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MPs in the field?

For the record here, getting out of a car/shack to direct traffic for a while isn't really in the spirit of LDA.

Ask yourself if you have spent just one night on the job in the last year under the stars and exposed to the bugs and rain.

3/4 of Wainwright and CTC pers could say yes.  Thank god they stopped LDA for MPs.
Well I for one have spent many MANY nights out in the rain, manning defensive positions, bugging out of freshly dug shell scraps and enjoyed trenches half full of water while my armoured bretheren were nice and warm in their AFV's...

And for the record, I could care less about LDA.
MP 811 said:
Well I for one have spent many MANY nights ...

And for the record, I couldn't care less about LDA.

1.  Then you were likely in a job that deserved LDA.

2.  I call BS.  Unless you are independently wealthy, nobody would say they do not care about $300-$700/month.
Petamocto said:
For the record here, getting out of a car/shack to direct traffic for a while isn't really in the spirit of LDA.

Ask yourself if you have spent just one night on the job in the last year under the stars and exposed to the bugs and rain.

3/4 of Wainwright and CTC pers could say yes.  Thank god they stopped LDA for MPs.

Well I guess Ignorance to what MP's actually do is still alive and flourishing.
MP 811 said:
Well I for one have spent many MANY nights out in the rain, manning defensive positions, bugging out of freshly dug shell scraps and enjoyed trenches half full of water while my armoured bretheren were nice and warm in their AFV's...

Here's a news flash....AFVs leak and half the time the heaters are pooched. Turret crews are always exposed to the elements.     

Petamocto said:
1.  Then you were likely in a job that deserved LDA.

2.  I call BS.  Unless you are independently wealthy, nobody would say they do not care about $300-$700/month.

Call BS all you want, I live within my means my friend!  I work on an Air Force Base where LDA is just a three letter acronym.  I'm sure as hell not complaining about what I get now.  Offer me more?..............sure I'll take it, but I could care less about this whole LDA debacle.  I live a decent life doing the things I like to do on my free time.
Der Panzerkommandant.... said:
Here's a news flash....AFVs leak and half the time the heaters are pooched. Turret crews are always exposed to the elements.     


thought that would get a zipperhead going!...........lol.  I have all the respect for crewman and all combat arms in general.  I played infantry back in the days when my back and knee's could take the abuse.  Loved being a soldier and was of the belief that if you weren't wet, tired, dirty cold, and generally miserable, you weren't experiencing the field.  Alas, I'm at an age now where the old body just cant hack it anymore.  The guys in the Cougars were always willing to hook up a poor wet jock with a hot cup of coffee!
Fotoshark said:
Forgive me but what does LDA stand for ?

Land Duty Allowance (LDA)

See http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/93960.0.html
Michael O'Leary said:
Land Duty Allowance (LDA)

See http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/93960.0.html

Thank you :)
Petamocto said:
A bit anecdotal, but I experienced an absolutely brutal MPO case last fall where a candidate had passed 3/5 mods on BMOQ-L then failed.  For his own good, we suggested he actually return for the navigation mod (in the field) because sitting stagnant for a few months he would probably lose that skill and lose his field fitness.  He actually had tears in his eyes begging me not to have to do those two weeks again because they were in the field.

I am not suggesting that all MPs are like that, but there was a small cheer in the office when the notice came out that he would lose LDA.


Unfortunatly there are a lot of MPs like that and it's embarrassing to the trade.  I went through training and worked with guys like that and it makes you ashamed to be an MP sometimes.  They keep pushing people through that probably shouldn't be since we are hurting for people so much.  Ask yourself, would you rather work 4 on, 2 off with someone you can trust?  Or the normal 5 on, 5 off but with someone that can't even bend over to tie their own shoes? (not intending to offend anybody)  :-\
FWIW, I'll be in the field doing Army stuff 5 of the next 8 weeks without permanent LDA (only CLDA, which over the course of the year is scraps compared to LDA).

Very strange that I spend far more time in the field in a non-LDA unit than I ever did in a light battalion with LDA, even being a platoon commander for half of it.
MrPickles18 said:

Unfortunatly there are a lot of MPs like that and it's embarrassing to the trade.  I went through training and worked with guys like that and it makes you ashamed to be an MP sometimes.  They keep pushing people through that probably shouldn't be since we are hurting for people so much.  Ask yourself, would you rather work 4 on, 2 off with someone you can trust?  Or the normal 5 on, 5 off but with someone that can't even bend over to tie their own shoes? (not intending to offend anybody)  :-\

If that's days per week, you guys have it real tough.  I won't even get into spec pay.      ::)

Petamocto said:
FWIW, I'll be in the field doing Army stuff 5 of the next 8 weeks without permanent LDA (only CLDA, which over the course of the year is scraps compared to LDA).

Very strange that I spend far more time in the field in a non-LDA unit than I ever did in a light battalion with LDA, even being a platoon commander for half of it.

Every instructor at the Armour School is in the same boat, if not worse, most averaging 9-10 months in the field instructing courses or on task.

Der Panzerkommandant.... said:
...Every instructor at the Armour School is in the same boat, if not worse...

My post was not at all to suggest that the Infantry School is the only one going to the field in CTC.  I know we're all in the same boat.

In fact, I think CMTC Wainwright deserves it the most in the CF and they don't even get it.

I can not allow myself to think that this wrong will not be righted at some point though.  The two groups of people who spend more time in the field than anyone else, CMTC and CTC, not getting LDA is a massive oversight and thankfully I know people are working at higher levels at least attempting to remedy it.

Of course it's a double-whammy because not only do you not get the money, but you lose out on the incentive points too so when you do go back to a unit you're making hundreds less per month.

Can't remember where I heard this but don't MPs have some kind of job at embassies also?
Klinkaroo said:
Can't remember where I heard this but don't MPs have some kind of job at embassies also?
Guarding Canadian Embassies abroad?

Not 100% sure, but some MP here can confirm/deny. 
Klinkaroo said:
Can't remember where I heard this but don't MPs have some kind of job at embassies also?

Yes they do. A freind of mine is a MP and he just got posted to the embassy in Manila.
IF you collect CLDA for 30 days in a month, its actually could me more $$ then a person getting LDA.

Its also taxable. 
Law & Order said:
IF you collect CLDA for 30 days in a month, its actually could me more $$ then a person getting LDA.

Its also taxable.

You can only collect CLDA ( or any of the environmental allowances) up to that of the highest monthly LDA rate.

205.335(2) (Limit) The total amount of Casual Land Duty Allowance payable in a calendar month to a member shall not exceed the highest monthly rate set out in the Table to CBI 205.33 (Land Duty Allowance).
