I actually think that Defence Program Analytics (business intelligence) should be a huge boon to the Reserves. We have to stop having WO and Capts filling in each other's spreadsheets. It is a ridiculous waste of time. If we have good baseline (and well curated) data in systems of records (HRMS, CFTPO, DRMIS etc) as well as the odd bespoke spreadsheet or database properly curated in the Business Warehouse, then reports and returns can and will be updated in seconds.
There are two elements to DPA - good data, and good reports (that answer good questions). Lower levels should focus only on ensuring that we have valid and accurate data, and higher levels (and I mean L1 and L2) should be the ones that create the reports. That ensures that the burden of skill (specialists trained in DPA) does not get transferred to the Armoury floor.
There are over 400 reports already available within the system, Each one of them creates links to data sources of record, and arranges / manipulates them to answer a question, or to provide insight to decision makers. Those reports are easily tailored from the corporate level to the Armoury floor.
DPA is coming, whether you agree or not. If we fight it, we will spend all of our time reporting bad data to unnecessary staff officers. If we leverage it (and the over $1B that the institution has already spent on the system) we will find ourselves with a solid start point for cutting staff bloat. If reports and returns are automated, why do we need all those staff Capts and Majors?
The key here is to automated the mundane, so that we can focus of the sublime. Less reports and return fuckery, and more field training.
My :2c: