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Military Intelligence - Primary Reserves


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Does anybody know anything about the training you get for the intelligence reserve? I'm in the process of enlisting in the reserve, and I'm interested in intelligence. Does anybody know what they do exactly? What kind of skills they need? What kinds of people they attract? Is it a trade, and is there training for it?

Any thoughts/advice/insights on this would be much appreciated.

From what I understand, you spend a lot of time looking at pictures.
And in case you're wondering, you won't be doing James Bond type stuff.
let's not go down that road again - substitute military intelligence for CSIS ;D

You only need to start the topic once.

Lets keep it to the other topic you started earlier; http://army.ca/forums/threads/23892.0.html.

Further, Int is one of those trades were you should listen to people who are currently in / have formerly been in the trade, as opposed to what people think Int does. There are a few Int Branch members lurking around here.

Just A Sig Op hit the nail on the head with this comment:
And in case you're wondering, you won't be doing James Bond type stuff.
For a basic backgrounder on what the branch does, go to www.intbranch.org

The Reserve Intelligence Companies are all Army, and focus on Combat Intelligence...which I will post some details on later (when I'm not quite as drunk as I am just now...) is you are interested.


Just wondering... To be in the reg intelligence you have to transfer into it, right? Does it work the same for res intelligence? Meaning, would one have to go through some time in another res MOC before joining the res intel?
Pretty much. Currently, 3 Int Company in Halifax is the only reserve unit hiring off the street. I'm told that they are planning to change that policy in a year or so, once numbers are up where they want them.

Looking at your forum profile, you're from Monteal. In that case I would call 4 Int Coy in Montreal and find out their requirements, in case they have changed the remuster policy.


Just a further to Mr. Morash's last. There are some pretty big differences between a regular force Int Op and a Reserve Int Op. First off, a Reg Int Op has a five-month long QL5A in Kingston, where they train to conduct Land, Air, and Naval intelligence operations, in addition to the basic Int stuff (collation, data management, analysis, Int theory). On the Reserve side, The Army Reserve only trains Int Ops to conduct land operations (plus the basic int stuff), and the course is a shorter version to what the Regulars get (7 weeks total for the QL 3&4). A good deal of experience is gained through additional training at the unit, and through experience developed over time.

Second, while there are many different types of jobs that Int Operators can work in, none of them really qualify as "James Bond"-style activities.   While Sir Ian Flemming was inspired to create the James Bond character because of his involvement with SOE during the Second World War, the modern Int Op does nothing like that. This is a bit of a stereotype that some folks who have no exposure to what we do seem to have, including some folks who are new to the unit and are as yet untrained.   :o

If anyone has any other questions, is there is a fair bit of into out there on what we do. As I mentioned earlier, www.intbranch.org is a good link for background material.

Additionally, 2 Intelligence Company in Toronto also had a very good website, which was available on both the Internet and the DIN. I recommend anyone who is interested/curious about what we do to check out those websites.


Hey there guys.....I just wanted to say hey to the fellas in 3Int coy.........I have passed all my tests and medical and all that good stuff.  Now Im just waiting for the call!! 
  Hope to be there soon
Ps-----  Do you have any idea when the next group will be called for BMQ?  Will it be summertime?

Pretty much. Currently, 3 Int Company in Halifax is the only reserve unit hiring off the street. I'm told that they are planning to change that policy in a year or so, once numbers are up where they want them.

We're currently hiring off the street in 6 Coy right now, same reason - so we can get the numbers up.
No James Bond stuff is OK because he's clearly a wanker. 
6 Int is in Edmonton right? Do they have or need any Int people working in Calgary, maybe at the Brigade HQ? Are the Int staff positions in the regiments filled by the Infantry or Armour MOCs? Do they bother with Int staff at Mewata? Combat Int looks interesting to me but I live in Cowtown. It would be a long commute on Wednesday night.  :crybaby:
What will you do in reserve intelligence? Lots and lots of recognition.... "That's a T-72!"

And whoever is joining 3 Int, welcome... Tomorrow is parade night, see you there.

For the member asking about Calgary.....yes we are currently recrtg....6 Int jst stood up a detachment there so if you are interested go see your rectg center or give us a call at (780) 973 4011 - 5283....and if you think all we do is look at pretty pictures :) ...well currently the Pl I am with has people in 3 theatres of Ops....and suporting of what is left of the reg force structure.....damn you go walk into a Reg Fr unit and you might find more res people feeling in slots dan the reg guys.....reality bites.....

You'll have to clean up your spelling and Grammar for your Briefings and Death by PowerPoint.....
funny....everyone is giving me the same advice.....and they are right....spelling and gramar has never been my strong point....and I dont think it ever will.....but as long as the msg gets across....... :) ....
~RoKo~ said:
We're currently hiring off the street in 6 Coy right now, same reason - so we can get the numbers up.

3Int currently has approx 78 people and they are looking at adding another 90 or so.
They are the largest Res Int Coy in Atlantic Canada
Minor correction...3 Int is the ONLY Int unit in Atlantic Canada. Then Montreal, Toronto, Ottawa, Winnipeg, Edmonton, then Vancouver.

Sorry, my bad.

I have been sleep deprived the last week and had a few to many last night so I was living on water and advil this morning when i posted that..LOL