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My Obstacles to Joining the Canadian Infantry

Hoot, WRT the collection agency.
Contact them, write to them and retain proof that you have made your damndest to resolve the issue.
The CF will frown on doing things in bad faith BUT, your inability to get things resolved in spite of your good faith will be worth something.
I cant get ahold of the collection agency because I have no idea who they are. My gas company will not let me know who they are they simply say wait 72 hours and they will contact me, to no avail yet.

I will call them again first thing monday to get the ball rolling.
hoot33 said:
I cant get ahold of the collection agency because I have no idea who they are. My gas company will not let me know who they are they simply say wait 72 hours and they will contact me, to no avail yet.

I will call them again first thing monday to get the ball rolling.

I am not sure, but I believe the original company must tell you who is handling your account in collections. Also if that doesnt work, call equifax and transunion and get a free credit report mailed out to you, takes about a week and a half to get it, but anything in collections will be shown there, and the collection agency handling it. If there is no number you should be able to google the agency's name and find a number.
hoot33 said:

Im still waiting on this darn collection agency though, Ive been calling them for 2 weeks and still no results.

hoot33 said:
I contacted the original lender multiple times they say there is nothing they can do and that I need to go directly through the collection agency.

They still havent gotten ahold of me I have left them 2 contact numbers.

Patiently Waiting.


hoot33 said:
I cant get ahold of the collection agency because I have no idea who they are. My gas company will not let me know who they are they simply say wait 72 hours and they will contact me, to no avail yet.

I will call them again first thing monday to get the ball rolling.

You've been calling the collection agency for two weeks, but you have no idea who they are?
No, Ive been calling the gas compnany the original debt was with, they say the only way to handle the situation is for them to call their head office, head office calls the collection agency then the agency contacts me, but as I said, so far nothing, in really starting to get angry with this.

hoot33 said:
No, Ive been calling the gas compnany the original debt was with, they say the only way to handle the situation is for them to call their head office, head office calls the collection agency then the agency contacts me, but as I said, so far nothing, in really starting to get angry with this.


Just pay the damned bill.

Then it won't matter who the collection agency is.

And don't tell me that you can't pay the bill except to the collection agency - that's BS - been there, done that.

Get this thing cleared up - it won't do you any good at the recruiting centre.
Im trying to pay the damned bill but the gas company is not budging for me they say there is no way I can pay the bill to them, I absolutely have to go through the collection agency.

It may have been BS in your situation but don't assume you know exactly what the company or agency Im dealing with is doing.

Trust me I want to get this done more than anyone or I wouldn't have come this far.

hoot, relax the tone of your posts, just a bit of advice. Other than that, if the Gas company is saying you absolutely must pay to the CA, then you should be demanding they absolutely must give you the contact information. other than that do what Roy said, pay it online using the account number... most likely they will not turn down the money and will do the rest on their end.
Ill call them again on monday, and see if there is any other way I can go about this, hopefully there is but we will see, I will let everyone know.

what is the gas company you are dealing with? I might be able to find out who the CA is the deal with.... usually a company only works with one collection agency
I would have paid the bill when i got it in the first place.

I know, i'm crazy that way
hoot33 said:
Im trying to pay the damned bill but the gas company is not budging for me they say there is no way I can pay the bill to them, I absolutely have to go through the collection agency.

It may have been BS in your situation but don't assume you know exactly what the company or agency Im dealing with is doing.

Trust me I want to get this done more than anyone or I wouldn't have come this far.


I understand that you're frustrated.  C'est le guerre.

Pay the gas company (I do it online - you can do likewise or take your last bill from them to a bank, and pay it there).  I GUARANFUCKINTEE that once you've done that, the Collection Agency won't be bothering you anymore.

Your situation may be such that the gas company has sold your debt to the Collection Agency - in which case there will be some hiccups - the Collection Agency wants it's money, after all.  Pay the bill (and any penalties that may have accrued) either online or at any major bank, deal with the hiccups (this may involve LOTS of phone calls - but you'll now be the PAID complainant, not the ACCOUNT DUE one), and you'll be good to go.

Once that's done, check your credit rating - make sure that this incident is cleared up, you'll be good to go.

Do that, and you'll be alright - spouting off on internet forums is a forgiveable weakness - I suffer from it myself.

How much are we talking here for this to be such a major issue?? Maybe the CA isnt too worried about returning your calls cause it's a piddily bill.
How much are we talking here for this to be such a major issue?? Maybe the CA isnt too worried about returning your calls cause it's a piddily bill.

Personally I dont believe the CA's care about the amount of the bill, they just want their money. My wife was hassled by a collector (and I mean hassled, called at work, harassed, sworn at) for about a month. The bill was $86, for late library books that we had taken back. She refused to pay to fee for replacing the book because as before mentioned she took it back. I eventually called the CA and complained about the agents behavior as I had recorded one of his calls and we never heard from the agency again. We talked directly to the library and got the matter resolved.
JBoyd said:
My wife was hassled by a collector (and I mean hassled, called at work, harassed, sworn at) for about a month. The bill was $86, for late library books that we had taken back. She refused to pay to fee for replacing the book because as before mentioned she took it back. I eventually called the CA and complained about the agents behavior as I had recorded one of his calls and we never heard from the agency again. We talked directly to the library and got the matter resolved.

That is illegal. No wonder they stopped after you called the agency and complained.
Recce By Death said:
That is illegal. No wonder they stopped after you called the agency and complained.

yes, very illegal indeed... his supervisor was skeptical that the agent had used cursing in the conversations.. until I proved it... I also mentioned that if they wanted to continue with her that the account should be switched over to another agent, and that if it happened again I would start going down the legal channels..
i would have paid the bill in the first place as well, but it was not my bill. The account was put in my name by a family member without my permission, I was 17 at the time. I didnt find out about it until my interview.

The amount is $500.00 so I would assume they would pay some attention to it.

I just got off the phone with them again 5 minutes ago after yelling, pleading etc and the guarantee me the only thing they can do is email there head office and they have no information about the collection agency.

The company Im dealing with is Enbridge Gas Inc.

If anyone has been through this with them and knows the agency they use please let me know.


If that is the case, you should be doing a fraud report with your local police department and get that person charged with the offence.  Then you won't be held accountable for the money.  However, you will have to testify in court against them, which shouldn't be a big issue, since being a criminal should preclude anyone from familial considerations. 
hoot33 said:
i would have paid the bill in the first place as well, but it was not my bill. The account was put in my name by a family member without my permission, I was 17 at the time. I didnt find out about it until my interview.

The amount is $500.00 so I would assume they would pay some attention to it.

I just got off the phone with them again 5 minutes ago after yelling, pleading etc and the guarantee me the only thing they can do is email there head office and they have no information about the collection agency.

The company Im dealing with is Enbridge Gas Inc.

If anyone has been through this with them and knows the agency they use please let me know.



Wow yeah I imagine they would pay attention to that but it's incredible they can't provide the name of the company that they enaged to collect a bill.  I guess they sold the bill and now care less...bad customer relations if you ask me.
zipperhead_cop said:
If that is the case, you should be doing a fraud report with your local police department and get that person charged with the offence.  Then you won't be held accountable for the money.  However, you will have to testify in court against them, which shouldn't be a big issue, since being a criminal should preclude anyone from familial considerations. 

The account was originally opened with my mother, I simply cant press charges against a family member regardless.

Im in the process of getting an equifax credit report done am hoping I will have it taken care of this week.
