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Michael Coren: "Caring for Karine"

Mathius71 said:
some people just need to step in to the 20th century.

I wish I could. I miss the '70's!
...and thus another topic of temporary interest begins its spiral towards the drain...
I think I've waited long enough. The originator of the article, Michael Coren, was emailed and informed of this thread. He was asked to attend, and read, the posts here. To give his point of view, and to dispute, defend or deny any allegations.

He has, obviously, decided to hide behind his mantle of corporate ingnominity. His loss, and his professional stature.

This is the 'premiere' Canadian forum for the voice of the nation's soldier. If Mr. Coren cannot afford some minuscule time in his obviously, very, busy day to refute the views that he espoused while encapsulating his antiquated views on the Canadian soldier, I feel his printed articles are as worthless as the time he can afford to those he mocks. Mr. Coren is entitled to his views and opinions. However, to use the national press to espouse and try to advance his lone, personal agenda, is despicable and a abuse of the freedom of press.My  :2c:
recceguy said:
I think I've waited long enough. The originator of the article, Michael Coren, was emailed and informed of this thread. He was asked to attend, and read, the posts here. To give his point of view, and to dispute, defend or deny any allegations.

He has, obviously, decided to hide behind his mantle of corporate ingnominity. His loss, and his professional stature.

This is the 'premiere' Canadian forum for the voice of the nation's soldier. If Mr. Coren cannot afford some minuscule time in his obviously, very, busy day to refute the views that he espoused while encapsulating his antiquated views on the Canadian soldier, I feel his printed articles are as worthless as the time he can afford to those he mocks. Mr. Coren is entitled to his views and opinions. However, to use the national press to espouse and try to advance his lone, personal agenda, is despicable and a abuse of the freedom of press.My  :2c:

Thank you, recceguy!
Two posts:

Dr Dawg (see end):

Mixed bag: criminals, cops, STV and a soldier's death

Damian Brooks:

STFU, Coren

Regarding this Coren bloke.

Just another journalist. I have never heard of him.

Just another article seeking publicity through controversy and sensationalism, chasing ratings for his own recognition or the rag he writes for. We see this all too often these days.

Overall a 1/10, or a fart in a prairie windstorm.

Todays newspaper is tomorrows fish and chips.

I've already forgotten who he was. That being said, I will NEVER forget the life lost of a young and inspiring Allied soldier, regardless of the gender of that person.

Tomorrow there will be yet another written article, yet written by someone else, with more controversy and sensationalism for the benifit of themselves or the rag they write for, thus taking the heat off this one.

And life rolls on.....

My 2 bob on this.


EDITed for spelling
Yes, yes, yes, I know it's fundamentally anti-Canadian to say this but I'd prefer to articulate the views of the silent majority than hide behind some modernist fetish that places more importance on the myth of absolute equality than the safety of a girl who should be laughing with college friends rather than fighting theocratic madmen.

Who is this person that claims to speak for the "silent majority"?  I've never articulated my opinion on abortion, does that automatically make him my spokesman on that issue, or any other?  This proclamation is simply self-aggrandizement, capitalizing on the assumption that the "silent majority" also won't stand up and tell him he's full of crap for claiming his opinions represent theirs.  Perhaps the majority is silent because many of them just don't care enough to speak out - they have no collective opinion, and it's pompous to claim they share anyone's en masse.

How disgustingly undemocratic, and "fundamentally anti-Canadian" by the way, to unilaterally claim to speak for the "silent majority", perhaps he'd like to vote for them too and just run the country as a personal dictatorship.

I am Canadian, and Michael Coren does not speak for me.
Reading Coren's article was like hearing the footsteps of an ancient dinosaur - but judging by the responses of support the article has gained in some quarters, it is certain that there are a large number of other dinosaurs willing to join up and form a stampede...

As for the goof who implied Tpr Blais was killed because she couldn't take the heat and they opened the gunners hatch for air I have some advice for him:

SHUT UP. YOU DON'T HAVE A CLUE OF WHAT YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT. That is one lame excuse, as I've seen men have a hard time with heat.
Greymatters said:
Reading Coren's article was like hearing the footsteps of an ancient dinosaur - but judging by the responses of support the article has gained in some quarters, it is certain that there are a large number of other dinosaurs willing to join up and form a stampede...

:'( Agreed Greymatters-it's a shame.

So, here we are in 2009, witnessing both the death of a soldier at the hands of an enemy considered regressive in their treatment of women and the dishonour of that same soldier by progressive-thinking citizens of her own country based on gender ...

To me, the issue is not gender, it's not youth, it's not beauty; it's not timing: it simply boils down to one atrocious fact: narrow-minded journalists and followers who refuse to look beyond their own prejudices to the higher aspirations of honouring a Canadian soldier in death by putting all "differences," gender, etc., aside.

As a mother, if there was ever a reason for me to talk my son out of joining the Canadian Forces, it would be this: you live in a country that might not stand behind you when you die in service to it. A country comprised of respected journalists and others who might even insult and dishonour you in death.

Well, it's been said before and I'll say it again, if Canadians can't stand behind their troops, then get in front of them; that includes Mr. Coren.

God bless Trooper Blais' family; to have to live through the hell of having a child pre-decease you followed by a continuing media-circus dishonouring the same would have tipped me right over the abyss into insanity--certifiable.

I will have that talk with my son today and remind him that he lives in a backward-thinking, regressive country that may--depending on political agendas, moral biases and persistent, deep-seated evolutionary, ingrained learning that can't be un-learned--dishonour you in death. 

God bless Trooper Blais, the wounded, the Regiment, the family and friends. May she rest in dignity, honour and peace.:'(

Thank you recceguy. I have snail-mailed a letter to The Sun.

mariomike said:
Regarding: Post #69 on: Today at 11:23:43  ::)
Just for the record, that was Michael Coren quoted, not me!
My sister has been in the Reg Force nearly 32 years. 
I would never hear the end of it if she thought those words were mine!
Thank-you.  :)

Michael O'Leary said:

Thank you, Michael.
For anyone intestested in reading the "History of women in the military":
There is still a way to go in some departments:
"Only about 32 women are now on the job, out of 11,400 total firefighters; seven of those are from the original 1982 group and are eligible for retirement now or in the near future."

mariomike thank you for the references. I have no problem admitting we have a way to go and that we may, as a culture, be functioning at different levels of acceptance re: gender in the workplace or in combat.

But I won't accept the work of journalists, like Mr. Coren, who exploit a soldier's death to advance their own agenda; that is what I see when I read the article in question because that is what Michael Coren has done.

(PS: If any of you are hankie-wringers like me, don't read the comments section on the blog "small dead animals" otherwise you might get the impression that the nation is living in the 1950s.)

Some disputation in two posts at Unambiguously Ambidextrous (I have a Dawg in this fight, see "Comments" at the posts):

Swing And A Miss: The Progressives Don’t Get It

Suddenly The Feminists Care About Afghanistan, For Wrong Reasons

jmbest said:
I find the comments on this blog entry: http://www.smalldeadanimals.com/archives/011250.html slightly more annoying than anything else.

Suddenly feel like we're back in 1950.  ::)

The irony is that most of the regulars on this particular blog who support Coren believe that they "support the troops", and are modern conservatives, all for individual responsibility and participation in the nation's affairs.  Also interesting that most of those in support of Coren never served...  kinda puts this garbage in perspective - in particular the attitudes of some members that segment of Canadian citizenry we tend to think supports us.
And now for something completely different,.........lets keep this on topic.
