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My Obstacles to Joining the Canadian Infantry

Hoot 33,
Unless you get a cancellation vacancy from the Nov 26 BMQ start you will get 7 Jan 08 or later position as we are loading that serial now. Make sure you let your MCC know that you are ready and available on short notice if a vacancy opens up. Good luck.
Should I let them know that at the interview/medical on wednesday or should I wait to hear from them following that?
So I did my interview and medical yesterday.

It was pretty interesting, the place was packed so it took about 5 hours.

My medical results were I have HBP (High Blood Pressure) and an irregular heart beat, so I was given some forms to take to my family doctor, have an appointment for Monday, would those stop me from joining the CF??

Then my interview was great, I found out the results of my Cfat and was offered an officer position, all I have to do is get 2 more credits, I spoke with the Captain for awhile regarding this to make sure that if I turn it down the opportunity will still be there later, I realize it is a great opportunity but it would take up until September of next year to get to a BMQ and this way I am in in January.

There was a credit issue as well that I was unaware of, a $500 bill dating back to 2003 that I had no idea about, it will be paid by next week and this whole process should be just about over :D.

Thanks again for reading.
will High blood pressure & irregular heartbeats be a problem?

It all depends how bad you have em.
Only your doc & our docs will be able to figure that out

Good luck
I dont think I have them very bad. Ive never had a problem with them. I tested my blood pressure a few days before the medical and it was 120 over 75.

As for the irregular heart beat Im not very sure. I have an appointment on monday for my doctor hopefully it goes well.
When I did my medical, my first blood pressure reading wasa bit high, but when I relaxed and calmed down a bit later they did a second reading and it was fine. Did they only give you one reading?
Ya only one reading, the PO that was there seemed a little impatient.

Im going to my doctor on monday so we'll get everything squared away, Im not really worried about it because I have never had any health problems I dont see this being a big deal.
sounds good.

I was just nervous I guess but when I was doing the second portion of my medical with the medical officer he joked about how it was a test and that I would be nervous and was pretty friendly and was able to calm me down and everything went smoothly from there for me.

Hopefully everything goes good with you at your appointment, heck maybe we will end up in the same bmq. I am shooting for a january start, I just need to get into the recruiting center to do my interview, but I gotta travel an hour to get there so booking it is kinda hard with my work schedule and stuff but I will manage lol.

good luck again.
you too man, ya like I said Im shooting for an early january BMQ, just have to get into the doctors and get a bill paid off.

Pm me when you know your BMQ, what trade are you joining?
my first choice was infantry and my second choice was signal operator...I will probably get in infantry but I was told signal operator was an in demand moc so who knows. I will take either one if and when I get an offer haha they are both very appealing to me.
So I had my doctors appointment yesterday, Doc said blood pressure was fine and I dont have an irregular heartbeat. He also questioned the qualifications of the PO that did my medical.

After the appointment he refused to sign the papers I have been given because I have not been in his care for long, now Ive been instructed to test my own blood pressure at shoppers drug mart and record the results for 2 weeks. Ive made an appointment for 2 weeks from now and he has told me he will sign the papers then.


Thanks all. Dylan
Glad to hear that your ticker is doing well and that your BP is under control....
Might I suggest that you schedule another visit to the recruiting centre -  immediately following your doc's next consultation.

Good luck
they told me all I needed to do was mail the forms and drop off a paper saying my invoice had been paid. Any particular reason for the appointment?
Just thinking that things are always better done when you do things face to face (mano y mano)
the Recruiting centre and most of the CF go into slow mode at the begining of December & +/- stop mode between Dec 15th & Jan 8th... the sooner things go in, the sooner things get done.... IMHO
When I had to get a medical form filled out, I just brought it into the CFRC on a Monday and had the front desk hold onto untill the medic arrived(he only came in on Wednesday) and there were no problems.
ok so I had my doctors appointment, first appointment he wouldnt fill out the forms because I am a fairly new patient. Second appointment he filled them out saying Im perfectly healthy.

Mailed the forms away yesterday, express, tracked it, its been delivered.

Im still waiting on this darn collection agency though, Ive been calling them for 2 weeks and still no results.

Better do it fast if I want to make an early 08 BMQ.
if you owe money that is in collections, may i suggest contacting the original lender (if it is a credit card company). Sometimes their collections departments are eager to make a deal, I have in the past ended up with a couple nice offers (such as no interest and only principle, or 75% or sometimes lower of the principle balance if you pay it off in full). If they are not willing to work with you, they will be able to give you the numbers of who exactly is handling your account, and the agencys are also often eager to work out a deal, especially if you are willing to pay it off right now.

Good Luck
I contacted the original lender multiple times they say there is nothing they can do and that I need to go directly through the collection agency.

They still havent gotten ahold of me I have left them 2 contact numbers.

Patiently Waiting.
