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Name This Photo!!! - The AFV Recognition Thread

soviet T-28
In many ways similar to the British Vickers A1E1 Independent tank. This tank greatly influenced tank design in the period between the wars, although only one prototype was manufactured in 1926. The Kirov Factory in Leningrad began manufacturing a tank, which was based on the British Independent in 1932. The T-28 tank was officially approved on August 11, 1933. The T-28 had one large turret with a 76.2mm gun and two smaller turrets with 7.62mm machine guns. A total of 503 T-28 tanks were manufactured over a period of 8 years from 1933 to 1941.

Your pic apparently comes from here....

tied up with other things & no time to dig up a new challenge.... Anyone ???
M-39 Armored Utility Vehicle


Someone please post a piccie. :salute:
Jungle said:
T-10 heavy tank ??

Wrong hull.  Doesn't have the distinctive glacis of the IS-3/T-10, and has no return rollers and one less road wheel compared to the IS-2/3 and T-10 designs.  It also doesn't have the distinctive gap between first and second roadwheels of a T-54/55. That probably means a T-34 chassis?

That rear-facing MG though... wasn't that mostly on Soviet heavy tanks?

Did someone try to graft a IS-2 turret onto a T-34? The shape of the turret doesn't look like the T34/100mm prototypes, and I didn't see a rear facing MG on those either.

Swiss ? -> No.

This is not Nam. There are rules! SCNR
Normally there is only one quiz running at any given time. If you guess one you get the right to post something new. Sometime´s a winner don´t want to post a pic and give´s the round free. Who posts the first new pic then is the next.

ironduke57 said:
This is not Nam. There are rules! SCNR
Normally there is only one quiz running at any given time. If you guess one you get the right to post something new. Sometime´s a winner don´t want to post a pic and give´s the round free. Who posts the first new pic then is the next.

Isn't there also a completely different thread for Air Craft?
Hazard a guess that its a sketch of the JS-2 prototype.  Same rearward facing machine gun and  overall layout.
