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Merit boards for D.E.O.

I'd really love to know why my interviewer kept saying February... Given how many times I've seen people reamed out for not believing the recruiter, I'm disinclined to consider that there isn't one in February... Bah.
Listen to your recruiter.  Are you going for an officer position?  Is your Moc specialized?  Are you going for a NCM position?
There is an answer to why you were told February, but it is not that the recruiting centre mis-lead you.
Why not call them and see?
Magravan said:
I'd really love to know why my interviewer kept saying February.

Are you talking about the selection board or Basic training?  There's a selection board every month: there is no IAP (Officer Basic) starting in February.
I'm applying for DEO Armour Officer / Artillery Officer. He said that the review board would meet mid November and I might be looking at a call by the end of the month. If I get the call, he said that the course would be in February... Honestly, once I get the call I wont mind, because it'll just mean extra training time... It would just have been nice to make it into the January IAP so that I can get in at the same time as some of the people here who I've been paying attention to their progress :)

Either way, congrats to those who have already gotten the call, and good luck to those still waiting... I'll be along when I can :D
I checked this with the Det. Comd. yesterday (who looked it up on the system).  There are 4 crs starting in Jan.: nothing else is scheduled and will not be until at least (not "in") April '07.
Well good luck Magravan, hope you make the cut and get in for the Jan. IAP!
If not, I'm sure there is nothing to worry about, you'll get in sooner or later.

Hope to see ya in a couple of months!

Let us never forget our fallen soldiers :salute:
Just came back from my interview and medical.  Well the January course is full for sure so there's no way I can get on it (unless a bunch of people back out).  I was told there was no confirmed date for the following course but it would be around May if there was one. I was also told, in general, there aren't many positions available for infantry officer anymore.  But at the same time, I the CF is pushing to hire hundreds of infantry soldiers so they'll need officers as well.

That's all I know for now. I was advised to call back the CFRC in a couple weeks to see how things stand.

Good luck to you guys. 
ChristopherRobin said:
Just came back from my interview and medical.  Well the January course is full for sure so there's no way I can get on it (unless a bunch of people back out).  I was told there was no confirmed date for the following course but it would be around May if there was one. 

Good luck to you guys. 

Which IAP there are two in Jan:  start dates 8th and the 15th.

bw said:
Which IAP there are two in Jan:  start dates 8th and the 15th.

Not to hi-jack this thread but it seems to be a bit of a intro for all going to St. Jean in Jan for IAP sooooo............I'm in for the 8th of Jan. Leaving Ottawa on the 5th or 6th and should be in St. Jean 3hrs later.

exsemjingo said:
5 years of the reserves, and now a component transfer?  You can be our leader.

No no no no no no no no. I have no plans on being 'that reservist guy' I am going in with a completely clean slate and no misconceptions about my reserve history making me a better recruit. I am the exact same as everyone else. I just hope I can keep being a reserve a secret from the staff  :P
old man neri said:
I just hope I can keep being a reserve a secret from the staff  :P

Good luck with that.  They know all and see all.  Besides, don't you have to do an essay or anything to start off the course talking all about you?  You might be able to keep your previous service from your coursemates, but the chances of the staff not knowing?

Yes, it is good to attempt to go in with a "clean slate" as you state, but remember that your previous service has brought you to where you are now.  Whether reserve or regular, it has given you experience that has it's time and place to be utilized.
If I recall, there was just a merit board yesterday.  Hopefully my paperwork made it.
navymich said:
Good luck with that.  They know all and see all.  Besides, don't you have to do an essay or anything to start off the course talking all about you?  You might be able to keep your previous service from your coursemates, but the chances of the staff not knowing?

I was considering 'forgetting' to put that it but that is probably not the best idea.

Yes, it is good to attempt to go in with a "clean slate" as you state, but remember that your previous service has brought you to where you are now.  Whether reserve or regular, it has given you experience that has it's time and place to be utilized.

I think I just don't want to be arrogant and a know it all about it. I suppose that I might have a slightly easier time polishing boots. I just plan to play the game and hopefully have a good time doing it.

Cheers and thanks for the input, always valued and appreciated.
They won't give you a hard time if you use your experience to help people rather than make them feel stupid or inferior.  I am sure if you are obvious about just being helpful and take anything new to you, no matter how ridiculous it seems as "the way you'll do it from now on" then they will probably be happier for you being there.

Anyway, I'll see you there.  It will be a blast to be sure.

We can hope for a former Air Cadet to be "that guy" >:D for you.

bw said:
Which IAP there are two in Jan:   start dates 8th and the 15th.

Hmmm, I didn't even know about the 15th.  The course on the 8th was the only one that was mentioned.

Either way, my file is being sent out tomorrow to Ottawa for medical clearance. I'm not sure what happens after that (where it goes, who looks at it...etc).  Unless there's some sort of miracle, I'm not making it for January. But I can say the recruiting process has been f-ing amazing so far! 100 times better than it was 2-3 years ago. We're damn lucky.
ThainC said:
If I recall, there was just a merit board yesterday.  Hopefully my paperwork made it.

I'm sure your paperwork made it in if you just barely missed the last merit board.  Your best bet is to call and find out if you've been merit listed.  That way, at least you know the board PROBABLY looked at it, unless you were merit listed yesterday or today.  If they looked it over, you can bet your butt you'll get a call....or you should call them in two weeks.  I had to keep calling them every week to finally find out I had an offer.  Only thing is, hopefully they'll have your offer ready for you ASAP so you know which IAP/BOTP you're heading off for.

Good luck, hopefully we'll be seeing you there, if not we can give you some guidance and tips on how it is!
You know it, Bro.  I'm hopin' to catch the Jan intake, since it seems I'll "know" a number of people headin' there.  You, and afew others from this forum.  Would be nice.  I'll be giving them a courtesy call/visit next week ;)