time, and those of the Aide-Memoire. Of particular concern, the Board noted that the Aide-Memoire places additional restrictions on member’s eligibility for benefits such as the FCA and SE, without the proper regulatory amendment to the applicable CBI.
The following are a few examples:
The grievor’s ex-spouse lived in the same geographic area and shared custody of his children. Upon deployment to an operational theatre, the grievor requested the FCA for his children to be cared for by their mother. His request was denied because the Aide-Memoire stipulated that the dependants had to be living with the grievor on a full-time basis and the biological parent had to be residing in a different geographical area from the member.
The Board observed that the grievor met all of the eligibility requirements stipulated by the applicable CBI 209.335 – FCA. In particular, his children met the definition of dependant provided under the CBI and he did not have a spouse to take care of his children while he was away.
Systemic recommendations
The Board recommended that the CDS direct an in-depth policy review that clearly addresses SE entitlement and eligibility through appropriate regulations. The Board also recommended that the review consider the unique situation of posted members who have shared custody.
The Board recommended that the CDS ensure that the practice of making changes to TB authorized benefits before formal approval is received be discontinued.
The Board recommended that the CDS ensure that clear direction is issued to the DCBA and the IR approval authorities regarding the circumstances under which IR and associated SE benefits may be approved.
CDS Decision
CDS Decision Pending
PMedMoe said:What in particular are they looking for? Posting allowance? LTA?
FWIW, my daughter (who resides in NB) is listed on my MPRR as a dependent and she was on my posting message as well. And I don't even have joint custody.