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Merit List Criteria For Promotions


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I understand that your place on the merit list for applicants to the military is a combination of CFAT, education and interview scores.

However, once your in the military, how does something like education or CFAT play a role in promotions, if any?

Or, what are the major criteria for promotions, other then a good review from your superiors? (if any)

Courses both trade and non-trade, Exercises, etc factor into points for the  merit lists...
The ability to drink with the right people, coupled with a predilection toward throwing buddies under a bus without conscience feature prominently.
Newguy1 said:
I understand that your place on the merit list for applicants to the military is a combination of CFAT, education and interview scores.

However, once your in the military, how does something like education or CFAT play a role in promotions, if any?

Or, what are the major criteria for promotions, other then a good review from your superiors? (if any)


CFAT only applies at the time of enrolment but can be used again in the future, should there be a need or you request to change occupations.

Education is factored into annual assessments and it is these assessments which determine who is or isn't promoted.
Merit list criteria change from year to year, but there are some constants. Your current PER score, and the averaged score of your last 3 PERs. Fitness, language, willingness to move etc are all considerations for the boards.
DAA said:
CFAT only applies at the time of enrolment but can be used again in the future, should there be a need or you request to change occupations.

Education is factored into annual assessments and it is these assessments which determine who is or isn't promoted.

Speaking of education... Does a college certificate come into play at all for a point? I've not been able to attain an answer from anyone on it. Certificate/Diploma to some people seems to be the same thing, "College is college, do you have a piece of paper?!?... It's not the same thing...

I'm just finishing the new NCM Professional Development thing through Algonquin online so I will have a college Certificate and was asking what it's worth but no one seems to know!
It may not come up directly, but it will make a big difference on the PER itself (Directly on the PF for professional developement, and can also be used for other AFs, like initiative, effectiveness, etc).

Also will come up on in the ranking boards (assuming it's included in the PER in section 2 and in the writeup), and things like that make the difference when between close PERs, particularily once the NCM combined boards come up.  The merit boards will also see it when your file gets looked at.
That's kind of what I was hoping... The career manager seemed to be happy I took her advice from last year, and enrolled in the new program. Although it's being paid for through an approved ILP, it would still suck to have spent so much time on these 4 courses to not have it matter. Wife and 2 kids would sure appreciate seeing my face a little more! They can't wait until I'm done these end-April.

By the way, if anyone is interested, it's pretty easy (just takes time and attention) to go through the 4 courses required to get the certificate. For a guy like me who has no post-secondary education it's a great option.
IST Joeschmo said:
Speaking of education... Does a college certificate come into play at all for a point? I've not been able to attain an answer from anyone on it. Certificate/Diploma to some people seems to be the same thing, "College is college, do you have a piece of paper?!?... It's not the same thing...

I'm just finishing the new NCM Professional Development thing through Algonquin online so I will have a college Certificate and was asking what it's worth but no one seems to know!

I can see your college certificate helping you with a Prior Learning Assessment Review (PLAR), but I'm not sure how that would factor into accruing PER points for a promotion.

Besides, you won't see a PER until you hit LS/Cpl anyways.  Promotion to AB/Pte(T) and LS/Cpl is usually time in (although it is possible to be advance promoted to A LS/Cpl, but it doesn't happen to often).

Modified to rectify lack of proper research... Because, well, duh... I forgot to read ALL the info

But that would be for someone in, say, my rank as an AB... not yours as a Cpl.  Sorry, didn't pick up on that until after initial post.
IST Joeschmo said:
That's kind of what I was hoping... The career manager seemed to be happy I took her advice from last year, and enrolled in the new program. Although it's being paid for through an approved ILP, it would still suck to have spent so much time on these 4 courses to not have it matter. Wife and 2 kids would sure appreciate seeing my face a little more! They can't wait until I'm done these end-April.

By the way, if anyone is interested, it's pretty easy (just takes time and attention) to go through the 4 courses required to get the certificate. For a guy like me who has no post-secondary education it's a great option.

Which courses were they?  I wonder if they'd be available online, and applicable to more than just one trade...
NavyHopeful said:
Which courses were they?  I wonder if they'd be available online, and applicable to more than just one trade...

Attached below is a link to the program overview. I am in the process also at the moment and can confirm that it is quite easy. From the information I have gathered it will appear both on your MPRR as a college certificate and under the general MITE code for non occupational military training. As per what this does at the merit boards I am under the understanding from my career manager that under the current model I should get 2 points for "education" from each board member.



Cost is 90$ to have your military training credited and 4 courses at ~ 370$ a piece and bobs your uncle.
Any idea if they'd offer this as a distance learning course or an on-line course?  I'm in Halifax right now, and not sure if there is anything around me here to offer the same thing.
NavyHopeful said:
Any idea if they'd offer this as a distance learning course or an on-line course?  I'm in Halifax right now, and not sure if there is anything around me here to offer the same thing.

It's DL... There are options to take residential if you are located within the NCR but thats a personal choice. The credits are also recognised by RMC if you plan on continuing with the defense diploma or degree options. If you want PM me and I might be able to give you a hand.