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Mobile Support Equipment Operator (MSE Op) [Merged]

geo said:
Cut?.... you're going from being paid 85% of scale to 100% of scale & you call that a cut?... don't think so.  By the sound of things, they have given you a pass on your BQ, SQ & DP1 TQs...  I think you are well ahead of the game... IMHO

yeah i know what u mean I'm just sayin that i go back to the bottom of the barrel.......i worked hard to get 2 were i was, i dont really care thought just have to start over pretty much and work even more harder.....so anyone around here live around there?
K'ton is good for TN.  Lots of trips to TO and OT.  Some SNIC in winter.  Lots of bus. Say hi to Troy H for me (I'll PM my name) and Jamie M. Good guys I've worked with and trained.
There's barracks on base that aren't too bad, but you might go snakey living in.  Do it for a few months to get the feel for the place, then find a place to live with your girl.  There's apartments on base that aren't too-too bad plus MQ's.  Lots of base amenities and the Canex is good. City is MOST EXCELLENT! university town (being from HFX you should know what that means??)  ;)  ;)
Everything you want, however is on the west side, base is on the east side.
Cheers, BYTD

Kingston is an outstanding place to live and work.  In fact, during the most recent posting I just took to Trenton/Belleville 2 years ago the wife and I seriously considered living in Kingston becasue we spend so much time there.

There must be some great websites to check out before heading to Kingston, but it is a fantastic place to live.  There is so much to do and the summers are terrific.  Plenty of festivals, shows and music scene .... restaurants, pubs, shopping .... Princess street .... Queen street ..... fantastic city.

I'm envious ....  ;D
Have fun there .... it will be hard not to.
I believe that Queen's U still offers a list of all the rental accommodations in the city.  Landlords have in the past, listed their properties and Queen's has prepared a list so you might want to check out the Residence and Housing office on campus.    April/May is a great time to find a rental as they have been vacated by the students.  Aug/Sept however, is not such a great time to hunt for a rental as you would be in direct competition with the returning students and landlords have a habit of jacking up the rent if the demand is outstripping the supply of rentals.  I found that waiting until Oct to rent was ideal as most Landlords had reduced their rent just to get the property rented.  A significant savings if you can afford to wait. 

Unless the city bus service has improved since when I was there in 98, you'll find that service to the old township of Pittsburgh (where the base and RMC is) is fairly restrictive.  That hill from the Lasalle bridge to the base, while great for your buns and leg work, sucks at 0200 on a cold winter night when you have to yomp back to the base on foot. 

Queen Mary Road area is high density and has a ton of apartments.  Braebury/Splinter Group have rentals holdings and as far as a Landlord goes, they are great - they usually have townhouses and single homes for rent (they will also consider arranging a rent to own if you're so inclined).  You'll find that the higher the density of housing, the further out you are getting.  There are a few big buildings in the downtown core (Ontario and King Streets for example) but they are hard to get into.  Then there is the "ghetto" which is a hit and miss on whether you've ended up with a slumlord as most of these properties are rented by students.

I bought a house out in the old Kingston Township and found popping along the 401 got me to work/school in plenty of time.   

well i got my flight and everything booked. i fly out on the 25th i land in kingston around 13:25hrs, so i think that's a good time around there just hope my car will b there waiting for me.... :) for now I'm in quarters on base for a Lil bit then ill look for a place after that.
I have only spent a few weekends/nights in Kingston but I have a buddy who is on POET up there now and he hasn't said a bad thing about the Base, School or the city.

Good luck!
Anyone know of MSEOP QL3 course running soon?  I had 4 cancelled on me in last 6 weeks.  Any info would help. Thanks.
They are always running. Are you Reg or PRes?

The PRes should be starting soon. Reg Force ones are ran all year in Borden.
One should be running soon depending on wether or not you are reg or res.  PM me to let me know and I will look into it tomorrow. 
I know a 5's course just got canned for late summer but as with the army anything and everything can change overnight.

TN2IC said:
They are always running. Are you Reg or PRes?

The PRes should be starting soon. Reg Force ones are ran all year in Borden.

I have been in the states on exercise and was unable to respond until now.  I am RES. I've had both RES and REG courses cancelled on me. Any info would give me ammo to push for a course.  Thanks.
If you have DIN you can visit DIN CFSAL Site... it should be able to help you out.

Well I just got back from writingmy CFAT in London. I didn't get my first choice of trade, but I decided to go for MSE OP. I've been doing research and found that it sparked interest. I go for my interview on Tuesday and hope to be recommended for a position. I found out that there is only 5 positions left in the air force ( which is what i want) Does anyone think it's possible that i am offered one of those 5 positions that are left.  And in addition can anyone give me some advice going into this trade?

Can anyone give me any advice for the interview. I have cadet backgound, I 'm hoping that helps.


p.s I hope to be going to BMQ very soon, but I'll ahve to wait and see what happens.
hyland84 said:
I found out that there is only 5 positions left in the air force ( which is what i want)

Doesn't matter if your Air or Army. You get posted to whatever base they send you. So don't take a heart attack when your air force and is posted to 1 SVC BN.

