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MPAC *new* question


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Hi everyone. I realize there are way too many posts and questions here regarding the MPAC. So I am avoiding any questions I have; however, today I just got the call to attend the MPAC, and it happens to be 7 days long. Can someone explain that to me? As far as I knew the MPAC only lasted a few days, I think around 3. Either way I'm positive things will work out, but has anyone else heard of this extended MPAC?
First of all, congrats on your MPAC Invite. I'm still waiting for mine! I was told I should hear by Monday the 20th.

7 days is new to me too, as I was also told by a Ret. Lt.Col that was HEAVILY involved with the MP's that MPAC lasted 2.5-3 days max. 3 days is also what's listed on different sources of info for the MP recruitment process. I know they are taking quite a few applicants for this MPAC though. 120 was the number I was told. A friend who attended the MPAC in June told me there were only 30(ish) applicants on that MPAC. Maybe they aren't use to having this many applicants, and wouldn't have time to process 120 in 3 days, therefore, extending to 7 days.

Congrats again on your invite, best of luck.

Guess I'll be spending my day off by the phone tomorrow!
Thanks Precept..I was getting pretty impatient much like you are. I'm sure the call will come very soon. Where did you hear this number of 120? I know it probably is a Guesstimate, but that seems like ALOT of people. Almost makes the chance to get hired next to none. You'd think they'd be more strict then on who they invite to the MPAC and limit it to around 30-40.

Give me a heads up if you get the call. It'd be nice knowing someone going in there.

Just imagine though..7 days staying at Borden, it's almost surreal to think that they could extend it that long. Should be quite the experience.
Well. The Captain that did my Interview told me they have 57 immediate positions they need filled, and they send twice the number they need to the MPAC. So if this is true, there will be about 114 people at MPAC.
Oops, late night first post after work not such a great idea.. haha! Congrats on the invite, maybe I'll see you there.