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NCM SEP Applicant Question


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Anyone heard when selections will be made for NCM SEP applicants, or if they have already began to be made?

Also, if anyone is an NCM SEP applicant feel free to share your application process so far.
Hey, kman.

I have been going at this for the past two years. Talked to the guys at the New West recruiting centre in June of 2010. I have 6 years of experience dealing with basic first aid situations as a lifeguard and some Business Communications courses from university and I decided that Med Tech would be the way to go. They told me that Med Techs need the equivalent of PCP training in BC, and to be a PCP you need to be certified as an EMR. They also recommended that I take a Biology 12 equivalent since I only did Chem and Physics in HS. So for the past two years I have been working to pay the rent, getting my education updated, and hunting down references for my application.

Applied in to the CF in August 2011, applied to the Justice Institute in October, was tested, interviewed and got accepted into the Primary Care Paramedic program at the JI in November, took the CF aptitude test in December, did the medical exam in January '12 and later did my interview where the Captain was smiling one second and making me sweat bullets the next. Just recieved my job offer earlier this March for a contract of 6 years at ASU Chilliwack. Now its just attending my enrollment ceremony on April 4th and starting my Primary Care Paramedic course (April 2nd).

I am so nervous, sure I got everything right leading up to this point but I really want to nail my PCP training. From the sound of things BMQ will have me doing alot of things I haven't done before in an environment I have never been in before, but I can adapt and learn. For my EMR training most of the students were at the same level in terms of experience and ability. But for my PCP interview I was with one guy who had seen heavy action in Afghanistan (didn't think he was CF, sounded like he was US Army) and a lady who managed the ER ward at a major hospital in BC. Then there was me, Mr. Lifeguard, granted I probably had cleaned up more pieces of poop than that Army guy had dodged bullets.

I want to prove to myself, more than anything else, that I can take all my book-smarts and apply them to real-life situations or at least super intense simulations.
Ariconius said:
Just recieved my job offer earlier this March for a contract of 6 years at ASU Chilliwack.

Just in case there is some confusion ( don't want you to be disappointed later), your "contract" is not for 6 years at ASU Chilliwack. It is for 6 years wherever the CF wants and it could be multiple places anywhere in Canada.
Yes, I was hoping for it to be otherwise. From talking to another med-tech it seemed that they spent about a year to a year and a half at their first posting gaining clinical experience before being sent elsewhere. At least Chilliwack is only a 20 minute drive from where I live and a 30 minute drive from where my parents live.

The one thing I don't know is how long the average posting lasts for. What factors do rank, years of experience and trade play in a soldier getting a say in the duration of their posting? (I have seen a few guys at the recruiting centre, fairly young Cpls + MCpls and they have been there for at least three years, or is that not an applicable example?)
Ariconius said:
What factors do rank, years of experience and trade play in a soldier getting a say in the duration of their posting?

While you are always asked what your preferences are, that decision rests entirely out of your hands. What you prefer is at the bottom of the list of considerations.

I can't speak for the average posting length for a Med Tech.

ASU Chilliwack is small so i would not pin any sort of hope of being posted there as a new member and i would not hold my breath in the hopes of being posted there later on. It is not impossible but...........

You live close to Chilliwack, i get it but if i were you, i would warm up to the idea of moving away and not moving back for however long your career is going to be.
Hello I have finished all my application process as of end of February of this year merit listed and was wondering if there was any or when selection for SEP is, AVN tech current student at canadore college Aircraft maintenace finishing first year and was hoping to finish basic this summer while I'm waiting to go back to school. Any info would help thanks or what to expect...excited to be apart of the Canadian forces :)
Hello all,

I had applied for the NCM SEP as a W ENG tech in January, aced my test, medical & interview, and was merit listed in mid-March. Last Friday, I was called by my career counsellor, informing me that the school that I had been accepted to, The Marine Institute in St. John's, would not be offering courses in my field again until fall 2013. Now I'm scrambling to apply to other schools from the list he gave me in time to still be considered.

Realistically, do I still have a shot, or am I better off switching to NCM and going straight in? Any advice would be appreciated.
Hey, applied in February of this year for NCM-SEP Med Tech.  At first I thought I had a slim chance for getting into the program this year.  I applied for a PCP program at CTS College and got accepted for the May 2012 start date.  I was informed by the recruitment centre in March that I had not been selected this time around for NCM-SEP.  A couple weeks later I went in to check the status of my file for Combat Engineer and it turned out that I was selected for Med Tech and that someone there made a mistake.  Getting sworn in May 9th, starting class May 14th.  Anyone else getting sworn in then?