Does anyone think it's possible that i am offered one of those 5 positions that are left.
Depends. Folks are coming and going all the time. Same with most trades.

And in addition can anyone give me some advice going into this trade?
Learn to drive a stick.

Can anyone give me any advice for the interview. I have cadet backgound, I 'm hoping that helps.
May be for leadership, but that is about it. Just tell them the truth on how intrested you are into this trade and how you want it.

Your welcome,

p.s I hope to be going to BMQ very soon, but I'll ahve to wait and see what happens.
Have fun.  ;)
TN2IC said:
Doesn't matter if your Air or Army. You get posted to whatever base they send you. So don't take a heart attack when your air force and is posted to 1 SVC BN.
Depends. Folks are coming and going all the time. Same with most trades.
Learn to drive a stick.
May be for leadership, but that is about it. Just tell them the truth on how intrested you are into this trade and how you want it.
Your welcome,
Have fun.  ;)

Why? We don't have any SMP Vehicles that are Standard any more.  (And no the HLVW doesn't count as it has a torque inverter :P )
Nfld Sapper said:
Why? We don't have any SMP Vehicles that are Standard any more.  (And no the HLVW doesn't count as it has a torque inverter :P )

GPV Stuff.. yes. SMP no..
5 ton... 18 wheeler... Highway Cursier... some heavy equipment etc...
Learn to double clutch.
TN2IC said:
GPV Stuff.. yes. SMP no..
5 ton... 18 wheeler... Highway Cursier... some heavy equipment etc...
Learn to double clutch.

Isnt that what the Driver wheel and T/T Courses are for??

The army will ALWAYS want you to learn it "Their Way" (which isnt always a bad thing....)

And I'm with Tony 18... If you wear Green youd damn well better be gung ho. regardless of Air or Land.. Cause if you go over there, youre gonna be doing the same stuff as everyone else.... I spent about half my tour outside the wire (as in attached to the echolons LdSH and RCR) and the other have in the NSE Tn Motorpool running on CLP's... and #$% happens anytime anywhere out there.... you need to keep your kit wired tight, and be ready for the unexpected..
Truckers are no longer REMFs anymore. and we cant afford to forget that..

I am lumped in with Transport just because I am. I am not a trucker, I don't want to be a trucker, I don't even like sharing the same space as truckers I am a proud tradesman and I would have this view even if I were working in the supply organisation. But what I would like to address is attitude.

There are a lot of what we call "Trucker Commandos" posted on this airforce base. Harder than Hard Army wannabe types who remind us everyday on how soft we are, all the while they stuff their face with a hand full of chips in the canteen.

And then there are the professional drivers. Who know their stuff and are very turned on no matter what element they serve or what environment they placed in.

Remember that while you are in a purple trade DEU matters not. After all its only the color of a hat or the cut of the cloth when on parade. We are all given the same standard of training and its up to the individual on how much of this info they retain and how they react to the situations they are placed or how they portray themselves professionally

We all know that at one point of our careers we will be expected to serve for an element that we are not used to. Whether it be an Army tasking where you are expected to solder on. Or an Airforce/ Navy position where life becomes a little more trivial.  All I ask it that you be prepared for anything. Don't bitch when you are suddenly given a rifle and told to use it. Keep yourself in shape. On the same note, relax when given the chance soak up all the experience you can whether it be sweeping snow off a runway. Refuelling planes/tanks/staff cars.

MSE OP is a very good trade to get into and its is one where the skill sets they give you are very easily transferred on civvy street its diverse enough that you can go to any base and do any number of jobs.
Good Luck to all those that choose it as their career. Hope to see you all darken my doors sometimes.

mover1 said:
I am lumped in with Transport just because I am. I am not a trucker, I don't want to be a trucker, I don't even like sharing the same space as truckers I am a proud tradesman and I would have this view even if I were working in the supply organisation. But what I would like to address is attitude.

There are a lot of what we call "Trucker Commandos" posted on this airforce base. Harder than Hard Army wannabe types who remind us everyday on how soft we are, all the while they stuff their face with a hand full of chips in the canteen.

And then there are the professional drivers. Who know their stuff and are very turned on no matter what element they serve or what environment they placed in.

Remember that while you are in a purple trade DEU matters not. After all its only the color of a hat or the cut of the cloth when on parade. We are all given the same standard of training and its up to the individual on how much of this info they retain and how they react to the situations they are placed or how they portray themselves professionally...

agreed 100%.. im not sure if that is in response to what I wrote... I should have Clarified...

I didnt mean the hat or DEU's, but rather the uniform in general, as in, if you wear CADPAT (and to a similar extend NCD's).... Everyone needs to remember that if they deploy there are many people relying on them to know how to be a basic soldier, sailor or Airman...

I am by no means JTF-2 Super Soldier.... I just hate the people in this job who say, Oh I dont need to worry about that because im a......

I apologize if people took what i said the wrong way.
I wasn't slamming you Tommy. Nor was this in response to what you posted.
I just wanted to forewarn the people who are coming to the trade that this is what you may see in the canteen in Halifax or Gander and not to feel intimidated by them.
