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Just an update: I presented my original docs and submitted security forms today at the RC in Toronto, and I’m high on the priority processing, which is great, I’m booked for CFAT in 2 weeks. I met a 20-year NES Op at the RC, he was a really cool and informative guy. 

They're really busy, but they said intake numbers are higher this year than last, and the trades I applied for are pre-processing.

Hopefully I’ll see you guys one day in Esquimalt! (or Greenwood  :P)
Pat in Halifax said:
A/HoD - Assistant Head of Department qual - shiny new Lt(RCN)s
LCdr - Lieutenant Commander

Ow ! Thanks...I still need to lurk moar!  :)

Pat in Halifax said:
duff, scran, decks, bulkheads, heads etc!!!

Wanabee navy here. The only one I can traduce is «heads»...  :nod:
F3m5h3p said:
Ow ! Thanks...I still need to lurk moar!  :)

Wanabee navy here. The only one I can traduce is «heads»...  :nod:

Duff - Desert
Scran - Food
Decks - Floors
Bulkheads - Walls
Danno1 said:
It would be easier for my wife to build community support and have a safe and close place to go in a dangerous situation, such as civil unrest. There are more ways to get in trouble in the big city than a small town without a Superman like me around.

I might be wrong here, but I would expect the PMQs to be more inaccessible to the public in a small community than a big city, and more closely situated to the base. Please correct me if I'm wrong, I know I know A S S -U-ME.

Not trying to derail here, but why do you think a small town situation would be better than a larger city like Halifax? Seem to me that there may be more resources available to the family, more choices for social and recreational as well as employment opportunities. The larger cities would be more accessible for extended family to travel to for visits. Big downside of small town life is that everyone knows your business.

As for the whole civil unrest comment ...  :facepalm:
cupper said:
Not trying to derail here, but why do you think a small town situation would be better than a larger city like Halifax? Seem to me that there may be more resources available to the family, more choices for social and recreational as well as employment opportunities. The larger cities would be more accessible for extended family to travel to for visits. Big downside of small town life is that everyone knows your business.

As for the whole civil unrest comment ...  :facepalm:

I tend to get ahead of myself, and you and Aviator are right, I draw conclusions on limited information. Regarding the civil unrest comment, I do have concerns about that, but it's not apprioriate for this thread.

Anyway, Halifax, Eqsuimalt and Ottawa would be excellent postings, and in truth the wife would prefer those postings to small towns, it's more of my excess worry and urban paranoia that leads to romanticizing small towns. I have no evidence to suggest PMQs are any different or safer or tighter knit in small towns than bigger cities, every situation is different, and it's far too early to be thinking about those things.

Thanks for the input.
On a side note, are you no longer able to edit your own posts after a certain period of time passes?

I notice I don't have the edit or modify option on my posts from the start of this thread. Is that normal?

Be careful with the word "duff;" it may mean dessert in the Navy but in Air Force slang it means (meant, anyway) rumour as in "duff gen" which means incorrect or, at least, unconfirmed information. This Air Force slang to led to our (peacetime) message heading of NODUFF which meant: "this is real, not part of exercise traffic."
E.R. Campbell said:
Be careful with the word "duff;" it may mean dessert in the Navy but in Air Force slang it means (meant, anyway) rumour as in "duff gen" which means incorrect or, at least, unconfirmed information. This Air Force slang to led to our (peacetime) message heading of NODUFF which meant: "this is real, not part of exercise traffic."

Good to know.
And "rounds!" does not mean that the ASLt at the doorway is buying beer......as the grizzled PO explained after shooing the officer away, and we explained that we weren't Navy -- just at FDU(P) for a course.  ;D