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Name This Photo!!! - The AFV Recognition Thread

The T6 looks like this:


I have been all over the M2 lights, M2 mediums, Sherman prototypes, etc. and this thing doesn't come up anywhere.

The mystery tanks VVSS suspension is not quite like the American standard tanks'. Likewise the angularness of the glacis is most unamerican. The drive wheel is VERY unlike the US tanks. The turret looks kinda American but could be something else?

Either it's a mystery prototype, or a postwar redesign for export.

But more likely it's not US, but something werid and exotic. Brazillian or something...



Doesn't look like it. Wrong turret, glacis, drive wheel, etc.

vG said:

Doesn't look like it. Wrong turret, glacis, drive wheel, etc.


Hmm, looking again, the T20E1 and T22E1 both have 75 mm guns and the HVSS, but the hull shape at the front seems to be a bit different from the picture.
T6 - prototype of the Sherman  -  No.

T-14 Assault tank  -  No.

the M2 lights, M2 mediums, Sherman prototypes -  No.

a mystery prototype, or a postwar redesign for export  -  No

it's not US -  Correct

Brazilian -  No

Other views below.

It is not Ram 1, Ram 2 or Grizzly either.  Some hull similarities to the Australian Sentinel (which was also bogey suspension), but not close enough for a match.
There are some similarities with the M5 tank, but with an extra set of bogies each side. Its not the X1A1, too old for that. The uniform head gear looks French or perhaps Spanish.
This one is missing the modularity of the Sherman drive train... You'd have to dismantle the entire front end to get at it... VS dropping one part....  Also, looks to have a very low silhouette - too low ?
. . . Ram 1, Ram 2 or Grizzly . . .  Australian Sentinel  -  No
. . . M5 tank  . . . X1A1 . . . French or perhaps Spanish  -  No.
Thanks for the joke. ;) Was this vehicle the base for the CC MB2 (X1A2) series of light tanks, made from 1980 
Argentinan Nahuel (Medium Tank Nahuel D.L. 43)





The Tanque 'Nahuel', Modelo DL 43 was a medium tank designed and built in Argentina in 1943. The name means Tiger in Araucano, an native langauge of the south of Argentina. Contrary to what is popularly believed, it was a totally indigenous design, and not a copy of the U.S. M4 'Sherman'. It's design was "inspired" by the M4, but it was not a copy. The photo on the left above shows Teniente Coronel (Lt. Colonel) Alfredo Baisi, the designer of the tank. Both photos above were taken on July the 9th, though, 4 years apart. July 9th being Argentina's independence day.

Like the M4, the 'Nahuel' was armed with a 75mm main gun, and there was a co-axially mounted 12.7mm, and
three hull-mounted 7,65mm machine guns.

This tank had a 5-man crew, and was powered by a 500 hp engine giving it a top speed of 25 mph and a range of approximately 150 miles. It had armor of 80mm maximum.

Ironically, after only 16 of these tanks were produced, production of the Nahuel ceased and U.S. M4s were supplied to Argentina. More detailed information about this tank can be found in the 1972 article "Ancora dal Sudamerica"- by Dr. Georg von Rauch in the magazine Eserciti e Armi.
chanman said:
Argentinan Nahuel (Medium Tank Nahuel D.L. 43)

And we have a winner!

(An odd thought came to mind - is an Argentine "Tango" callsign an armoured vehicle or a dance partner?)
Blackadder1916 said:
(An odd thought came to mind - is an Argentine "Tango" callsign an armoured vehicle or a dance partner?)

Depends on the music.

A three beat; Bap! Bap! Bap! Someone's knocking on my door............and I would say it is an Armoured Veh.

A little livelier tune, with mirangas and it is probably a long legged Latino dance partner.
Blackadder1916 said:
And we have a winner!

Was it cheating to google "Tank OR AFV" and random major South American countries?  ;D

This next one is for the redlegs like vG...

