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My recruiting story.

    No i suppose it isn't. It worries me how much this offends you.
Unglunk said:
     No i suppose it isn't. It worries me how much this offends you.


It worries you?

I would think that someone keen on being a professional, would try to be professional.  When people's lives are on the line, there is no room for incorrect communications.  That is both verbal and written.  That is both Civilian and Military.  We are trying to keep this a "professional" site and encouraging all members to improve themselves and become more "professional".  Gutter Talk, MSN Speak, etc. really are not what we consider a step in the right direction.

Milnet.ca Conduct Guidelines: MUST READ

Unglunk said:
     No i suppose it isn't. It worries me how much this offends you.

I'm worried about why you are worried...

- Incorrect spelling can lead to misinterpretations. 

- What with a lack of face-to-face communication, it is also one of the few yardsticks by which members can be measured.  Those with better grammar and punctuation are more likely to be 'listened to' seriously, if not more highly regarded.

- Third, its one way to set this site apart from the fly-by-nite MSN-speak forums.  If you want to talk serious, be serious enough to take time and spell/punctuate.

- Fourth, its in the rules (see George's post above).

- Also, IMO, most members here have a highly conservative nature due to most being former CF members, possibly even so far as to be labelled 'anal retentive'.  If we can't criticize a person for having sloppy dress and decorum, then by golly, we'll come aboard'em for being a sloppy speller!

Back to the point:

I would like to say Im impressed with goyter for following through on this issue.  Too many posters seem to make their comments and then disappear when their complaints dont net them any sympathy. 

Keep up the good work!
    I now understand that this is a formal site and i will keep this in mind when posting.

    My current occupation of 9 years now, already makes me a "professional" and found that comment to be a little offensive. Over the past 9 years i have had many patients that have been in life threatening situations and my communication skills,  written or verbal,  have always been understood and in no way made the patients outcome worse as a result of this.

    I also can't help but wonder what happened to the initial topic at hand regarding this persons educational hurdle to become NCM Infantry. I was simply trying to offer some help for this person and got dumped on for my life threatening lack of spacing after punctuation.
Poor you. You're going to have a tough go should you ever make it to basic.

Just take Mr. Wallace's correction and move on. Stop making something more out of it, and like you said... return to the topic at hand.

Mod edit: removal of personal info
    "poor me"?  I never wanted to get in to any of this petty nonsense to begin with. I would like nothing more then to get back to the topic at hand. I don't feel sorry for myself at all, especially based on a few comments from a person who knows nothing about me and is quick to judge, purely based on some punctuation errors.

    As far as basic goes, i realize it has many challenges, but many things in life do that are worth while. I'm in very good mental and physical shape and certainly don't mind a little hard work, so this really isn't something i'm not prepared for. I look forward to all of the challenges the future has to offer.

    I also hope we can drop this endless peeing match.

Back to topic then, I think we can all agree that no matter whether you join the CF or not, you really need to finish off your high school education if you want to get anywhere in this world...
Well, i don't know if your joining Res or Reg. But i put in my application before i had 15 credits, so i had to wait 2 months, but, they allowed me in afterwards with 16 credits. I suppose it does depend on Res or Regs though.
I just completed one of my classes in august and recieved five more high school credits, putting me up to 30. Since I last posted I became an apprentice auto painter, Ill be starting my apprentaceship fall 2009. I decided To now go into the reserve force and hope to be in by january. I only need 3 more credits, other than that I shouldn't have any problem with the rest of the recruiting process.